dataRecord->ElementalArea(); } public function getViewer($action) { // Manually set templates should be dealt with by Controller::getViewer() if (!empty($this->templates[$action]) || !empty($this->templates['index']) || $this->template ) { return parent::getViewer($action); } // Prepare action for template search $action = $action === 'index' ? '' : '_' . $action; $templatesFound = []; // Find templates for the record + action together - e.g. if ($this->dataRecord instanceof SiteTree) { $templatesFound[] = $this->dataRecord->getViewerTemplates($action); } // Find templates for the controller + action together - e.g. $templatesFound[] = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(static::class, $action, Controller::class); // Find templates for the record without an action - e.g. if ($this->dataRecord instanceof SiteTree) { $templatesFound[] = $this->dataRecord->getViewerTemplates(); } // Find the templates for the controller without an action - e.g. $templatesFound[] = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(static::class, "", Controller::class); $tpls = array_merge(...$templatesFound); // inject AJAX processing if (Director::is_ajax()) { return AjaxControllerEx::processAJAX($tpls); } return SSViewer::create($tpls); } protected function prepareResponse($response) { parent::prepareResponse($response); // inject AJAX processing if (Director::is_ajax()) { $response = $this->getResponse(); $this->prepareAjaxResponse($response); } } }