/* * page #MainContent area */ import { Component } from 'react' import { useQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client' import { client } from '../apollo/init' import { cache } from '../apollo/cache' const D = document const BODY = document.body class Page extends Component { state = { type: [], shown: false, Title: 'Loading ...', loading: true, error: false, current: null, ID: null, URLSegment: null, ClassName: 'Page', CSSClass: null, Summary: null, Link: null, URL: null, HTML: null, Elements: [], page: null } componentDidUpdate () { const ui = this if (ui.state.Title) { document.title = ui.state.Title } } constructor (props) { super(props) const ui = this ui.name = ui.constructor.name ui.empty_state = ui.state console.log(`${ui.name}: init`) } isOnline = () => { return BODY.classList.contains('is-online') } load = (link) => { const ui = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const query = gql(`query Pages { readPages(Link: "${link}") { edges { node { __typename _id ID Title ClassName CSSClass Summary Link URLSegment HTML } } } }`) if (!ui.isOnline()) { const data = client.readQuery({ query }) if (data && ui.processResponse(data)) { console.log(`${ui.name}: Offline cached response`) resolve(data) } else { console.log(`${ui.name}: No offline response`) ui.setState( Object.assign(ui.empty_state, { Title: 'Offline', CSSClass: 'graphql__status-523', Summary: "You're Offline. The page is not available now.", loading: false }) ) reject({ status: 523 }) } } else { if (!ui.state.loading) { ui.setState(ui.empty_state) } client .query({ query, fetchPolicy: ui.isOnline() ? 'no-cache' : 'cache-first' }) .then((resp) => { // write to cache const data = resp.data client.writeQuery({ query, data }) if (ui.processResponse(data)) { console.log(`${ui.name}: got the server response`) resolve(data) } else { console.log(`${ui.name}: not found`) reject({ status: 404 }) } }) .catch((error) => { reject({ status: 500, error }) }) } }) } processResponse = (data) => { const ui = this if (!data.readPages.edges.length) { console.log(`${ui.name}: not found`) ui.setState( Object.assign(ui.empty_state, { Title: 'Not Found', CSSClass: 'graphql__status-404', Summary: 'The page is not found.', loading: false }) ) return false } const page = data.readPages.edges[0].node ui.setState({ ID: page.ID, Title: page.Title, ClassName: page.ClassName, URLSegment: page.URLSegment, CSSClass: page.CSSClass, Summary: page.Summary, Link: page.Link, HTML: page.HTML, Elements: [], // page.Elements.edges, loading: false }) return true } getHtml = (html) => { const decodeHtmlEntity = (input) => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, 'text/html') return doc.documentElement.textContent } return { __html: decodeHtmlEntity(html) } } render () { const ui = this const name = ui.name const className = `elemental-area graphql__page page-${ui.state.CSSClass} url-${ui.state.URLSegment}` const ElementItem = (props) => (
) let html = '' if (ui.state.HTML) { console.log(`${ui.name}: HTML only`) html = ui.state.HTML } else if (ui.state.Elements.length) { console.log(`${ui.name}: render`) ui.state.Elements.map((el) => { html += el.node.Render }) } else if (ui.state.Summary && ui.state.Summary.length) { console.log(`${ui.name}: summary only`) html = `
` } if (ui.state.loading) { const spinner = D.getElementById('PageLoading') html = '
Loading ...
' } return (
) } } export default Page