/* eslint-disable */ /* tslint:disable */ /** * Mock Service Worker (0.34.0). * @see https://github.com/mswjs/msw * - Please do NOT modify this file. * - Please do NOT serve this file on production. */ const INTEGRITY_CHECKSUM = "f0a916b13c8acc2b526a03a6d26df85f"; const bypassHeaderName = "x-msw-bypass"; const activeClientIds = new Set(); self.addEventListener("install", function () { return self.skipWaiting(); }); self.addEventListener("activate", async function (event) { return self.clients.claim(); }); self.addEventListener("message", async function (event) { const clientId = event.source.id; if (!clientId || !self.clients) { return; } const client = await self.clients.get(clientId); if (!client) { return; } const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll(); switch (event.data) { case "KEEPALIVE_REQUEST": { sendToClient(client, { type: "KEEPALIVE_RESPONSE", }); break; } case "INTEGRITY_CHECK_REQUEST": { sendToClient(client, { type: "INTEGRITY_CHECK_RESPONSE", payload: INTEGRITY_CHECKSUM, }); break; } case "MOCK_ACTIVATE": { activeClientIds.add(clientId); sendToClient(client, { type: "MOCKING_ENABLED", payload: true, }); break; } case "MOCK_DEACTIVATE": { activeClientIds.delete(clientId); break; } case "CLIENT_CLOSED": { activeClientIds.delete(clientId); const remainingClients = allClients.filter((client) => { return client.id !== clientId; }); // Unregister itself when there are no more clients if (remainingClients.length === 0) { self.registration.unregister(); } break; } } }); // Resolve the "master" client for the given event. // Client that issues a request doesn't necessarily equal the client // that registered the worker. It's with the latter the worker should // communicate with during the response resolving phase. async function resolveMasterClient(event) { const client = await self.clients.get(event.clientId); if (client.frameType === "top-level") { return client; } const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll(); return allClients .filter((client) => { // Get only those clients that are currently visible. return client.visibilityState === "visible"; }) .find((client) => { // Find the client ID that's recorded in the // set of clients that have registered the worker. return activeClientIds.has(client.id); }); } async function handleRequest(event, requestId) { const client = await resolveMasterClient(event); const response = await getResponse(event, client, requestId); // Send back the response clone for the "response:*" life-cycle events. // Ensure MSW is active and ready to handle the message, otherwise // this message will pend indefinitely. if (client && activeClientIds.has(client.id)) { (async function () { const clonedResponse = response.clone(); sendToClient(client, { type: "RESPONSE", payload: { requestId, type: clonedResponse.type, ok: clonedResponse.ok, status: clonedResponse.status, statusText: clonedResponse.statusText, body: clonedResponse.body === null ? null : await clonedResponse.text(), headers: serializeHeaders(clonedResponse.headers), redirected: clonedResponse.redirected, }, }); })(); } return response; } async function getResponse(event, client, requestId) { const { request } = event; const requestClone = request.clone(); const getOriginalResponse = () => fetch(requestClone); // Bypass mocking when the request client is not active. if (!client) { return getOriginalResponse(); } // Bypass initial page load requests (i.e. static assets). // The absence of the immediate/parent client in the map of the active clients // means that MSW hasn't dispatched the "MOCK_ACTIVATE" event yet // and is not ready to handle requests. if (!activeClientIds.has(client.id)) { return await getOriginalResponse(); } // Bypass requests with the explicit bypass header if (requestClone.headers.get(bypassHeaderName) === "true") { const cleanRequestHeaders = serializeHeaders(requestClone.headers); // Remove the bypass header to comply with the CORS preflight check. delete cleanRequestHeaders[bypassHeaderName]; const originalRequest = new Request(requestClone, { headers: new Headers(cleanRequestHeaders), }); return fetch(originalRequest); } // Send the request to the client-side MSW. const reqHeaders = serializeHeaders(request.headers); const body = await request.text(); const clientMessage = await sendToClient(client, { type: "REQUEST", payload: { id: requestId, url: request.url, method: request.method, headers: reqHeaders, cache: request.cache, mode: request.mode, credentials: request.credentials, destination: request.destination, integrity: request.integrity, redirect: request.redirect, referrer: request.referrer, referrerPolicy: request.referrerPolicy, body, bodyUsed: request.bodyUsed, keepalive: request.keepalive, }, }); switch (clientMessage.type) { case "MOCK_SUCCESS": { return delayPromise( () => respondWithMock(clientMessage), clientMessage.payload.delay ); } case "MOCK_NOT_FOUND": { return getOriginalResponse(); } case "NETWORK_ERROR": { const { name, message } = clientMessage.payload; const networkError = new Error(message); networkError.name = name; // Rejecting a request Promise emulates a network error. throw networkError; } case "INTERNAL_ERROR": { const parsedBody = JSON.parse(clientMessage.payload.body); console.error( `\ [MSW] Uncaught exception in the request handler for "%s %s": ${parsedBody.location} This exception has been gracefully handled as a 500 response, however, it's strongly recommended to resolve this error, as it indicates a mistake in your code. If you wish to mock an error response, please see this guide: https://mswjs.io/docs/recipes/mocking-error-responses\ `, request.method, request.url ); return respondWithMock(clientMessage); } } return getOriginalResponse(); } self.addEventListener("fetch", function (event) { const { request } = event; const accept = request.headers.get("accept") || ""; // Bypass server-sent events. if (accept.includes("text/event-stream")) { return; } // Bypass navigation requests. if (request.mode === "navigate") { return; } // Opening the DevTools triggers the "only-if-cached" request // that cannot be handled by the worker. Bypass such requests. if (request.cache === "only-if-cached" && request.mode !== "same-origin") { return; } // Bypass all requests when there are no active clients. // Prevents the self-unregistered worked from handling requests // after it's been deleted (still remains active until the next reload). if (activeClientIds.size === 0) { return; } const requestId = uuidv4(); return event.respondWith( handleRequest(event, requestId).catch((error) => { if (error.name === "NetworkError") { console.warn( '[MSW] Successfully emulated a network error for the "%s %s" request.', request.method, request.url ); return; } // At this point, any exception indicates an issue with the original request/response. console.error( `\ [MSW] Caught an exception from the "%s %s" request (%s). This is probably not a problem with Mock Service Worker. There is likely an additional logging output above.`, request.method, request.url, `${error.name}: ${error.message}` ); }) ); }); function serializeHeaders(headers) { const reqHeaders = {}; headers.forEach((value, name) => { reqHeaders[name] = reqHeaders[name] ? [].concat(reqHeaders[name]).concat(value) : value; }); return reqHeaders; } function sendToClient(client, message) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const channel = new MessageChannel(); channel.port1.onmessage = (event) => { if (event.data && event.data.error) { return reject(event.data.error); } resolve(event.data); }; client.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), [channel.port2]); }); } function delayPromise(cb, duration) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(cb()), duration); }); } function respondWithMock(clientMessage) { return new Response(clientMessage.payload.body, { ...clientMessage.payload, headers: clientMessage.payload.headers, }); } function uuidv4() { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0; const v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); }); }