2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
<% if $Video || $Image %>
<% if $Video %>
<div class="video">
<% else %>
2019-12-18 03:43:28 +07:00
<% if $Image || $ImageURL %>
2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
<span class="img">
2019-12-18 03:43:28 +07:00
<img class="d-block w-100"
src="<% if $ImageURL %>$ImageURL<% else %>$Image.Fill(1400,650).URL<% end_if %>"
alt="<% if $Headline %>$Headline.XML<% end_if %>"
2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
<% end_if %>
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% if $SlideLinkID %>
<% with $SlideLink %>
<a href="$LinkURL" title="$Title.XML" class="stretched-link">
<span class="sr-only">$Title</span>
<% end_with %>
2019-12-18 03:43:28 +07:00
<% else_if $SlideLinkURL %>
<a href="$SlideLinkURL" title="$Headline.XML" class="stretched-link">
<span class="sr-only">$Headline</span>
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% end_if %>
2019-12-18 03:43:28 +07:00
2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% if $Content || $Headline || $Description || $SlideLinkID %>
<div class="carousel-caption container">
2019-12-18 03:43:28 +07:00
<div class="carousel-caption-container typography">
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% if $Headline %><h2 class="carousel-title">$Headline</h2><% end_if %>
2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% if $Content %>
<div class="carousel-content">$Content</div>
<% else_if $Description %>
<p class="carousel-content">$Description</p>
<% end_if %>
<% if $SlideLinkID %>
<% with $SlideLink %>
<div class="text-right">
<a href="$LinkURL" title="$Title.XML" class="slide-link">
$Title »
<% end_with %>
<% end_if %>
2019-10-20 08:00:05 +07:00
2019-11-08 01:26:33 +07:00
<% end_if %>