"Varchar(255)", "Sort" => "Int", "Enabled" => "Boolean", ]; private static $defaults = [ 'Enabled' => true, ]; private static $casting = [ 'CMSTitle' => 'Text', 'Description' => 'Text', ]; private static $only_available_in = []; private static $has_one = [ "Parent" => WidgetArea::class, ]; private static $default_sort = "\"Sort\""; /** * @var string */ private static $cmsTitle = "Name of this widget"; /** * @var string */ private static $description = "Description of what this widget does."; private static $summary_fields = [ 'CMSTitle' => 'Title' ]; private static $table_name = 'Widget'; private static $extensions = [ Versioned::class, ]; /** * @var WidgetController */ protected $controller; public function populateDefaults() { parent::populateDefaults(); $this->setField('Title', $this->getTitle()); } /** * Note: Overloaded in {@link WidgetController}. * * @return string HTML */ public function WidgetHolder() { return $this->renderWith("WidgetHolder"); } /** * Default way to render widget in templates. * @return string HTML */ public function forTemplate($holder = true) { if ($holder) { return $this->WidgetHolder(); } return $this->Content(); } /** * Renders the widget content in a custom template with the same name as the * current class. This should be the main point of output customization. * * Invoked from within WidgetHolder.ss, which contains the "framing" around * the custom content, like a title. * * Note: Overloaded in {@link WidgetController}. * * @return string HTML */ public function Content() { return $this->renderWith(SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(static::class)); } /** * @return string */ public function getCMSTitle() { return _t(__CLASS__ . '.CMSTITLE', $this->config()->get('cmsTitle')); } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return _t(__CLASS__ . '.DESCRIPTION', $this->config()->get('description')); } /** * @return string - HTML */ public function DescriptionSegment() { return $this->renderWith('WidgetDescription'); } /** * @see WidgetController::editablesegment() * * @return string - HTML */ public function EditableSegment() { return $this->renderWith('WidgetEditor'); } /** * @return FieldList */ public function getCMSFields() { $fields = new FieldList( new TextField('Title', $this->fieldLabel('Title'), null, 255), new CheckboxField('Enabled', $this->fieldLabel('Enabled')) ); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * @return FieldList */ public function CMSEditor() { $fields = $this->getCMSFields(); $outputFields = new FieldList(); $this->FormID = $this->ID ?: uniqid(); $outputFields->push( HiddenField::create( 'Widget[' . $this->FormID . '][FormID]', 'FormID', $this->FormID )->addExtraClass('formid') ); foreach ($fields as $field) { $name = $field->getName(); $value = $this->getField($name); if ($value) { $field->setValue($value); } $namefiltered = preg_replace("/([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)/", "Widget[" . $this->FormID . "][\\1]", $name); $field->setName($namefiltered); $outputFields->push($field); } return $outputFields; } /** * A fully qualified class name is returned with underscores instead of backslashes so it is HTML safe. Dashes * can't be used as they're handled in the Javascript for other purposes. * * @return string */ public function ClassName() { return str_replace('\\', '_', get_class($this)); } /** * @return string */ public function Name() { return "Widget[" . $this->ID . "]"; } /** * @throws Exception If the widget controller's class name couldn't be found * * @return WidgetController */ public function getController() { if ($this->controller) { return $this->controller; } foreach (array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry(get_class($this))) as $widgetClass) { $controllerClass = "{$widgetClass}Controller"; if (class_exists($controllerClass)) { break; } } if (!class_exists($controllerClass)) { throw new Exception('Could not find controller class for ' . static::class); } $this->controller = Injector::inst()->create($controllerClass, $this); if (Injector::inst()->has(HTTPRequest::class)) { $this->controller->setRequest(Injector::inst()->get(HTTPRequest::class)); } return $this->controller; } /** * @param array $data */ public function populateFromPostData($data) { $fields = $this->getCMSFields(); foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if ($name != "Type") { if ($field = $fields->dataFieldByName($name)) { $field->setValue($value); $field->saveInto($this); } else { $this->setField($name, $value); } } } //Look for checkbox fields not present in the data foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field instanceof CheckboxField && !array_key_exists($field->getName(), $data)) { $field->setValue(false); $field->saveInto($this); } } $this->write(); // The field must be written to ensure a unique ID. $this->Name = get_class($this) . $this->ID; $this->write(); } }