'use strict'; import $ from 'jquery'; const Obj = { init: () => { class GoogleMapsHtmlOverlay extends google.maps.OverlayView { constructor(options) { super(); const ui = this; ui.ownerMap = options.map; //ui.setMap(options.map); ui.position = options.position; ui.html = options.html ? options.html : '
'; ui.divClass = options.divClass; ui.align = options.align; ui.isDebugMode = options.debug; ui.onClick = options.onClick; ui.onMouseOver = options.onMouseOver; ui.isBoolean = (arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'boolean') { return true; } else { return false; } }; ui.isNotUndefined = (arg) => { if (typeof arg !== 'undefined') { return true; } else { return false; } }; ui.hasContent = (arg) => { if (arg.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; ui.isString = (arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'string') { return true; } else { return false; } }; ui.isFunction = (arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'function') { return true; } else { return false; } }; } onAdd() { const ui = this; // Create div element. ui.div = document.createElement('div'); ui.div.style.position = 'absolute'; // Validate and set custom div class if (ui.isNotUndefined(ui.divClass) && ui.hasContent(ui.divClass)) ui.div.className = ui.divClass; // Validate and set custom HTML if ( ui.isNotUndefined(ui.html) && ui.hasContent(ui.html) && ui.isString(ui.html) ) ui.div.innerHTML = ui.html; // If debug mode is enabled custom content will be replaced with debug content if (ui.isBoolean(ui.isDebugMode) && ui.isDebugMode) { ui.div.className = 'debug-mode'; ui.div.innerHTML = '
' + '
Debug mode
'; ui.div.setAttribute( 'style', 'position: absolute;' + 'border: 5px dashed red;' + 'height: 150px;' + 'width: 150px;' + 'display: flex;' + 'justify-content: center;' + 'align-items: center;', ); } // Add element to clickable layer ui.getPanes().overlayMouseTarget.appendChild(ui.div); // Add listeners to the element. google.maps.event.addDomListener(ui.div, 'click', (event) => { google.maps.event.trigger(ui, 'click'); if (ui.isFunction(ui.onClick)) ui.onClick(); event.stopPropagation(); }); google.maps.event.addDomListener(ui.div, 'mouseover', (event) => { google.maps.event.trigger(ui, 'mouseover'); if (ui.isFunction(ui.onMouseOver)) ui.onMouseOver(); event.stopPropagation(); }); } draw() { const ui = this; let $div = $(ui.div).find( '.mapboxgl-marker,.marker-pin,.mapboxgl-popup,.popup', ); if (!$div.length) { $div = $(ui.div); } // Calculate position of div const projection = ui.getProjection(); if(!projection) { console.log('GoogleMapsHtmlOverlay: current map is missing'); return null; } const positionInPixels = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(ui.getPosition()); // Align HTML overlay relative to original position const offset = { y: undefined, x: undefined, }; const divWidth = $div.outerWidth(); const divHeight = $div.outerHeight(); switch (Array.isArray(ui.align) ? ui.align.join(' ') : '') { case 'left top': offset.y = divHeight; offset.x = divWidth; break; case 'left center': offset.y = divHeight / 2; offset.x = divWidth; break; case 'left bottom': offset.y = 0; offset.x = divWidth; break; case 'center top': offset.y = divHeight; offset.x = divWidth / 2; break; case 'center center': offset.y = divHeight / 2; offset.x = divWidth / 2; break; case 'center bottom': offset.y = 0; offset.x = divWidth / 2; break; case 'right top': offset.y = divHeight; offset.x = 0; break; case 'right center': offset.y = divHeight / 2; offset.x = 0; break; case 'right bottom': offset.y = 0; offset.x = 0; break; default: offset.y = divHeight / 2; offset.x = divWidth / 2; break; } // Set position ui.div.style.top = `${positionInPixels.y - offset.y}px`; ui.div.style.left = `${positionInPixels.x - offset.x}px`; } getPosition() { const ui = this; return new google.maps.LatLng(ui.position); } getDiv() { const ui = this; return ui.div; } setPosition(position, align) { const ui = this; ui.position = position; ui.align = align; ui.draw(); } remove() { const ui = this; ui.setMap(null); ui.div.remove(); } // emulate google.maps.Marker functionality for compatibility (for example with @googlemaps/markerclustererplus) getDraggable() { return false; } } return GoogleMapsHtmlOverlay; }, }; export default Obj;