'Int' ); protected static $sortable_classes = array(); protected static $many_many_sortable_relations = array(); protected static $sort_dir = "ASC"; /** * Sets the direction of the sort, by default it is ASC * @param {string} $dir Sort direction ASC or DESC */ public static function set_sort_dir($dir) { if(strtoupper($dir)!='ASC' && strtoupper($dir)!='DESC') { user_error('Sort direction must be ASC or DESC', E_USER_ERROR); } self::$sort_dir=$dir; } /** * Makes a class sortable * @param {string} $className Name of the DataObject to extend */ public static function add_sortable_class($className) { if(!self::is_sortable_class($className)) { Object::add_extension($className, 'GridFieldSortableObject'); self::$sortable_classes[]=$className; } } /** * Makes a many_many relationship sortable * @param {string} $ownerClass Name of the owner class of the relationship * @param {string} $componentName Name of the relationship */ public static function add_sortable_many_many_relation($ownerClass, $componentName) { list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $table)=singleton($ownerClass)->many_many($componentName); Object::add_static_var($ownerClass, 'many_many_extraFields', array( $componentName=>array( 'SortOrder'=>'Int' ))); if(!isset(self::$many_many_sortable_relations[$componentClass])) { self::$many_many_sortable_relations[$componentClass] = array(); } self::$many_many_sortable_relations[$componentClass][$parentClass]=$table; self::add_sortable_class($componentClass); } /** * Checks to see if a given DataObject class is sortable or not * @param {string} $className Name of the DataObject to check */ public static function is_sortable_class($className) { if(in_array($classname, self::$sortable_classes)) { return true; } foreach(self::$sortable_classes as $class) { if(is_subclass_of($className, $class)) { return true; } } return Object::has_extension($className, 'GridFieldSortableObject'); } /** * Checks to see if a given many_many relationship is sortable or not * @param {string} $componentClass Name of the component's class * @param {string} $parentClass Name of the owner class of the relationship * @return {bool} Returns boolean true if the many_many relationship is sortable */ public static function is_sortable_many_many($componentClass, $parentClass=null) { $map=self::$many_many_sortable_relations; if($parentClass===null) { return isset($map[$componentClass]); }else { if(isset($map[$componentClass])) { return isset($map[$componentClass][$parentClass]); } return false; } } /** * Gets the join tables for the given class name * @param {string} $className Name of the DataObject to fetch for */ public static function get_join_tables($className) { if(isset(self::$many_many_sortable_relations[$className])) { return self::$many_many_sortable_relations[$className]; } return false; } /** * Modifies the SQL appending the SortOrder with the direction to the orderby statement * @param {SQLQuery} $query SQL Query to adjust */ public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query) { if(empty($query->select) || $query->delete || in_array("COUNT(*)", $query->select) || in_array("count(*)", $query->select)) { return; } $sort_field=false; if($join_tables=self::get_join_tables($this->owner->class)) { foreach($query->from as $from) { if($sort_field) { break; } foreach($join_tables as $join_table) { if(stristr($from,$join_table)) { $sort_field="\"$join_table\".\"SortOrder\""; if(isset($query->select['SortOrder'])) { $query->select['SortOrder']="\"{$this->owner->class}\".SortOrder AS LocalSort"; } break; } } } } if(!$sort_field) { $sort_field="\"SortOrder\""; } if(!$query->orderby || ($query->orderby==$this->owner->stat('default_sort'))) { $query->orderby="$sort_field ".self::$sort_dir; } } /** * Sets the sort order on the DataObject when its being written to the database for the first time */ public function onBeforeWrite() { if(!$this->owner->ID) { if($peers=DataList::create($this->owner->class)) { $this->owner->SortOrder=$peers->Count()+1; } } } } ?>