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<div class="container page-content">
<div class="product-item element">
<div class="product-details">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<% if $Image %>
title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on &quot;{Title}&quot;" Title=$Title %>"
<img src="$Image.Fill(570,840).URL" alt="<%t SilverShop\Page\Product.ImageAltText "{Title} image" Title=$Title %>" />
<% else %>
class="product-image product-image-no"
title="<%t SilverShop\Generic.ReadMoreTitle "Click here to read more on &quot;{Title}&quot;" Title=$Title %>"
><!-- no image --></a>
<% end_if %>
<div class="field field-title">
<h4 class="field-val">{$Title}</h4>
<% if $InternalItemID %>
<div class="field field-internal-item-id">
<b class="field-title"><%t SilverShop\Page\Product.Code "Product Code" %>:</b>
<span class="field-val">{$InternalItemID}</span>
<% end_if %>
<% if $Model %>
<div class="field field-model">
<b class="field-title"><%t SilverShop\Page\Product.Model "Model" %>:</b>
<span class="field-val">$Model.XML</span>
<% end_if %>
<% if $Size %>
<div class="field field-size">
<b class="field-title"><%t SilverShop\Page\Product.Size "Size" %>:</b>
<span class="field-val">$Size.XML</span>
<% end_if %>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<% include Content %>
<% include SilverShop\Includes\Price %>
<% if $IsInCart %>
<div class="product-num-items-in-cart">
<% if $Item.Quantity == 1 %>
<%t SilverShop\Page\Product.NumItemsInCartSingular "You have this item in your cart" %>
<% else %>
<%t SilverShop\Page\Product.NumItemsInCartPlural "You have {Quantity} items in your cart" Quantity=$Item.Quantity %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
<%-- include SilverShop\Includes\SideBar --%>