readonly; } function performReadonlyTransformation() { $clone = clone $this; $clone->setReadonly(true); return $clone; } function makeReadonly() { return $this->performReadonlyTransformation(); } function FieldHolder() { return $this->renderWith("FieldEditor"); } function Fields() { Requirements::css("userform/css/FieldEditor.css"); Requirements::javascript("userform/javascript/FieldEditor.js"); $relationName = $this->name; $fields = $this->form->getRecord()->$relationName(); if( $this->readonly ) { $readonlyFields = new DataObjectSet(); foreach( $fields as $field ) { $field->setEditor( $this ); $readonlyFields->push( $field->makeReadonly() ); } $fields = $readonlyFields; } return $fields; } function saveInto(DataObject $record) { $name = $this->name; $fieldSet = $record->$name(); $record->EmailTo = $_REQUEST[$name]['EmailTo']; $record->EmailOnSubmit = isset( $_REQUEST[$name]['EmailOnSubmit'] ) ? "1" : "0"; $record->SubmitButtonText = $_REQUEST[$name]['SubmitButtonText']; // store the field IDs and delete the missing fields // alternatively, we could delete all the fields and re add them $missingFields = array(); foreach( $fieldSet as $existingField ){ $missingFields[$existingField->ID] = $existingField; } // write the new fields to the database if($_REQUEST[$name]){ foreach( array_keys( $_REQUEST[$name] ) as $newEditableID ) { $newEditableData = $_REQUEST[$name][$newEditableID]; // `ParentID`=0 is for the new page $editable = DataObject::get_one( 'EditableFormField', "(`ParentID`='{$record->ID}' OR `ParentID`=0) AND `EditableFormField`.`ID`='$newEditableID'" ); // check if we are updating an existing field if( $editable && isset($missingFields[$editable->ID])) unset( $missingFields[$editable->ID] ); // create a new object // this should now be obsolete if(!$editable && !empty($newEditableData['Type']) && class_exists($newEditableData['Type'])) { $editable = new $newEditableData['Type'](); $editable->ID = 0; $editable->ParentID = $record->ID; if(!is_subclass_of($editable, 'EditableFormField')) { $editable = null; } } if($editable) { if($editable->ParentID == 0) { $editable->ParentID = $record->ID; } $editable->populateFromPostData($newEditableData); //$editable->write(); } } } // remove the fields not saved foreach($missingFields as $removedField) { if(is_numeric($removedField->ID)) $removedField->delete(); } if($record->hasMethod('customFormSave')) { $record->customFormSave( $_REQUEST[$name], $record ); } //$record->writeWithoutVersion(); if($record->hasMethod( 'processNewFormFields')) { $record->processNewFormFields(); } } /*function addNewField( $newField ) { $newField->ParentID = $this->ID; $newField->write(); return $this->renderWith("FieldEditor"); }*/ function addfield() { // get the last field in this form editor $parentID = $this->form->getRecord()->ID; $lastField = DataObject::get('EditableFormField', "`ParentID`='$parentID'", "`Sort` DESC", null, 1 ); $nextSort = 1; // the new sort value is the value of the last sort + 1 if a field exists if( $lastField ) $nextSort += $lastField->Sort; $className = "Editable" . ucfirst($_REQUEST['Type']); $name = $this->name; if(is_subclass_of($className, "EditableFormField")) { $e = new $className(); // $fields = $this->form->getRecord()->$name()->Count(); // $e->Name = $this->name . "[NewFields][]"; // Debug::show($fields); /*if( $this->form->getRecord()->hasMethod('addField') ) $this->form->getRecord()->addField( $e ); else*/ $e->ParentID = $this->form->getRecord()->ID; //Debug::show($e); $e->write(); //$e->ID = "new-" . ( $_REQUEST['NewID'] + 1 ); $e->Name = $e->class . $e->ID; $e->write(); return $e->EditSegment(); } else { user_error("FieldEditor::addfield: Tried to create a field of class '$className'", E_USER_ERROR); } } function adddropdownfield() { return $this->addNewField( new EditableDropdown() ); } function addcheckboxfield() { return $this->addNewField( new EditableCheckbox() ); } protected $haveFormOptions = true; function setHaveFormOptions($bool){ $this->haveFormOptions = $bool; } function getHaveFormOptions(){ return $this->haveFormOptions; } function FormOptions() { if($this->haveFormOptions){ $fields = new FieldSet( new EmailField( "{$this->name}[EmailTo]", _t('FieldEditor.EMAILSUBMISSION', 'Email submission to:'), $this->form->getRecord()->EmailTo ), new CheckboxField( "{$this->name}[EmailOnSubmit]", _t('FieldEditor.EMAILONSUBMIT', 'Email form on submit:'), $this->form->getRecord()->EmailOnSubmit ) ); if( $this->form->getRecord()->hasMethod( 'customFormActions' ) ) { $newFields = $this->form->getRecord()->customFormActions( $this->readonly ); foreach( $newFields as $newField ) { $newField->setName( "{$this->name}[{$newField->Name()}]" ); $fields->push( $newField ); } } if( $this->readonly ) $fields = $fields->makeReadonly(); return $fields; } } } ?>