# Version Feed [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-versionfeed.png)](http://travis-ci.org/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-versionfeed) ## Overview The module creates an RSS feed on each page with their change history, as well as one for the entire site. ## Requirements * SilverStripe 3.0+ ## Installation Install with composer by running: composer require silverstripe/versionfeed:* in the root of your SilverStripe project. Or just clone/download the git repository into a subfolder (usually called "versionfeed") of your SilverStripe project. ## Usage For usage instructions see [user manual](docs/en/user.md). ## Contributing ### Translations Translations of the natural language strings are managed through a third party translation interface, transifex.com. Newly added strings will be periodically uploaded there for translation, and any new translations will be merged back to the project source code. Please use [https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/silverstripe-versionfeed](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/silverstripe-versionfeed) to contribute translations, rather than sending pull requests with YAML files.