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* Javascript required to power the user defined forms.
* Rewritten from the prototype FieldEditor and constantly
* being refactored to be be less specific on the UDF dom.
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
* Namespace
var userforms = userforms || {};
* Messages from UserForms are translatable using i18n.
userforms.messages = {
CONFIRM_DELETE_ALL_SUBMISSIONS: 'All submissions will be permanently removed. Continue?',
ERROR_CREATING_FIELD: 'Error creating field',
ADDING_FIELD: 'Adding new field',
ADDED_FIELD: 'Added new field',
HIDE_OPTIONS: 'Hide options',
SHOW_OPTIONS: 'Show options',
ADDING_OPTION: 'Adding option',
ADDED_OPTION: 'Added option',
ERROR_CREATING_OPTION: 'Error creating option',
REMOVED_OPTION: 'Removed option',
ADDING_RULE: 'Adding rule'
* Returns a given translatable string from a passed key. Keys
* should be all caps without any spaces.
userforms.message = function() {
en = arguments[1] || userforms.messages[arguments[0]];
return ss.i18n._t("UserForms."+ arguments[0], en);
* Update the sortable properties of the form as a function
* since the application will need to refresh the UI dynamically based
* on a number of factors including when the user adds a page or
* swaps between pages
userforms.update = function() {
handle: '.fieldHandler',
cursor: 'pointer',
items: 'li.EditableFormField',
placeholder: 'removed-form-field',
opacity: 0.6,
revert: 'true',
change : function (event, ui) {
update : function (event, ui) {
var sort = 1;
$("li.EditableFormField").each(function() {
handle: '.handle',
items: 'li',
placeholder: 'removed-form-field',
opacity: 0.6,
revert: true,
change : function (event, ui) {
update : function (event, ui) {
var sort = 1;
$(".editableOptions li").each(function() {
userforms.appendToURL = function(url, pathsegmenttobeadded) {
var parts = url.match(/([^\?#]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/);
for(var i in parts) if(!parts[i]) parts[i] = '';
return parts[1] + pathsegmenttobeadded + parts[2] + parts[3];
* Workaround for not refreshing the sort.
* TODO: better solution would to not fire this on every hover but needs to
* ensure it doesn't have edge cases. The sledge hammer approach.
$(".fieldHandler, .handle").live('hover', function() {
* Kick off the UserForms UI
$.entwine('udf', function($){
/*-------------------- FIELD EDITOR ----------------------- */
* Create a new instance of a field in the current form
* area. the type information should all be on this object
$('div.FieldEditor .MenuHolder .action').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
var form = $("#Form_EditForm"),
length = $(".FieldInfo").length + 1,
fieldType = $(this).siblings("select").val(),
formData = form.serialize()+'NewID='+ length +"&Type="+ fieldType,
fieldEditor = $(this).closest('.FieldEditor');
if($("#Fields").hasClass('readonly') || !fieldType) {
// Due to some very weird behaviout of jquery.metadata, the url have to be double quoted
var addURL = fieldEditor.attr('data-add-url').substr(1, fieldEditor.attr('data-add-url').length-2);
headers: {"X-Pjax" : 'Partial'},
type: "POST",
url: addURL,
data: formData,
success: function(data) {
var name = $("#Fields_fields li.EditableFormField:last").attr("id").split(' ');
$("#Fields_fields select.fieldOption").append("<option value='"+ name[2] +"'>New "+ name[2] + "</option>");
error: function(e) {
alert(ss.i18n._t('GRIDFIELD.ERRORINTRANSACTION', 'An error occured while fetching data from the server\n Please try again later.'));
* Delete a field from the user defined form
$(".EditableFormField .delete").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
var text = $(this).parents("li").find(".fieldInfo .text").val();
// Remove all the rules with relate to this field
$("#Fields_fields .customRules select.fieldOption option").each(function(i, element) {
if($(element).text() === text) {
// check to see if this is selected. If it is then just remove the whole rule
if($(element).parent('select.customRuleField').val() === $(element).val()) {
} else {
// otherwise remove the option
* Upon renaming a field we should go through and rename all the
* fields in the select fields to use this new field title. We can
* just worry about the title text - don't mess around with the keys
$('.EditableFormField .fieldInfo .text').entwine({
onchange: function(e) {
var value = $(this).val();
var name = $(this).parents("li").attr("id").split(' ');
$("#Fields_fields select.fieldOption option").each(function(i, domElement) {
if($(domElement).val() === name[2]) {
* Show the more options popdown. Or hide it if we currently have it open
$(".EditableFormField .moreOptions").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
var parent = $(this).parents(".EditableFormField");
if(!parent) {
var extraOptions = parent.children(".extraOptions");
if(!extraOptions) {
if(extraOptions.hasClass('hidden')) {
$(this).html('Hide options');
} else {
$(this).html('Show options');
* Add a suboption to a radio field or to a dropdown box for example
$(".EditableFormField .addableOption").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// Give the user some feedback
// variables
var options = $(this).parent("li");
var action = userforms.appendToURL($("#Form_EditForm").attr("action"), '/field/Fields/addoptionfield');
var parent = $(this).attr("rel");
var securityID = ($("input[name=SecurityID]").length > 0) ? $("input[name=SecurityID]").first().attr("value") : '';
// send ajax request to the page
type: "GET",
url: action,
data: 'Parent='+ parent +'&SecurityID='+securityID,
// create a new field
success: function(msg){
// error creating new field
error: function(request, text, error) {
* Delete a suboption such as an dropdown option or a
* checkbox field
$(".EditableFormField .deleteOption").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// pass the deleted status onto the element
$(this).parent("li").children("[type=text]").attr("value", "field-node-deleted");
// Give the user some feedback
* Custom Rules Interface
* Hides the input text field if the conditionOption is 'IsBlank' or 'IsNotBlank'
onchange: function() {
var valueInput = $(this).siblings(".ruleValue");
if($(this).val() && $(this).val() !== "IsBlank" && $(this).val() !== "IsNotBlank") {
} else {
* Delete a custom rule
$(".customRules .deleteCondition").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
* Adding a custom rule to a given form
$(".customRules .addCondition").entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// Give the user some feedback
// get the fields li which to duplicate
var currentRules = $(this).parent("li").parent("ul");
var defaultRule = currentRules.children("li.hidden:first");
var newRule = defaultRule.clone();
newRule.children(".customRuleField").each(function(i, domElement) {
var currentName = domElement.name.split("][");
currentName[3] = currentName[2];
currentName[2] = currentRules.children().size() + 1;
domElement.name = currentName.join("][");
// remove hidden tag
// update the fields dropdown
$("#Fields_fields li.EditableFormField").each(function (i, domElement) {
var name = $(domElement).attr("id").split(' ');
newRule.children("select.fieldOption").append("<option value='"+ name[2] + "'>"+ $(domElement).find(".text").val() + "</option>");
// append to the list
})(jQuery); |