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synced 2024-10-22 15:05:38 +00:00
When loading a GridField with several new items without a sort order (e.g. after uploading 10 images via GridFieldBulkEditingTools), it would previously apply a seemingly random order to them. This fix ensures that the order applied is the same order as the items were created (or uploaded) in.
552 lines
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552 lines
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* This component provides a checkbox which when checked enables drag-and-drop re-ordering of elements displayed in a {@link GridField}
* @package forms
class GridFieldSortableRows implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_ActionProvider, GridField_DataManipulator {
protected $sortColumn;
protected $append_to_top=false;
* @param String $sortColumn Column that should be used to update the sort information
public function __construct($sortColumn) {
$this->sortColumn = $sortColumn;
* Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @return Array Map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.
public function getHTMLFragments($gridField) {
$dataList = $gridField->getList();
if(class_exists('UnsavedRelationList') && $dataList instanceof UnsavedRelationList) {
return array();
$state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableRows;
if(!is_bool($state->sortableToggle)) {
$state->sortableToggle = false;
//Ensure user can edit
return array();
//Sort order toggle
$sortOrderToggle = GridField_FormAction::create(
$sortOrderSave = GridField_FormAction::create(
//Sort to Page Action
$sortToPage = GridField_FormAction::create(
$data = array('SortableToggle' => $sortOrderToggle,
'SortOrderSave' => $sortOrderSave,
'SortToPage' => $sortToPage,
'Checked' => ($state->sortableToggle == true ? ' checked = "checked"':''));
$forTemplate = new ArrayData($data);
//Inject Requirements
Requirements::css(SORTABLE_GRIDFIELD_BASE . '/css/GridFieldSortableRows.css');
Requirements::javascript(SORTABLE_GRIDFIELD_BASE . '/javascript/GridFieldSortableRows.js');
$args = array('Colspan' => count($gridField->getColumns()), 'ID' => $gridField->ID());
return array('header' => $forTemplate->renderWith('GridFieldSortableRows', $args));
* Manipulate the datalist as needed by this grid modifier.
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @param SS_List $dataList Data List to adjust
* @return DataList Modified Data List
public function getManipulatedData(GridField $gridField, SS_List $dataList) {
//Detect and correct items with a sort column value of 0 (push to bottom)
$this->fixSortColumn($gridField, $dataList);
$headerState = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader;
$state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableRows;
if ((!is_bool($state->sortableToggle) || $state->sortableToggle==false) && $headerState && !empty($headerState->SortColumn)) {
return $dataList;
if ($state->sortableToggle == true) {
return $dataList->sort($this->sortColumn);
* Sets if new records should be appended to the top or the bottom of the list
* @param bool $value Boolean true to append to the top false to append to the bottom
* @return GridFieldSortableRows Returns the current instance
public function setAppendToTop($value) {
return $this;
* Detects and corrects items with a sort column value of 0, by appending them to the bottom of the list
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @param SS_List $dataList Data List of items to be checked
protected function fixSortColumn($gridField, SS_List $dataList) {
if(class_exists('UnsavedRelationList') && $dataList instanceof UnsavedRelationList) {
$list=clone $dataList;
$list=$list->alterDataQuery(function($query, SS_List $tmplist) {
return $query;
$many_many = ($list instanceof ManyManyList);
if (!$many_many) {
if(!$fieldType || !($fieldType=='Int' || is_subclass_of('Int', $fieldType))) {
if(is_array($fieldType)) {
user_error('Sort column '.$this->sortColumn.' could not be found in '.$gridField->getModelClass().'\'s ancestry', E_USER_ERROR);
}else {
user_error('Sort column '.$this->sortColumn.' must be an Int, column is of type '.$fieldType, E_USER_ERROR);
$max = $list->Max($this->sortColumn);
$list=$list->filter($this->sortColumn, 0)->sort("Created,ID");
if($list->Count()>0) {
$owner = $gridField->Form->getRecord();
$sortColumn = $this->sortColumn;
$i = 1;
if ($many_many) {
list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $table) = $owner->many_many($gridField->getName());
if(!$extraFields || !array_key_exists($this->sortColumn, $extraFields) || !($extraFields[$this->sortColumn]=='Int' || is_subclass_of('Int', $extraFields[$this->sortColumn]))) {
user_error('Sort column '.$this->sortColumn.' must be an Int, column is of type '.$fieldType, E_USER_ERROR);
}else {
//Find table containing the sort column
$db = Config::inst()->get($class, "db", CONFIG::UNINHERITED);
if(!empty($db) && array_key_exists($sortColumn, $db)) {
}else {
$classes=ClassInfo::ancestry($class, true);
foreach($classes as $class) {
$db = Config::inst()->get($class, "db", CONFIG::UNINHERITED);
if(!empty($db) && array_key_exists($sortColumn, $db)) {
if($table===false) {
user_error('Sort column '.$this->sortColumn.' could not be found in '.$gridField->getModelClass().'\'s ancestry', E_USER_ERROR);
//Start transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
if($this->append_to_top && !($list instanceof RelationList)) {
$idCondition='"ID" IN(\''.implode("','", $list->getIDList()).'\')';
if($this->append_to_top) {
foreach($list as $obj) {
if($many_many) {
if($this->append_to_top) {
//Upgrade all the records (including the last inserted from 0 to 1)
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn . '" = "' . $sortColumn .'"+1'
. ' WHERE "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID . (!empty($topIncremented) ? ' AND "' . $componentField . '" NOT IN(\''.implode('\',\'', $topIncremented).'\')':''));
}else {
//Append the last record to the bottom
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn .'" = ' . ($max + $i)
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $obj->ID . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
}else if($this->append_to_top) {
//Upgrade all the records (including the last inserted from 0 to 1)
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn . '" = "' . $sortColumn .'"+1'
. ' WHERE '.($list instanceof RelationList ? '"' . $list->foreignKey . '" = '. $owner->ID:$idCondition) . (!empty($topIncremented) ? ' AND "ID" NOT IN(\''.implode('\',\'', $topIncremented).'\')':''));
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $baseDataClass
. '" SET "LastEdited" = \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\''
. ' WHERE '.($list instanceof RelationList ? '"' . $list->foreignKey . '" = '. $owner->ID:$idCondition) . (!empty($topIncremented) ? ' AND "ID" NOT IN(\''.implode('\',\'', $topIncremented).'\')':''));
}else {
//Append the last record to the bottom
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn . '" = ' . ($max + $i)
. ' WHERE "ID" = '. $obj->ID);
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $baseDataClass
. '" SET "LastEdited" = \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\''
. ' WHERE "ID" = '. $obj->ID);
//End transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
* Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @return Array Array with action identifier strings.
public function getActions($gridField) {
return array('saveGridRowSort', 'sortableRowsToggle', 'sortToPage');
* Handle an action on the given grid field.
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @param String $actionName Action identifier, see {@link getActions()}.
* @param Array $arguments Arguments relevant for this
* @param Array $data All form data
public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data) {
$state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableRows;
if (!is_bool($state->sortableToggle)) {
$state->sortableToggle = false;
} else if ($state->sortableToggle == true) {
if ($actionName == 'savegridrowsort') {
return $this->saveGridRowSort($gridField, $data);
} else if ($actionName == 'sorttopage') {
return $this->sortToPage($gridField, $data);
* Handles saving of the row sort order
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @param Array $data Data submitted in the request
protected function saveGridRowSort(GridField $gridField, $data) {
$dataList = $gridField->getList();
if(class_exists('UnsavedRelationList') && $dataList instanceof UnsavedRelationList) {
user_error('Cannot sort an UnsavedRelationList', E_USER_ERROR);
throw new ValidationException(_t('GridFieldSortableRows.EditPermissionsFailure', "No edit permissions"),0);
if (empty($data['ItemIDs'])) {
user_error('No items to sort', E_USER_ERROR);
$className = $gridField->getModelClass();
$owner = $gridField->Form->getRecord();
$items = clone $gridField->getList();
$many_many = ($items instanceof ManyManyList);
$sortColumn = $this->sortColumn;
$pageOffset = 0;
if ($paginator = $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentsByType('GridFieldPaginator')->First()) {
$pageState = $gridField->State->GridFieldPaginator;
if($pageState->currentPage && is_int($pageState->currentPage) && $pageState->currentPage>1) {
$pageOffset = $paginator->getItemsPerPage() * ($pageState->currentPage - 1);
if ($many_many) {
list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $table) = $owner->many_many($gridField->getName());
}else {
//Find table containing the sort column
$db = Config::inst()->get($class, "db", CONFIG::UNINHERITED);
if(!empty($db) && array_key_exists($sortColumn, $db)) {
}else {
$classes=ClassInfo::ancestry($class, true);
foreach($classes as $class) {
$db = Config::inst()->get($class, "db", CONFIG::UNINHERITED);
if(!empty($db) && array_key_exists($sortColumn, $db)) {
if($table===false) {
user_error('Sort column '.$this->sortColumn.' could not be found in '.$gridField->getModelClass().'\'s ancestry', E_USER_ERROR);
//Event to notify the Controller or owner DataObject before list sort
if($owner && $owner instanceof DataObject && method_exists($owner, 'onBeforeGridFieldRowSort')) {
$owner->onBeforeGridFieldRowSort(clone $items);
}else if(Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr() instanceof ModelAdmin && method_exists(Controller::curr(), 'onBeforeGridFieldRowSort')) {
Controller::curr()->onBeforeGridFieldRowSort(clone $items);
//Start transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
//Perform sorting
$ids = explode(',', $data['ItemIDs']);
for($sort = 0;$sort<count($ids);$sort++) {
$id = intval($ids[$sort]);
if ($many_many) {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn.'" = ' . (($sort + 1) + $pageOffset)
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $id . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
} else {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn . '" = ' . (($sort + 1) + $pageOffset)
. ' WHERE "ID" = '. $id);
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $baseDataClass
. '" SET "LastEdited" = \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\''
. ' WHERE "ID" = '. $id);
//End transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
//Event to notify the Controller or owner DataObject after list sort
if($owner && $owner instanceof DataObject && method_exists($owner, 'onAfterGridFieldRowSort')) {
$owner->onAfterGridFieldRowSort(clone $items);
}else if(Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr() instanceof ModelAdmin && method_exists(Controller::curr(), 'onAfterGridFieldRowSort')) {
Controller::curr()->onAfterGridFieldRowSort(clone $items);
* Handles sorting across pages
* @param GridField $gridField Grid Field Reference
* @param Array $data Data submitted in the request
protected function sortToPage(GridField $gridField, $data) {
if (!$paginator = $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentsByType('GridFieldPaginator')->First()) {
user_error('Paginator not detected', E_USER_ERROR);
if (empty($data['ItemID'])) {
user_error('No item to sort', E_USER_ERROR);
if (empty($data['Target'])) {
user_error('No target page', E_USER_ERROR);
$className = $gridField->getModelClass();
$owner = $gridField->Form->getRecord();
$items = clone $gridField->getList();
$many_many = ($items instanceof ManyManyList);
$sortColumn = $this->sortColumn;
$targetItem = $items->byID(intval($data['ItemID']));
if (!$targetItem) {
user_error('Target item not found', E_USER_ERROR);
$currentPage = 1;
$pageState = $gridField->State->GridFieldPaginator;
if($pageState->currentPage && $pageState->currentPage>1) {
$currentPage = $pageState->currentPage;
if ($many_many) {
list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $table) = $owner->many_many($gridField->getName());
if ($data['Target'] == 'previouspage') {
$items = $items->limit($paginator->getItemsPerPage() + 1, ($paginator->getItemsPerPage() * ($currentPage - 1)) - 1);
} else if ($data['Target'] == 'nextpage') {
$items = $items->limit($paginator->getItemsPerPage() + 1, $paginator->getItemsPerPage() * ($currentPage - 1));
} else {
user_error('Not implemented: '.$data['Target'], E_USER_ERROR);
$sortPositions = $items->column($sortColumn);
//Event to notify the Controller or owner DataObject before list sort
if($owner && $owner instanceof DataObject && method_exists($owner, 'onBeforeGridFieldPageSort')) {
$owner->onBeforeGridFieldPageSort(clone $items);
}else if(Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr() instanceof ModelAdmin && method_exists(Controller::curr(), 'onBeforeGridFieldPageSort')) {
Controller::curr()->onBeforeGridFieldPageSort(clone $items);
//Start transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
if($data['Target']=='previouspage') {
if ($many_many) {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn.'" = ' . $sortPositions[0]
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $targetItem->ID . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
} else {
$targetItem->$sortColumn = $sortPositions[0];
$i = 1;
foreach ($items as $obj) {
if ($obj->ID == $targetItem->ID) {
if ($many_many) {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn.'" = ' . $sortPositions[$i]
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $obj->ID . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
} else {
$obj->$sortColumn = $sortPositions[$i];
} else {
if ($many_many) {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn.'" = ' . $sortPositions[count($sortPositions) - 1]
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $targetItem->ID . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
} else {
$targetItem->$sortColumn = $sortPositions[count($sortPositions) - 1];
$i = 0;
foreach ($items as $obj) {
if ($obj->ID == $targetItem->ID) {
if ($many_many) {
DB::query('UPDATE "' . $table
. '" SET "' . $sortColumn.'" = ' . $sortPositions[$i]
. ' WHERE "' . $componentField . '" = ' . $obj->ID . ' AND "' . $parentField . '" = ' . $owner->ID);
} else {
$obj->$sortColumn = $sortPositions[$i];
//End transaction if supported
if(DB::getConn()->supportsTransactions()) {
//Event to notify the Controller or owner DataObject after list sort
if($owner && $owner instanceof DataObject && method_exists($owner, 'onAfterGridFieldPageSort')) {
$owner->onAfterGridFieldPageSort(clone $items);
}else if(Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr() instanceof ModelAdmin && method_exists(Controller::curr(), 'onAfterGridFieldPageSort')) {
Controller::curr()->onAfterGridFieldPageSort(clone $items);