owner->extend('filterContent', $key, $callback); return reset($result) ?: call_user_func($callback); } public function onAfterInit() { // RSS feed for per-page changes. if ($this->owner->PublicHistory) { RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->owner->Link() . 'changes', sprintf( _t('RSSHistory.SINGLEPAGEFEEDTITLE', 'Updates to %s page'), $this->owner->Title ) ); } $this->linkToAllSiteRSSFeed(); return $this; } /** * Get page-specific changes in a RSS feed. */ public function changes() { if(!$this->owner->PublicHistory) throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception('Page history not viewable', 404); // Cache the diffs to remove DOS possibility. $target = $this->owner; $key = implode('_', array('changes', $this->owner->ID, $this->owner->Version)); $entries = $this->getContent($key, function() use ($target) { return $target->getDiffedChanges(); }); // Generate the output. $title = sprintf(_t('RSSHistory.SINGLEPAGEFEEDTITLE', 'Updates to %s page'), $this->owner->Title); $rss = new RSSFeed($entries, $this->owner->request->getURL(), $title, '', 'Title', '', null); $rss->setTemplate('Page_changes_rss'); return $rss->outputToBrowser(); } /** * Get all changes from the site in a RSS feed. */ public function allchanges() { $latestChanges = DB::query(' SELECT * FROM "SiteTree_versions" WHERE "WasPublished" = \'1\' AND "CanViewType" IN (\'Anyone\', \'Inherit\') AND "ShowInSearch" = 1 AND ("PublicHistory" IS NULL OR "PublicHistory" = \'1\') ORDER BY "LastEdited" DESC LIMIT 20' ); $lastChange = $latestChanges->record(); $latestChanges->rewind(); if ($lastChange) { // Cache the diffs to remove DOS possibility. $key = 'allchanges' . preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#', '', $lastChange['LastEdited']) . (Member::currentUserID() ?: 'public'); $changeList = $this->getContent($key, function() use ($latestChanges) { $changeList = new ArrayList(); $canView = array(); foreach ($latestChanges as $record) { // Check if the page should be visible. // WARNING: although we are providing historical details, we check the current configuration. $id = $record['RecordID']; if(!isset($canView[$id])) { $page = SiteTree::get()->byID($id); $canView[$id] = $page && $page->canView(new Member()); } if (!$canView[$id]) continue; // Get the diff to the previous version. $version = new Versioned_Version($record); $changes = $version->getDiffedChanges($version->Version, false); if ($changes && $changes->Count()) $changeList->push($changes->First()); } return $changeList; }); } else { $changeList = new ArrayList(); } // Produce output $rss = new RSSFeed($changeList, $this->owner->request->getURL(), $this->linkToAllSitesRSSFeedTitle(), '', 'Title', '', null); $rss->setTemplate('Page_allchanges_rss'); return $rss->outputToBrowser(); } function linkToAllSiteRSSFeed() { // RSS feed to all-site changes. $title = Convert::raw2xml($this->linkToAllSitesRSSFeedTitle()); $url = $this->owner->getSiteRSSLink(); Requirements::insertHeadTags( ''); } function linkToAllSitesRSSFeedTitle() { return sprintf(_t('RSSHistory.SITEFEEDTITLE', 'Updates to %s'), SiteConfig::current_site_config()->Title); } }