'Varchar(255)', 'ShowAtMap' => 'Boolean(1)', ]; private static $has_one = [ 'PhoneNumber' => Link::class, 'Fax' => Link::class, ]; private static $extensions = [ Addressable::class, MarkerExtension::class, Versioned::class, ]; private static $belongs_many_many = [ 'MapElements' => MapElement::class, ]; private static $default_sort = 'Title ASC, ID DESC'; private static $summary_fields = [ 'Title', 'Address', 'ShowAtMap', ]; public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->removeByName('MapElements'); $fields->replaceField( 'PhoneNumberID', LinkField::create('PhoneNumberID', 'Phone Number') ->setAllowedTypes(['Phone']) ); $fields->replaceField( 'FaxID', LinkField::create('FaxID', 'FAX') ->setAllowedTypes(['Phone']) ); $fields->removeByName(['Map', 'LatLngOverride', 'Lng','Lat']); $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', [ CheckboxField::create('ShowAtMap', 'Show at the map?'), CheckboxField::create('LatLngOverride', 'Override Latitude and Longitude?') ->setDescription('Check this box and save to be able to edit the latitude and longitude manually.'), MapboxField::create('Map', 'Choose a location', 'Lat', 'Lng'), ]); return $fields; } public function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); $lng = $this->getField('Lng'); $lat = $this->getField('Lat'); if (!$this->getField('Country')) { $this->setField('Country', 'us'); } // geocode try { // reverse geocoding get address if (!$this->hasAddress() && $lng && $lat) { require_once BASE_PATH . '/app/thirdparty/geocoding-example/php/Mapbox.php'; $mapbox = new \Mapbox(MapboxField::getAccessToken()); // GET Address $res = $mapbox->reverseGeocode($lng, $lat); if ($res->success() && $res->getCount()) { $res = $res->getData(); if (count($res) && isset($res[0]['place_name'])) { $details = explode(',', $res[0]['place_name']); $fields = [ 'Address', 'City', 'State', //'Country', ]; $n = count($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if (!isset($details[$i])) { continue; } $name = $fields[$i]; $val = $details[$i]; // get postal code if ($name === 'State') { $this->setField('PostalCode', substr($val, strrpos($val, ' ')+1)); } $this->setField($name, $val); } } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } }