Ingo Schommer c64e7ad2d7 Consistent sorting for getDiffList()
If changes were applied in the same second (e.g. through tests), the results will have an indeterminate order.
This lead to stability issues in VersionFeedFunctionalTest::testContainsChangesForPageOnly.
Sort by ID in addition to LastEdited.
2016-05-20 09:56:33 +12:00

206 lines
6.2 KiB

class VersionFeed extends SiteTreeExtension {
private static $db = array(
'PublicHistory' => 'Boolean(true)'
private static $defaults = array(
'PublicHistory' => true
public function updateFieldLabels(&$labels) {
$labels['PublicHistory'] = _t('RSSHistory.LABEL', 'Make history public');
* Enable the allchanges feed
* @config
* @var bool
private static $allchanges_enabled = true;
* Allchanges feed limit of items.
* @config
* @var int
private static $allchanges_limit = 20;
* Enables RSS feed for page-specific changes
* @config
* @var bool
private static $changes_enabled = true;
* Changes feed limit of items.
* @config
* @var int
private static $changes_limit = 100;
* Compile a list of changes to the current page, excluding non-published and explicitly secured versions.
* @param int $highestVersion Top version number to consider.
* @param int $limit Limit to the amount of items returned.
* @returns ArrayList List of cleaned records.
public function getDiffList($highestVersion = null, $limit = 100) {
// This can leak secured content if it was protected via inherited setting.
// For now the users will need to be aware about this shortcoming.
$offset = $highestVersion ? "AND \"SiteTree_versions\".\"Version\"<='".(int)$highestVersion."'" : '';
// Get just enough elements for diffing. We need one more than desired to have something to compare to.
$qLimit = (int)$limit + 1;
$versions = $this->owner->allVersions(
"\"WasPublished\"='1' AND \"CanViewType\" IN ('Anyone', 'Inherit') $offset",
"\"SiteTree\".\"LastEdited\" DESC, \"SiteTree\".\"ID\" DESC",
// Process the list to add the comparisons.
$changeList = new ArrayList();
$previous = null;
$count = 0;
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$changed = false;
// Check if we have something to compare with.
if (isset($previous)) {
// Produce the diff fields for use in the template.
if ($version->Title != $previous->Title) {
$diffTitle = Diff::compareHTML($version->Title, $previous->Title);
$version->DiffTitle = new HTMLText();
'<div><em>%s</em> ' . $diffTitle . '</div>',
_t('RSSHistory.TITLECHANGED', 'Title has changed:')
$changed = true;
if ($version->Content != $previous->Content) {
$diffContent = Diff::compareHTML($version->Content, $previous->Content);
$version->DiffContent = new HTMLText();
$changed = true;
// Copy the link so it can be cached by SS_Cache.
$version->GeneratedLink = $version->AbsoluteLink();
// Omit the versions that haven't been visibly changed (only takes the above fields into consideration).
if ($changed) {
// Store the last version for comparison.
$previous = $version;
// Make sure enough diff items have been generated to satisfy the $limit. If we ran out, add the final,
// non-diffed item (the initial version). This will also work for a single-diff request: if we are requesting
// a diff on the initial version we will just get that version, verbatim.
if ($previous && $versions->count()<$qLimit) {
$first = clone($previous);
$first->DiffContent = new HTMLText();
$first->DiffContent->setValue('<div>' . $first->Content . '</div>');
// Copy the link so it can be cached by SS_Cache.
$first->GeneratedLink = $first->AbsoluteLink();
return $changeList;
* Return a single diff representing this version.
* Returns the initial version if there is nothing to compare to.
* @returns DataObject Object with relevant fields diffed.
public function getDiff() {
$changes = $this->getDiffList($this->owner->Version, 1);
if ($changes && $changes->Count()) {
return $changes->First();
return null;
* Compile a list of changes to the current page, excluding non-published and explicitly secured versions.
* @deprecated 2.0.0 Use VersionFeed::getDiffList instead
* @param int $highestVersion Top version number to consider.
* @param boolean $fullHistory Set to true to get the full change history, set to false for a single diff.
* @param int $limit Limit to the amount of items returned.
* @returns ArrayList List of cleaned records.
public function getDiffedChanges($highestVersion = null, $fullHistory = true, $limit = 100) {
return $this->getDiffList(
$fullHistory ? $limit : 1
public function updateSettingsFields(FieldList $fields) {
if(!Config::inst()->get(get_class(), 'changes_enabled')) return;
// Add public history field.
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Settings', $publicHistory = new FieldGroup(
new CheckboxField('PublicHistory', $this->owner->fieldLabel('PublicHistory')
$warning = _t(
"Publicising the history will also disclose the changes that have at the time been protected " .
"from the public view."
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Settings', new LiteralField('PublicHistoryWarning', $warning), 'PublicHistory');
if ($this->owner->CanViewType!='Anyone') {
$warning = _t(
"Changing access settings in such a way that this page or pages under it become publicly<br>" .
"accessible may result in publicising all historical changes on these pages too. Please review<br>" .
"this section's \"Public history\" settings to ascertain only intended information is disclosed."
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Settings', new LiteralField('PublicHistoryWarning2', $warning), 'CanViewType');
public function getSiteRSSLink() {
// TODO: This link should be from the homepage, not this page.
if(Config::inst()->get(get_class(), 'allchanges_enabled')
&& SiteConfig::current_site_config()->AllChangesEnabled
) {
return $this->owner->Link('allchanges');
public function getDefaultRSSLink() {
if(Config::inst()->get(get_class(), 'changes_enabled') && $this->owner->PublicHistory) {
return $this->owner->Link('changes');