# Troubleshooting Check the below if you have any issues during installation or use ## Installation Issues After installation make sure you have done a `dev/build` you may also need to flush the admin view by appending `?flush=1` to the URL, e.g. `http://yoursite.com/admin?flush=1` ## UserForms EditableFormField Column Clean task This task is used to clear unused columns from EditableFormField database tables. The reason to clear these columns is because having surplus forms can break form saving. Currently it only supports MySQL and when it is run it queries the EditableFormField class for the valid columns, it then grabs the columns for the live database. It will create a backup of the table and then remove any columns that are surplus. To run the task, log in as an administrator and go to to http://yoursite/dev/tasks/UserFormsColumnCleanTask in your browser, or run `sake dev/tasks/UserFormsColumnCleanTask` from the command line. ## My CSV export times out or runs out of memory You likely have too many submissions to fit within the PHP constraints on your server (execution time and memory). If you can't increase these limits, consider installing the [gridfieldqueuedexport](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-gridfieldqueuedexport) module. It uses [queuedjobs](https://github.com/symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs) to export submissions in the background, providing users with a progress indicator.