# webpack-bootstrap-ui-kit Webpack Bootstrap 4 UI Demo This UI Kit allows you to build Bootstrap 4 webapp with some extra UI features. It's easy to extend and easy to convert HTML templates to CMS templates. # Demo https://rawcdn.githack.com/a2nt/webpack-bootstrap-ui-kit/master/dist/index.html # Quick Start Clone and setup quick start repository: git clone https://github.com/a2nt/webpack-bootstrap-ui-kit-quick-start.git cd ./webpack-bootstrap-ui-kit-quick-start npm install Edit files at ./src Start development server at yarn start Build your files to ./dist: yarn build ## Directory structure src/ - your sources -- src/scss/_variables.scss - specific app variables -- src/scss/_layout.scss - specific app style -- src/html - HTML templates -- src/js/_events.js - app events definitions -- src/js/_layout.js - app events definitions -- src/js/_components - ui components -- src/img - some example images dist/ - compiled scipts after "yarn build" You can open dist/index.html to see demo