2015-08-13 12:24:54 +12:00

655 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

* Represents the base class of a editable form field
* object like {@link EditableTextField}.
* @package userforms
* @method DataList DisplayRules() List of EditableCustomRule objects
class EditableFormField extends DataObject {
* Set to true to hide from class selector
* @config
* @var bool
private static $hidden = false;
* Default sort order
* @config
* @var string
private static $default_sort = '"Sort"';
* A list of CSS classes that can be added
* @var array
public static $allowed_css = array();
* @config
* @var array
private static $summary_fields = array(
* @config
* @var array
private static $db = array(
"Name" => "Varchar",
"Title" => "Varchar(255)",
"Default" => "Varchar(255)",
"Sort" => "Int",
"Required" => "Boolean",
"CustomErrorMessage" => "Varchar(255)",
"CustomRules" => "Text", // @deprecated from 2.0
"CustomSettings" => "Text", // @deprecated from 2.0
"Migrated" => "Boolean", // set to true when migrated
"ExtraClass" => "Text", // from CustomSettings
"RightTitle" => "Varchar(255)", // from CustomSettings
"ShowOnLoad" => "Boolean(1)", // from CustomSettings
* @config
* @var array
private static $has_one = array(
"Parent" => "UserDefinedForm",
* Built in extensions required
* @config
* @var array
private static $extensions = array(
"Versioned('Stage', 'Live')"
* @config
* @var array
private static $has_many = array(
"DisplayRules" => "EditableCustomRule.Parent" // from CustomRules
* @var bool
protected $readonly;
* Set the visibility of an individual form field
* @param bool
public function setReadonly($readonly = true) {
$this->readonly = $readonly;
* Returns whether this field is readonly
* @return bool
private function isReadonly() {
return $this->readonly;
* @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = new FieldList(new TabSet('Root'));
// Main tab
_t('EditableFormField.TYPE', 'Type'),
'<div class="field readonly">' .
'<label class="left">Merge field</label>' .
'<div class="middleColumn">' .
'<span class="readonly">$' . $this->Name . '</span>' .
'</div>' .
TextField::create('Default', _t('EditableFormField.DEFAULT', 'Default value')),
TextField::create('RightTitle', _t('EditableFormField.RIGHTTITLE', 'Right title'))
// Custom settings
if (!empty(self::$allowed_css)) {
$cssList = array();
foreach(self::$allowed_css as $k => $v) {
if (!is_array($v)) {
} elseif ($k === $this->ClassName) {
$cssList = array_merge($cssList, $v);
_t('EditableFormField.EXTRACLASS_TITLE', 'Extra Styling/Layout'),
'Select from the list of allowed styles'
} else {
_t('EditableFormField.EXTRACLASS_Title', 'Extra CSS Classes')
'Separate each CSS class with a single space'
// Validation
$editableColumns = new GridFieldEditableColumns();
'Display' => '',
'ConditionFieldID' => function($record, $column, $grid) {
return DropdownField::create(
'ParentID' => $this->ParentID
'ID' => $this->ID
->map('ID', 'Title')
'ConditionOption' => function($record, $column, $grid) {
$options = Config::inst()->get('EditableCustomRule', 'condition_options');
return DropdownField::create($column, '', $options);
'FieldValue' => function($record, $column, $grid) {
return TextField::create($column);
'ParentID' => function($record, $column, $grid) {
return HiddenField::create($column, '', $this->ID);
// Custom rules
$customRulesConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()
new GridFieldButtonRow(),
new GridFieldToolbarHeader(),
new GridFieldAddNewInlineButton(),
new GridFieldDeleteAction(),
new GridState_Component()
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.DisplayRules', array(
'Initial visibility before processing these rules'
_t('EditableFormField.CUSTOMRULES', 'Custom Rules'),
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* @return void
public function onBeforeWrite() {
if(!$this->Sort && $this->ParentID) {
$parentID = $this->ParentID;
$this->Sort = EditableFormField::get()
->filter('ParentID', $parentID)
->max('Sort') + 1;
* @return void
public function onAfterWrite() {
// Set a field name.
if(!$this->Name) {
$this->Name = $this->RecordClassName . $this->ID;
* Flag indicating that this field will set its own error message via data-msg='' attributes
* @return bool
public function getSetsOwnError() {
return false;
* Return whether a user can delete this form field
* based on whether they can edit the page
* @return bool
public function canDelete($member = null) {
if($this->Parent()) {
return $this->Parent()->canEdit($member) && !$this->isReadonly();
return true;
* Return whether a user can edit this form field
* based on whether they can edit the page
* @return bool
public function canEdit($member = null) {
if($this->Parent()) {
return $this->Parent()->canEdit($member) && !$this->isReadonly();
return true;
* Publish this Form Field to the live site
* Wrapper for the {@link Versioned} publish function
public function doPublish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion = false) {
$this->publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion);
// Don't forget to publish the related custom rules...
foreach ($this->DisplayRules() as $rule) {
$rule->doPublish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion);
* Delete this form from a given stage
* Wrapper for the {@link Versioned} deleteFromStage function
public function doDeleteFromStage($stage) {
// Don't forget to delete the related custom rules...
foreach ($this->DisplayRules() as $rule) {
* checks wether record is new, copied from Sitetree
function isNew() {
if(empty($this->ID)) return true;
if(is_numeric($this->ID)) return false;
return stripos($this->ID, 'new') === 0;
* checks if records is changed on stage
* @return boolean
public function getIsModifiedOnStage() {
// new unsaved fields could be never be published
if($this->isNew()) return false;
$stageVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage('EditableFormField', 'Stage', $this->ID);
$liveVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage('EditableFormField', 'Live', $this->ID);
return ($stageVersion && $stageVersion != $liveVersion);
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function getSettings() {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'getSettings is deprecated');
return (!empty($this->CustomSettings)) ? unserialize($this->CustomSettings) : array();
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function setSettings($settings = array()) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'setSettings is deprecated');
$this->CustomSettings = serialize($settings);
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function setSetting($key, $value) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', "setSetting({$key}) is deprecated");
$settings = $this->getSettings();
$settings[$key] = $value;
* Set the allowed css classes for the extraClass custom setting
* @param array The permissible CSS classes to add
public function setAllowedCss(array $allowed) {
if (is_array($allowed)) {
foreach ($allowed as $k => $v) {
self::$allowed_css[$k] = (!is_null($v)) ? $v : $k;
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function getSetting($setting) {
Deprecation::notice("4.0", "getSetting({$setting}) is deprecated");
$settings = $this->getSettings();
if(isset($settings) && count($settings) > 0) {
if(isset($settings[$setting])) {
return $settings[$setting];
return '';
* Get the path to the icon for this field type, relative to the site root.
* @return string
public function getIcon() {
return USERFORMS_DIR . '/images/' . strtolower($this->class) . '.png';
* Return whether or not this field has addable options
* such as a dropdown field or radio set
* @return bool
public function getHasAddableOptions() {
return false;
* Return whether or not this field needs to show the extra
* options dropdown list
* @return bool
public function showExtraOptions() {
return true;
* Returns the Title for rendering in the front-end (with XML values escaped)
* @return string
public function getEscapedTitle() {
return Convert::raw2xml($this->Title);
public function getCMSTitle() {
return $this->i18n_singular_name() . ' (' . $this->Title . ')';
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function getFieldName($field = false) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', "getFieldName({$field}) is deprecated");
return ($field) ? "Fields[".$this->ID."][".$field."]" : "Fields[".$this->ID."]";
* @deprecated since version 4.0
public function getSettingName($field) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', "getSettingName({$field}) is deprecated");
$name = $this->getFieldName('CustomSettings');
return $name . '[' . $field .']';
* Append custom validation fields to the default 'Validation'
* section in the editable options view
* @return FieldList
public function getFieldValidationOptions() {
$fields = new FieldList(
CheckboxField::create('Required', _t('EditableFormField.REQUIRED', 'Is this field Required?')),
TextField::create('CustomErrorMessage', _t('EditableFormField.CUSTOMERROR','Custom Error Message'))
$this->extend('updateFieldValidationOptions', $fields);
return $fields;
* Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on
* your subclass.
* @return FormField
public function getFormField() {
user_error("Please implement a getFormField() on your EditableFormClass ". $this->ClassName, E_USER_ERROR);
* Updates a formfield with extensions
* @param FormField $field
public function doUpdateFormField($field) {
$this->extend('beforeUpdateFormField', $field);
$this->extend('afterUpdateFormField', $field);
* Updates a formfield with the additional metadata specified by this field
* @param FormField $field
protected function updateFormField($field) {
// set the error / formatting messages
// set the right title on this field
if($this->RightTitle) {
// Since this field expects raw html, safely escape the user data prior
// if this field is required add some
if($this->Required) {
// Required validation can conflict so add the Required validation messages as input attributes
$errorMessage = $this->getErrorMessage()->HTML();
$field->setAttribute('data-rule-required', 'true');
$field->setAttribute('data-msg-required', $errorMessage);
if($identifier = UserDefinedForm::config()->required_identifier) {
$title = $field->Title() . " <span class='required-identifier'>". $identifier . "</span>";
// if this field has an extra class
if($field->ExtraClass) {
* Return the instance of the submission field class
* @return SubmittedFormField
public function getSubmittedFormField() {
return new SubmittedFormField();
* Show this form field (and its related value) in the reports and in emails.
* @return bool
public function showInReports() {
return true;
* Return the error message for this field. Either uses the custom
* one (if provided) or the default SilverStripe message
* @return Varchar
public function getErrorMessage() {
$title = strip_tags("'". ($this->Title ? $this->Title : $this->Name) . "'");
$standard = sprintf(_t('Form.FIELDISREQUIRED', '%s is required').'.', $title);
// only use CustomErrorMessage if it has a non empty value
$errorMessage = (!empty($this->CustomErrorMessage)) ? $this->CustomErrorMessage : $standard;
return DBField::create_field('Varchar', $errorMessage);
* Validate the field taking into account its custom rules.
* @param Array $data
* @param UserForm $form
* @return boolean
public function validateField($data, $form) {
if($this->Required && $this->DisplayRules()->Count() == 0) {
$formField = $this->getFormField();
if(isset($data[$this->Name])) {
!isset($data[$this->Name]) ||
!$data[$this->Name] ||
) {
$form->addErrorMessage($this->Name, $this->getErrorMessage(), 'bad');
return true;
* Invoked by UserFormUpgradeService to migrate settings specific to this field from CustomSettings
* to the field proper
* @param array $data Unserialised data
public function migrateSettings($data) {
// Map 'Show' / 'Hide' to boolean
if(isset($data['ShowOnLoad'])) {
$this->ShowOnLoad = $data['ShowOnLoad'] === '' || ($data['ShowOnLoad'] && $data['ShowOnLoad'] !== 'Hide');
// Migrate all other settings
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
if($this->hasField($key)) {
$this->setField($key, $value);
* Get the formfield to use when editing this inline in gridfield
* @param string $column name of column
* @param array $fieldClasses List of allowed classnames if this formfield has a selectable class
* @return FormField
public function getInlineClassnameField($column, $fieldClasses) {
return DropdownField::create($column, false, $fieldClasses);
* Get the formfield to use when editing the title inline
* @param string $column
* @return FormField
public function getInlineTitleField($column) {
return TextField::create($column, false)
->setAttribute('placeholder', _t('EditableFormField.TITLE', 'Title'))
->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('EditableFormField.TITLE', 'Title'));