Serge Latyntcev 23de5a85c2 [CVE-2020-9280] Task for shifting UserForm uploads into correct folders
A task helper for recovering UserForm uploads targeting incorrectly migrated folders (from Silverstripe CMS 3)
    If your project has not been migrated from Silverstripe CMS 3, you do not need this helper.
    Before running this task make sure you have repaired the migrated folders themselves.
    To do that you have to run the extra migration subtask (`migrate-folders`).

    This task is particularly looking at all UserForm file submissions and checks they are in the same
    folder where the particular version of its EditableFileField has been set up to upload it to.

    If it finds the file has been misplaced, it tries to move it to the correct folder, but only if
    the file has not had any manipulations since the uploading happened (the file Version=1).

    If an affected file has a draft, then only Live version will be moved, but the draft will be preserved as is.

    For more details see CVE-2020-9280
2020-04-15 12:19:23 +12:00

570 lines
19 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\UserForms\Task;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use RuntimeException;
use SilverStripe\Assets\File;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Folder;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Configurable;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Core\Environment;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injectable;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Queries\SQLSelect;
use SilverStripe\Security\InheritedPermissions;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFileField;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedForm;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFormField;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFileField;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\UserDefinedForm;
use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned;
* A helper to recover the UserForm uploads targeting folders incorrectly migrated from Silverstripe CMS 3
* In short, the migrated folders do not have Live version records in the database, as such
* all the files uploaded through UserForms EditableFileField end up in a default fallback folder (/Uploads by default)
* If your project has not been migrated from Silverstripe CMS 3, you do not need this helper.
* For more details see CVE-2020-9280
* @internal This class is not a part of Silverstripe CMS public API
class RecoverUploadLocationsHelper
use Injectable;
use Configurable;
private static $dependencies = [
'logger' => '%$' . LoggerInterface::class . '.quiet',
* @var LoggerInterface
private $logger;
* @var Versioned
private $versionedExtension;
* Whether File class has Versioned extension installed
* @var bool
private $filesVersioned;
* Cache of the EditableFileField versions
* @var EditableFileField
private $fieldFolderCache = array();
public function __construct()
$this->logger = new NullLogger();
// Set up things before going into the loop
$this->versionedExtension = Injector::inst()->get(Versioned::class);
$this->filesVersioned = $this->versionedExtension->canBeVersioned(File::class);
* @param LoggerInterface $logger
* @return $this
public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
$this->logger = $logger;
return $this;
* Process the UserForm uplodas
* @return int Number of files processed
public function run()
// Set max time and memory limit
$this->logger->notice('Begin UserForm uploaded files destination folders recovery');
if (!class_exists(Versioned::class)) {
$this->logger->warning('Versioned extension is not installed. Skipping recovery.');
return 0;
if (!$this->versionedExtension->canBeVersioned(UserDefinedForm::class)) {
$this->logger->warning('Versioned extension is not set up for UserForms. Skipping recovery.');
return 0;
return $this->process();
* Process all the files and return the number
* @return int Number of files processed
protected function process()
// Check if we have folders to migrate
$totalCount = $this->getCountQuery()->count();
if (!$totalCount) {
$this->logger->warning('No UserForm uploads found');
return 0;
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('Processing %d file records', $totalCount));
$processedCount = 0;
$recoveryCount = 0;
$errorsCount = 0;
// Loop over the files to process
foreach($this->chunk() as $uploadRecord) {
$fileId = $uploadRecord['UploadedFileID'];
$fieldId = $uploadRecord['FieldID'];
$fieldVersion = $uploadRecord['FieldVersion'];
try {
$expectedFolderId = $this->getExpectedUploadFolderId($fieldId, $fieldVersion);
if ($expectedFolderId == 0) {
'The upload folder was not set for the file %d, SKIPPING',
$recoveryCount += $this->recover($fileId, $expectedFolderId);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error(sprintf('Could not process the file: %d', $fileId), ['exception' => $e]);
// Show summary of results
if ($processedCount > 0) {
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('%d file records have been processed.', $processedCount));
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('%d files recovered', $recoveryCount));
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('%d errors', $errorsCount));
} else {
$this->logger->notice('No files found');
return $processedCount;
* Fetches the EditableFileField version from cache and returns its FolderID
* @param int $fieldId EditableFileField.ID
* @param int EditableFileField Version
* @return int
protected function getExpectedUploadFolderId($fieldId, $fieldVersion)
// return if cache is warm
if (isset($this->fieldFolderCache[$fieldId][$fieldVersion])) {
return $this->fieldFolderCache[$fieldId][$fieldVersion]->FolderID;
// fetch the version
$editableFileField = Versioned::get_version(EditableFileField::class, $fieldId, $fieldVersion);
// populate the cache
$this->fieldFolderCache[$fieldId][$fieldVersion] = $editableFileField;
return $editableFileField->FolderID;
* Fetches a Folder by its ID, gracefully handling
* deleted folders
* @param int $id Folder.ID
* @return Folder
* @throws RuntimeException when folder could not be found
protected function getFolder($id)
$folder = Folder::get()->byID($id);
if (!$folder && $this->filesVersioned) {
// The folder might have been deleted, let's look up its latest version
$folder = Versioned::get_latest_version(Folder::class, $id);
if ($folder) {
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('Restoring (as protected) a deleted folder: "%s"', $folder->Filename));
if ($folder->CanViewType === InheritedPermissions::INHERIT) {
// enforce restored top level folders to be protected
$folder->CanViewType = InheritedPermissions::ONLY_THESE_USERS;
if (!$folder) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not fetch the folder with id "%d"', $id));
return $folder;
* Recover an uploaded file location
* @param int $fileId File.ID
* @param int $expectedFolderId ID of the folder where the file should have end up
* @return int Number of files recovered
protected function recover($fileId, $expectedFolderId)
/* @var File */
$draft = null;
/* @var File */
$live = null;
if ($this->filesVersioned) {
$draftVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(File::class, Versioned::DRAFT, $fileId);
$liveVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(File::class, Versioned::LIVE, $fileId);;
if ($draftVersion && $draftVersion != $liveVersion) {
$draft = Versioned::get_version(File::class, $fileId, $draftVersion);
} else {
$draft = null;
if ($liveVersion) {
$live = Versioned::get_version(File::class, $fileId, $liveVersion);
} else {
$live = File::get()->byID($fileId);
if (!$live) {
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('Could not find file with id %d (perhaps it has been deleted)', $fileId));
return 0;
// Check whether the file has been modified (moved) after the upload
if ($live->Version > 1) {
if ($live->ParentID != $expectedFolderId) {
// The file was updated after upload (perhaps was moved)
// We should assume that was intentional and do not process
// it, but rather make a warning here
'The file was updated after initial upload, skipping! "%s"',
// check for residual files in the original folder
return $this->checkResidual($fileId, $live, $draft);
if ($live->ParentID == $expectedFolderId) {
$this->logger->info(sprintf('OK: "%s"', $live->getField('FileFilename')));
return 0;
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('Found a misplaced file: "%s"', $live->getField('FileFilename')));
$expectedFolder = $this->getFolder($expectedFolderId);
if ($draft) {
return $this->recoverWithDraft($live, $draft, $expectedFolder);
} else {
return $this->recoverLiveOnly($live, $expectedFolder);
* Handles gracefully a bug in UserForms that prevents
* some uploaded files from being removed on the filesystem level
* when manually moving them to another folder through CMS
* @see
* @param int $fileId File.ID
* @param File $file The live version of the file
* @param File|null $draft The draft version of the file
* @return int Number of files recovered
protected function checkResidual($fileId, File $file, File $draft = null)
if (!$this->filesVersioned) {
return 0;
$upload = Versioned::get_version(File::class, $fileId, 1);
if ($upload->ParentID == $file->ParentID) {
// The file is published in the original folder, so we're good
return 0;
if ($draft && $upload->ParentID == $draft->ParentID) {
// The file draft is residing in the same folder where it
// has been uploaded originally. It's under the draft's control now
return 0;
$deleted = 0;
$dbFile = $upload->File;
if ($dbFile->exists()) {
// Find if another file record refer to the same physical location
$another = Versioned::get_by_stage(File::class, Versioned::LIVE, [
'"ID" != ?' => $fileId,
'"FileFilename"' => $dbFile->Filename,
'"FileHash"' => $dbFile->Hash,
'"FileVariant"' => $dbFile->Variant
// A lazy check for draft (no check if we already found live)
$another = $another || Versioned::get_by_stage(File::class, Versioned::DRAFT, [
'"ID" != ?' => $fileId,
'"FileFilename"' => $dbFile->Filename,
'"FileHash"' => $dbFile->Hash,
'"FileVariant"' => $dbFile->Variant
if (!$another) {
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('Found a residual file on the filesystem, going to delete it: "%s"', $dbFile->Filename));
if ($dbFile->deleteFile()) {
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('DELETE: "%s"', $dbFile->Filename));
} else {
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('FAILED TO DELETE: "%s"', $dbFile->Filename));
return $deleted;
* Recover a file with only Live version (with no draft)
* @param File $file the file instance
* @param int $expectedFolder The expected folder
* @return int How many files have been recovered
protected function recoverLiveOnly(File $file, Folder $expectedFolder)
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('MOVE: "%s" to %s', $file->Filename, $expectedFolder->Filename));
return $this->moveFileToFolder($file, $expectedFolder);
* Recover a live version of the file preserving the draft
* @param File $live Live version of the file
* @param File $draft Draft version of the file
* @param Folder $expectedFolder The expected folder
* @return int How many files have been recovered
protected function recoverWithDraft(File $live, File $draft, Folder $expectedFolder)
'MOVE: "%s" to "%s", preserving draft "%s"',
$result = $this->moveFileToFolder($live, $expectedFolder);
// Restore the DB record of the draft deleted after publishing
// This hack makes it copy the file on the filesystem level.
// The file under the Filename link of the draft has been removed
// when we published the updated live version of the file.
$draft->File->Filename = $live->File->Filename;
// If the draft parent folder has been deleted (e.g. the draft file was alone there)
// we explicitly restore it here, otherwise it
// will be lost and saved in the root directory
$draft->Parent = $this->getFolder($draft->ParentID);
// Save the draft and copy over the file from the Live version
// on the filesystem level
return $result;
protected function moveFileToFolder(File $file, Folder $folder)
$file->Parent = $folder;
return 1;
* Split queries into smaller chunks to avoid using too much memory
* @param int $chunkSize
* @return Generator
private function chunk($chunkSize = 100)
$greaterThanID = 0;
do {
$count = 0;
$chunk = $this->getQuery()
'"SubmittedFileFieldTable"."UploadedFileID" > ?' => $greaterThanID
// TODO: Versioned::prepopulate_versionnumber_cache
foreach ($chunk as $item) {
yield $item;
$greaterThanID = $item['UploadedFileID'];
} while ($count > 0);
* Returns SQLQuery instance
EditableFileField_Versions.RecordID as FieldID,
MAX(EditableFileField_Versions.Version) as FieldVersion
left join
SubmittedFormField.ID = SubmittedFileField.ID
left join
SubmittedForm.ID = SubmittedFormField.ParentID
left join
EditableFormField_Versions.ParentID = SubmittedForm.ParentID
EditableFormField_Versions.Name = SubmittedFormField.Name
EditableFormField_Versions.LastEdited < SubmittedForm.Created
inner join
EditableFileField_Versions.RecordID = EditableFormField_Versions.RecordID
EditableFileField_Versions.Version = EditableFormField_Versions.Version
SubmittedFileField.UploadedFileID != 0
group by
order by
limit 100
private function getQuery()
$schema = DataObject::getSchema();
$submittedFileFieldTable = $schema->tableName(SubmittedFileField::class);
$submittedFormFieldTable = $schema->tableName(SubmittedFormField::class);
$submittedFormTable = $schema->tableName(SubmittedForm::class);
$editableFileFieldTable = $schema->tableName(EditableFileField::class);
$editableFileFieldVersionsTable = sprintf('%s_Versions', $editableFileFieldTable);
$editableFormFieldTable = $schema->tableName(EditableFormField::class);
$editableFormFieldVersionsTable = sprintf('%s_Versions', $editableFormFieldTable);
return SQLSelect::create()
'"EditableFileFieldVersions"."RecordID" as "FieldID"',
'MAX("EditableFileFieldVersions"."Version") as "FieldVersion"'
->setFrom(sprintf('%s as "SubmittedFileFieldTable"', Convert::symbol2sql($submittedFileFieldTable)))
'"SubmittedFileFieldTable"."UploadedFileID" != 0'
'"SubmittedFormFieldTable"."ID" = "SubmittedFileFieldTable"."ID"',
'"SubmittedFormTable"."ID" = "SubmittedFormFieldTable"."ParentID"',
'%s AND %s AND %s',
'"EditableFormFieldVersions"."ParentID" = "SubmittedFormTable"."ParentID"',
'"EditableFormFieldVersions"."Name" = "SubmittedFormFieldTable"."Name"',
'"EditableFormFieldVersions"."LastEdited" < "SubmittedFormTable"."Created"'
'%s AND %s',
'"EditableFileFieldVersions"."RecordID" = "EditableFormFieldVersions"."RecordID"',
'"EditableFileFieldVersions"."Version" = "EditableFormFieldVersions"."Version"'
->addOrderBy('"SubmittedFileFieldTable"."UploadedFileID"', 'ASC')
* Returns DataList object containing every
* uploaded file record
* @return DataList
private function getCountQuery()
return SubmittedFileField::get()->filter(['UploadedFileID:NOT' => 0]);