en: SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree: TABMAIN: Main SilverStripe\UserForms: ADDEMAILRECIPIENT: 'Add Email Recipient' CLEARBUTTON: Clear CONFIGURATION: Configuration DISABLEAUTHENICATEDFINISHACTION: 'Disable Authentication on finish action' DISABLECSRFSECURITYTOKEN: 'Disable CSRF Token' DISPLAYERRORMESSAGESATTOP: 'Display error messages above the form?' ENABLELIVEVALIDATION: 'Enable live validation' NORECIPIENTS: 'Warning: You have not configured any recipients. Form submissions may be missed.' ONCOMPLETELABEL: 'Show on completion' RECIPIENTS: Recipients SAVESUBMISSIONS: 'Disable Saving Submissions to Server' SHOWCLEARFORM: 'Show Clear Form Button' SUBMISSIONS: Submissions SUBMITBUTTON: Submit TEXTONCLEAR: 'Text on clear button:' TEXTONSUBMIT: 'Text on submit button:' SilverStripe\UserForms\Control\UserDefinedFormAdmin: CANCEL: 'Cancel' CONFIRM_FOLDER_LABEL_A: 'Files that your users upload should be stored carefully to reduce the risk of exposing sensitive data. Ensure the folder you select can only be viewed by appropriate parties. Folder permissions can be managed within the Files area.' CONFIRM_FOLDER_LABEL_B: 'The folder selected will become the default for this form. This can be changed on an individual basis in the File upload field.' FOLDER_OPTIONS_EXISTING: 'Use an existing folder' FOLDER_OPTIONS_NEW: 'Create a new folder (recommended)' FOLDER_OPTIONS_TITLE: 'Form folder options' FORM_ACTION_CONFIRM: 'Save and continue' INVALID_REQUEST: 'This request was invalid.' MENUTITLE: SilverStripe\UserForms\Control\UserDefinedForm SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormFieldEditorExtension: ADD_FIELD: 'Add Field' ADD_FIELD_GROUP: 'Add Field Group' ADD_PAGE_BREAK: 'Add Page Break' FORMFIELDS: 'Form Fields' SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormValidator: CONDITIONAL_REQUIRED: 'Required field ''{name}'' cannot be placed within a conditional page' NO_PAGE: 'Field ''{name}'' found before any pages' UNEXPECTED_BREAK: 'Unexpected page break ''{name}'' inside nested field ''{group}''' UNEXPECTED_GROUP_END: '''{name}'' found without a matching group' WRONG_GROUP_END: '''{name}'' found closes the wrong group ''{group}''' SilverStripe\UserForms\Form\UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader: FILTER: Filter FILTERSUBMISSIONS: 'Filter Submissions..' FROM: From RESET: Reset TILL: Till WHEREVALUEIS: 'where value is..' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableCustomRule: PLURALNAME: 'Editable Custom Rules' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Custom Rule' other: '{count} Editable Custom Rules' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Custom Rule' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField: CHECKEDBYDEFAULT: 'Checked by Default?' CUSTOMERROR: 'Custom Error Message' CUSTOMOPTIONS: Options CUSTOMRULES: 'Custom Rules' DEFAULT: 'Default value' DEFAULTTOTODAY: 'Default to Today?' DISPLAYIF: 'Toggle visibility when' EXTRACLASS_MULTIPLE: 'Separate each CSS class with a single space' EXTRACLASS_SELECT: 'Select from the list of allowed styles' EXTRACLASS_TITLE: 'Extra Styling/Layout' EXTRACLASS_Title: 'Extra CSS classes' FIELDISREQUIRED: '{name} is required' GROUP: Group INITIALVISIBILITY: 'Initial visibility' MERGEFIELDNAME: 'Merge field' NAME: Name 'NO': 'No' PLACEHOLDER: Placeholder PLURALNAME: 'Editable Form Fields' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Form Field' other: '{count} Editable Form Fields' REQUIRED: 'Is this field Required?' REQUIRED_DESCRIPTION: 'Please note that conditional fields can''t be required' RIGHTTITLE: 'Right title' SHOWINSUMMARY: 'Show in summary gridfield' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Form Field' TITLE: Title TYPE: Type TYPE_EMPTY: 'Select field type' VALIDATION: Validation 'YES': 'Yes' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCheckbox: PLURALNAME: Checkboxes PLURALS: one: 'A Checkbox Field' other: '{count} Checkboxes' SINGULARNAME: 'Checkbox Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCheckboxGroupField: PLURALNAME: 'Checkbox Groups' PLURALS: one: 'A Checkbox Group' other: '{count} Checkbox Groups' SINGULARNAME: 'Checkbox Group' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCountryDropdownField: DEFAULT: 'Default value' EMPTY_STRING: 'Empty String' PLURALNAME: 'Country Dropdowns' PLURALS: one: 'A Country Dropdown' other: '{count} Country Dropdowns' SINGULARNAME: 'Country Dropdown' USE_EMPTY_STRING: 'Set default empty string' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableDateField: PLURALNAME: 'Date Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Date Field' other: '{count} Date Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Date Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableDropdown: PLURALNAME: Dropdowns PLURALS: one: 'A Dropdown Field' other: '{count} Dropdowns' SINGULARNAME: 'Dropdown Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableEmailField: PLURALNAME: 'Email Fields' PLURALS: one: 'An Email Field' other: '{count} Email Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Email Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFieldGroup: PLURALNAME: 'Editable Field Groups' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Field Group' other: '{count} Editable Field Groups' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Field Group' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFieldGroupEnd: FIELD_GROUP_END: '{group} end' FIELD_GROUP_START: 'Group {group}' PLURALNAME: 'Editable Field Group Ends' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Field Group End' other: '{count} Editable Field Group Ends' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Field Group End' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFileField: ANYONE: 'Unrestricted access, uploads will be visible to anyone' INHERIT: 'Visibility for this folder is inherited from the parent folder' LOGGED_IN: 'Restricted access, uploads will be visible to logged-in users' ONLY_GROUPS: 'Restricted access, uploads will be visible to the following groups:' PLURALNAME: 'File Upload Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A File Upload Field' other: '{count} File Upload Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'File Upload Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFormHeading: LEVEL: 'Select Heading Level' PLURALNAME: Headings PLURALS: one: 'A Heading' other: '{count} Headings' SINGULARNAME: Heading SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFormStep: PLURALNAME: 'Page Breaks' PLURALS: one: 'A Page Break' other: '{count} Page Breaks' SINGULARNAME: 'Page Break' STEP_NEXT: Next STEP_PREV: Prev STEP_TITLE: 'Page {page}' TITLE_FIRST: 'First Page' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableLiteralField: CONTENT: HTML HIDEFROMREPORT: 'Hide from reports?' HIDELABEL: 'Hide ''Title'' label on frontend?' PLURALNAME: 'HTML Blocks' PLURALS: one: 'A HTML Block' other: '{count} HTML Blocks' SINGULARNAME: 'HTML Block' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableMemberListField: PLURALNAME: 'Member List Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Member List Field' other: '{count} Member List Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Member List Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableMultipleOptionField: DEFAULT: 'Selected by default?' OPTIONSTAB: Options PLURALNAME: 'Editable Multiple Option Fields' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Multiple Option Field' other: '{count} Editable Multiple Option Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Multiple Option Field' TITLE: Title VALUE: Value SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableNumericField: ORDER_WARNING: 'Minimum length should be less than the maximum length.' PLURALNAME: 'Numeric Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Numeric Field' other: '{count} Numeric Fields' RANGE: 'Allowed numeric range' RANGE_TO: to SINGULARNAME: 'Numeric Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableOption: PLURALNAME: 'Editable Options' PLURALS: one: 'An Editable Option' other: '{count} Editable Options' SINGULARNAME: 'Editable Option' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableRadioField: PLURALNAME: 'Radio Groups' PLURALS: one: 'A Radio Group' other: '{count} Radio Groups' SINGULARNAME: 'Radio Group' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableTextField: AUTOCOMPLETE: Autocomplete AUTOCOMPLETE_DESCRIPTION: 'Supported browsers will attempt to populate this field automatically with the users information, use to set the value populated' MAX_LENGTH: 'Maximum text length' MIN_LENGTH: 'Minimum text length' MINMAXLENGTHCHECK: 'Minimum length should be less than the Maximum length.' NUMBERROWS: 'Number of rows' NUMBERROWS_DESCRIPTION: 'Fields with more than one row will be generated as a textarea' PLURALNAME: 'Text Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Text Field' other: '{count} Text Fields' RANGE_TO: to SINGULARNAME: 'Text Field' TEXTLENGTH: 'Allowed text length' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\EmailRecipient: CUSTOMRULESTAB: 'Custom Rules' EMAILCONTENTTAB: 'Email Content' EMAILDETAILSTAB: 'Email Details' EMAILFROMREQUIRED: '"Email From" address is required' EMAILTOREQUIRED: '"Send email to" address or field is required' PLURALNAME: 'Email Recipients' PLURALS: one: 'An Email Recipient' other: '{count} Email Recipients' SINGULARNAME: 'Email Recipient' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\EmailRecipientCondition: PLURALNAME: 'Email Recipient Conditions' PLURALS: one: 'An Email Recipient Condition' other: '{count} Email Recipient Conditions' SINGULARNAME: 'Email Recipient Condition' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFileField: DOWNLOADFILE: 'Download File' PLURALNAME: 'Submitted File Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Submitted File Field' other: '{count} Submitted File Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Submitted File Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedForm: PLURALNAME: 'Submitted forms' PLURALS: one: 'A Submitted form' other: '{count} Submitted forms' SINGULARNAME: 'Submitted form' SUBMITTER: Submitter SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFormField: PLURALNAME: 'Submitted Form Fields' PLURALS: one: 'A Submitted Form Field' other: '{count} Submitted Form Fields' SINGULARNAME: 'Submitted Form Field' SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\UserDefinedForm: CLEARBUTTON: Clear DESCRIPTION: 'Adds a customizable form.' EMAILADDRESS: Email EMAILBODY: Body EMAILBODYHTML: Body EMAILFROM: From EMAILSUBJECT: 'Email subject' EMAILTEMPLATE: 'Email template' EMAIL_RECIPIENT_UNSAVED_FORM: 'You will be able to select from valid form fields after saving this record.' EmailFromContent: 'The from address allows you to set who the email comes from. On most servers this will need to be set to an email address on the same domain name as your site. For example on yoursite.com the from address may need to be something@yoursite.com. You can however, set any email address you wish as the reply to address.' FROMADDRESS: 'Send email from' HIDEFORMDATA: 'Hide form data from email?' ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASFROM: '.. or select a field to use as reply to address' ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASTO: '.. or select a field to use as the to address' PLURALNAME: 'User Defined Forms' PLURALS: one: 'An User Defined Form' other: '{count} User Defined Forms' PREVIEW_EMAIL: 'Preview email' PREVIEW_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION: 'Note: Unsaved changes will not appear in the preview.' PREVIEW_EMAIL_UNAVAILABLE: 'You can preview this email once you have saved the Recipient.' REPLYADDRESS: 'Email for reply to' REPLYADDRESS_DESCRIPTION: 'The email address which the recipient is able to ''reply'' to.' RulesDescription: 'Emails will only be sent to the recipient if the custom rules are met. If no rules are defined, this recipient will receive notifications for every submission.' SELECTAFIELDTOSETSUBJECT: '.. or select a field to use as the subject' SENDEMAILTO: 'Send email to' SENDEMAILTO_DESCRIPTION: 'You may enter multiple email addresses as a comma separated list.' SENDIF: 'Send condition' SENDIFAND: 'All conditions are true' SENDIFOR: 'Any conditions are true' SENDPLAIN: 'Send email as plain text? (HTML will be stripped)' SINGULARNAME: 'User Defined Form' SUBMITBUTTON: Submit TYPEREPLY: 'Type reply address' TYPESUBJECT: 'Type subject' TYPETO: 'Type to address' UnrestrictedFileUploadWarning: 'Access to the current upload folder "{path}" is not restricted. Uploaded files will be publicly accessible if the exact URL is known.'