<div class="product-item row align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <% if $Image %> <a class="product-image" href="$Link" title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on "{Title}"" Title=$Title %>" > <img src="$Image.Fill(255,430).URL" alt="<%t SilverShop\Page\Product.ImageAltText "{Title} image" Title=$Title %>" /> </a> <% else %> <a class="product-image product-image-no" href="$Link" title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on "{Title}"" Title=$Title %>" ><!-- no image --></a> <% end_if %> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <h3 class="product-title"> <a href="$Link" title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on "{Title}"" Title=$Title %>" >$Title</a> </h3> <% if $Model %> <div class="field field-model"> <b class="field-title"><%t SilverShop\Page\Product.Model "Model" %>:</b> <span class="field-val">$Model.XML</span> </div> <% end_if %> <div class="field field-summary typography"> $Summary </div> <div class="controls"> <% include SilverShop\Includes\Price %> <% if $View %> <div class="view"> <a href="$Link" title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on "{Title}"" Title=$Title %>" class="btn btn-success" > <i class="fas fa-cart-bars"></i> <%t SilverShop\Page\Product.View "View Product" %> </a> </div> <% else_if $canPurchase %> <div class="add"> <a href="$addLink" title="<%t SilverShop\Page\Product.AddToCartTitle "Add "{Title}" to your cart" Title=$Title %>" class="btn btn-success" > <i class="fas fa-cart-plus"></i> <%t SilverShop\Page\Product.AddToCart "Add to Cart" %> <% if $IsInCart %> ($Item.Quantity) <% end_if %> </a> </div> <% end_if %> </div> </div> </div>