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synced 2024-10-22 15:05:42 +00:00
The inputted value is intended to represent megabytes, but is only multiplied by 1024 - meaning it'd represent kilobytes. This is then used to compare with the PHP setting number, which is bytes in the range of megabytes. Kilobytes are always under megabytes, meaning size comparisons elsewhere in the code are always true. We should ensure the calculation for validation is correct.
288 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
288 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
namespace SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField;
use SilverStripe\Assets\File;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Folder;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FileField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LiteralField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\NumericField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TreeDropdownField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\Security\InheritedPermissions;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Control\UserDefinedFormAdmin;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Control\UserDefinedFormController;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFileField;
* Allows a user to add a field that can be used to upload a file.
* @method Folder Folder
* @property int FolderID
* @property boolean MaxFileSizeMB
* @property boolean FolderConfirmed
* @package userforms
class EditableFileField extends EditableFormField
private static $singular_name = 'File Upload Field';
private static $plural_names = 'File Fields';
private static $db = [
'MaxFileSizeMB' => 'Float',
'FolderConfirmed' => 'Boolean',
private static $has_one = [
'Folder' => Folder::class // From CustomFields
private static $table_name = 'EditableFileField';
* Further limit uploadable file extensions in addition to the restrictions
* imposed by the File.allowed_extensions global configuration.
* @config
private static $allowed_extensions_blacklist = [
'htm', 'html', 'xhtml', 'swf', 'xml'
* Returns a string describing the permissions of a folder
* @param Folder|null $folder
* @return string
public static function getFolderPermissionString(Folder $folder = null)
$folderPermissions = static::getFolderPermissionTuple($folder);
$icon = 'font-icon-user-lock';
if ($folderPermissions['CanViewType'] == InheritedPermissions::ANYONE) {
$icon = 'font-icon-address-card-warning';
return sprintf(
'<span class="icon %s form-description__icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>%s %s',
htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $folderPermissions['ViewerGroups']), ENT_QUOTES)
* Returns an array with a view type string and the viewer groups
* @param Folder|null $folder
* @return array
private static function getFolderPermissionTuple(Folder $folder = null)
$viewersOptionsField = [
InheritedPermissions::INHERIT => _t(__CLASS__.'.INHERIT', 'Visibility for this folder is inherited from the parent folder'),
InheritedPermissions::ANYONE => _t(__CLASS__.'.ANYONE', 'Unrestricted access, uploads will be visible to anyone'),
InheritedPermissions::LOGGED_IN_USERS => _t(__CLASS__.'.LOGGED_IN', 'Restricted access, uploads will be visible to logged-in users'),
InheritedPermissions::ONLY_THESE_USERS => _t(__CLASS__.'.ONLY_GROUPS', 'Restricted access, uploads will be visible to the following groups:')
if (!$folder) {
return [
'CanViewType' => InheritedPermissions::ANYONE,
'CanViewTypeString' => $viewersOptionsField[InheritedPermissions::ANYONE],
'ViewerGroups' => [],
$folder = static::getNonInheritedViewType($folder);
// ViewerGroups may still exist when permissions have been loosened
$viewerGroups = [];
if ($folder->CanViewType === InheritedPermissions::ONLY_THESE_USERS) {
$viewerGroups = $folder->ViewerGroups()->column('Title');
return [
'CanViewType' => $folder->CanViewType,
'CanViewTypeString' => $viewersOptionsField[$folder->CanViewType],
'ViewerGroups' => $viewerGroups,
* Returns the nearest non-inherited view permission of the provided
* @param File $file
* @return File
private static function getNonInheritedViewType(File $file)
if ($file->CanViewType !== InheritedPermissions::INHERIT) {
return $file;
$parent = $file->Parent();
if ($parent->exists()) {
return static::getNonInheritedViewType($parent);
} else {
// anyone can view top level files
$file->CanViewType = InheritedPermissions::ANYONE;
return $file;
* @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields()
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$treeView = TreeDropdownField::create(
_t('EditableUploadField.SELECTUPLOADFOLDER', 'Select upload folder'),
// Warn the user if the folder targeted by this field is not restricted
if ($this->FolderID && !$this->Folder()->hasRestrictedAccess()) {
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", LiteralField::create(
'<p class="alert alert-warning">' . _t(
'Access to the current upload folder "{path}" is not restricted. Uploaded files will be publicly accessible if the exact URL is known.',
['path' => Convert::raw2att($this->Folder()->Filename)]
. '</p>'
), 'Type');
->setTitle('Max File Size MB')
->setDescription("Note: Maximum php allowed size is {$this->getPHPMaxFileSizeMB()} MB")
return $fields;
* @return ValidationResult
public function validate()
$result = parent::validate();
$max = static::get_php_max_file_size();
if ($this->MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024 > $max) {
$result->addError("Your max file size limit can't be larger than the server's limit of {$this->getPHPMaxFileSizeMB()}.");
return $result;
public function getFormField()
$field = FileField::create($this->Name, $this->Title ?: false)
->setFieldHolderTemplate(EditableFormField::class . '_holder')
$field->setFieldHolderTemplate(EditableFormField::class . '_holder')
// filter out '' since this would be a regex problem on JS end
array_filter(Config::inst()->get(File::class, 'allowed_extensions')),
if ($this->MaxFileSizeMB > 0) {
$field->getValidator()->setAllowedMaxFileSize($this->MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024);
} else {
$folder = $this->Folder();
if ($folder && $folder->exists()) {
preg_replace("/^assets\//", "", $folder->Filename)
return $field;
* Return the value for the database, link to the file is stored as a
* relation so value for the field can be null.
* @return string
public function getValueFromData()
return null;
public function getSubmittedFormField()
return SubmittedFileField::create();
* @return float
public static function get_php_max_file_size()
$maxUpload = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$maxPost = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
return min($maxUpload, $maxPost);
public function getPHPMaxFileSizeMB()
return round(static::get_php_max_file_size() / 1024 / 1024, 1);
public function onBeforeWrite()
$folderChanged = $this->isChanged('FolderID');
// Default to either an existing sibling's folder, or the default form submissions folder
if ($this->FolderID === null) {
$inheritableSibling = EditableFileField::get()->filter([
'ParentID' => $this->ParentID,
'FolderConfirmed' => true,
if ($inheritableSibling) {
$this->FolderID = $inheritableSibling->FolderID;
} else {
$folder = UserDefinedFormAdmin::getFormSubmissionFolder();
$this->FolderID = $folder->ID;
if ($folderChanged) {
$this->FolderConfirmed = true;