(function($) { $.entwine('ss', function($) { $('.WidgetAreaEditor').entwine({ onmatch: function() { var parentName=$(this).attr('name'); this.rewriteWidgetAreaAttributes(); var availableWidgets=$('#availableWidgets-'+$(this).attr('name')).children().each(function() { // Don't run on comments, whitespace, etc if($(this)[0].nodeType==1) { // Gotta change their ID's because otherwise we get clashes between two tabs $(this)[0].id=$(this)[0].id+'-'+parentName; } }); var parentRef=$(this); // Used widgets are sortable $(this).find('.usedWidgets').sortable({ opacity: 0.6, handle: '.handle', update: function (e, ui) { parentRef.updateWidgets(e, ui) }, placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', forcePlaceholderSize: true, start: function (e, ui) { htmleditors = $(ui.item).closest('.Widget').find('textarea.htmleditor'); $.each(htmleditors, function (k, i) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, $(i).attr('id')); }) }, stop: function (e, ui) { htmleditors = $(ui.item).closest('.Widget').find('textarea.htmleditor'); $.each(htmleditors, function (k, i) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, $(i).attr('id')); }) } }); // Ensure correct sort values are written when page is saved // TODO Adjust to new event listeners $('.cms-container').bind('submitform', function(e) {parentRef.beforeSave(e)}); }, rewriteWidgetAreaAttributes: function() { var name = $(this).attr('name'); var monkeyWith = function(widgets, name) { if (!widgets) { return; } widgets.each(function() { widget=$(this)[0]; if (!widget.rewritten && (widget.id || widget.name)) { if (widget.id && widget.id.indexOf('Widget[') === 0) { var newValue = widget.id.replace(/Widget\[/, 'Widget['+name+']['); widget.id = newValue; } if (widget.name && widget.name.indexOf('Widget[') === 0) { var newValue = widget.name.replace(/Widget\[/, 'Widget['+name+']['); widget.name=newValue; } widget.rewritten='yes'; } }); } monkeyWith($('#WidgetAreaEditor-'+name+' .Widget'), name); monkeyWith($('#WidgetAreaEditor-'+name+' .Widget *'), name); }, beforeSave: function() { // Ensure correct sort values are written when page is saved var usedWidgets = $('#usedWidgets-'+$(this).attr('name')); if(usedWidgets) { this.sortWidgets(); var children=usedWidgets.children(); children.each(function() { if($(this).beforeSave) { $(this).beforeSave(); } }); } }, addWidget: function(className, holder) { if($('#WidgetAreaEditor-'+holder).attr('maxwidgets')) { var maxCount = $('#WidgetAreaEditor-'+holder).attr('maxwidgets'); var count = $('#usedWidgets-'+holder+' .Widget').length; if (count+1 > maxCount) { alert(ss.i18n._t('WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY')); return; } } var parentRef=$(this), locale = $(this).closest('form').find('input[name=Locale]').val(); $.ajax({ 'url': 'WidgetController/EditableSegment/' + className, 'success' : function(response) {parentRef.insertWidgetEditor(response)}, 'data' : { 'locale' : locale , }, }); }, updateWidgets: function(e, ui) { // Gotta get the name of the current dohickey based off the ID var name = $(this).attr('id').split('-').pop(); var i=0; var usedWidgets = $('#usedWidgets-'+name).children().each(function() { var widget = $(this)[0]; if(widget.id) { $(this).find('input[name='+widget.id.replace(/\]/g,'\\]').replace(/\[/g,'\\[')+'\\[Sort\\]]').val(i); i++; } }); }, insertWidgetEditor: function(response) { var newID = $(response).find('.formid').val(); var widgetContent = response.replace(/Widget\[0\]/gi, "Widget[" + (newID) + "]"); $('#usedWidgets-'+$(this).attr('name')).append(widgetContent); this.rewriteWidgetAreaAttributes(); }, sortWidgets: function() { // Order the sort by the order the widgets are in the list $('#usedWidgets-'+$(this).attr('name')).children().each(function(i) { var div = $(this)[0]; if(div.nodeName != '#comment') { var fields = div.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(j = 0; field = fields.item(j); j++) { if(field.name == div.id + '[Sort]') { field.value = i; } } } }); }, deleteWidget: function(widgetToRemove) { // Remove a widget from the used widgets column widgetToRemove.remove(); } }); $('div.availableWidgets .Widget h3').entwine({ onclick: function(event) { parts = $(this).parent().attr('id').split('-'); var widgetArea = parts.pop(); var className = parts.pop(); $('#WidgetAreaEditor-'+widgetArea).addWidget(className, widgetArea); } }); $('div.usedWidgets div.Widget').entwine({ onmatch: function() { // Call deleteWidget when delete button is pushed $(this).find('span.widgetDelete').click(function() { $(this).closest('.WidgetAreaEditor').deleteWidget($(this).parent().parent()); }); } }); }) })(jQuery);