<% include UserFormProgress %> <% include UserFormStepErrors %> <% if $Message %>


<% else %> <% end_if %>
<% if $Legend %>$Legend<% end_if %> <% loop $Fields %> $FieldHolder <% end_loop %>
<%-- Include step navigation if it's a multi-page form. The markup inside this include is hidden by default and displayed if JavaScript is enabled. --%> <% if $Steps.Count > 1 %> <% include UserFormStepNav %> <% end_if %> <%-- When JavaScript is disabled, multi-page forms are diaplayed as a single page form, and these actions are used instead of the step navigation include. These actions are hidden by JavaScript on multi-page forms. --%> <% if $Actions %>
<% loop $Actions %> $Field <% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>