"Boolean", "EmailOnSubmitSubject" => "Varchar(200)", "SubmitButtonText" => "Varchar", "OnCompleteMessage" => "HTMLText", "ShowClearButton" => "Boolean" ); /** * @var Array Default values of variables when this page is created */ static $defaults = array( 'Content' => '$UserDefinedForm', 'OnCompleteMessage' => '

Thanks, we\'ve received your submission.

' ); /** * @var Array */ static $has_many = array( "Fields" => "EditableFormField", "Submissions" => "SubmittedForm", "EmailRecipients" => "UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient" ); /** * Setup the CMS Fields for the User Defined Form * * @return FieldSet */ public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); // field editor $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content."._t('UserDefinedForm.FORM', 'Form'), new FieldEditor("Fields", 'Fields', "", $this )); // view the submissions $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content."._t('UserDefinedForm.SUBMISSIONS','Submissions'), new SubmittedFormReportField( "Reports", _t('UserDefinedForm.RECEIVED', 'Received Submissions'), "", $this ) ); // who do we email on submission $emailRecipients = new HasManyComplexTableField($this, 'EmailRecipients', 'UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient', array( 'EmailAddress' => 'Email', 'EmailSubject' => 'Subject', 'EmailFrom' => 'From' ), 'getCMSFields_forPopup', "FormID = '$this->ID'" ); $emailRecipients->setAddTitle(_t('UserDefinedForm.AEMAILRECIPIENT', 'A Email Recipient')); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content."._t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILRECIPIENTS', 'Email Recipients'), $emailRecipients); // text to show on complete $onCompleteFieldSet = new FieldSet( new HtmlEditorField( "OnCompleteMessage", _t('UserDefinedForm.ONCOMPLETELABEL', 'Show on completion'),3,"",_t('UserDefinedForm.ONCOMPLETEMESSAGE', $this->OnCompleteMessage), $this ), new TextField("EmailOnSubmitSubject", _t('UserDefinedForm.ONSUBMITSUBJECT', 'Email Subject')), new HtmlEditorField( "EmailMessageToSubmitter", _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILMESSAGETOSUBMITTER', 'Email message to submitter'),3,"",_t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILMESSAGETOSUBMITTER', $this->EmailMessageToSubmitter), $this ) ); $fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.Content."._t('UserDefinedForm.ONCOMPLETE','On complete'), $onCompleteFieldSet); return $fields; } /** * Filter the Submissions page form * * @return Form */ public function FilterForm() { $fields = new FieldSet(); $required = array(); foreach($this->Fields() as $field) { $fields->push($field->getFilterField()); } $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction("filter", _t('UserDefinedForm.SUBMIT', 'Submit')) ); return new Form( $this, "Form", $fields, $actions ); } /** * Filter the submissions by the given criteria * * @param Array the filter data * @param Form the form used * @return Array|String */ public function filter( $data, $form ) { $filterClause = array( "`SubmittedForm`.`ParentID` = '{$this->ID}'" ); $keywords = preg_split( '/\s+/', $data['FilterKeyword'] ); $keywordClauses = array(); // combine all keywords into one clause foreach($keywords as $keyword) { // escape %, \ and _ in the keyword. These have special meanings in a LIKE string $keyword = preg_replace( '/([%_])/', '\\\\1', addslashes( $keyword ) ); $keywordClauses[] = "`Value` LIKE '%$keyword%'"; } if(count($keywordClauses) > 0) { $filterClause[] = "( " . implode( ' OR ', $keywordClauses ) . ")"; $searchQuery = 'keywords \'' . implode( "', '", $keywords ) . '\' '; } $fromDate = addslashes( $data['FilterFromDate'] ); $toDate = addslashes( $data['FilterToDate'] ); // use date objects to convert date to value expected by database if( ereg('^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$', $fromDate, $parts) ) $fromDate = $parts[3] . '-' . $parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1]; if( ereg('^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$', $toDate, $parts) ) $toDate = $parts[3] . '-' . $parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1]; if( $fromDate ) { $filterClause[] = "`SubmittedForm`.`Created` >= '$fromDate'"; $searchQuery .= 'from ' . $fromDate . ' '; } if( $toDate ) { $filterClause[] = "`SubmittedForm`.`Created` <= '$toDate'"; $searchQuery .= 'to ' . $toDate; } $submittedValues = DataObject::get( 'SubmittedFormField', implode( ' AND ', $filterClause ), "", "INNER JOIN `SubmittedForm` ON `SubmittedFormField`.`ParentID`=`SubmittedForm`.`ID`" ); if( !$submittedValues || $submittedValues->Count() == 0 ) return _t('UserDefinedForm.NORESULTS', 'No matching results found'); $submissions = $submittedValues->groupWithParents( 'ParentID', 'SubmittedForm' ); if( !$submissions || $submissions->Count() == 0 ) return _t('UserDefinedForm.NORESULTS', 'No matching results found'); return $submissions->customise( array( 'Submissions' => $submissions ) )->renderWith( 'SubmittedFormReportField_Reports' ); } function ReportFilterForm() { return new SubmittedFormReportField_FilterForm( $this, 'ReportFilterForm' ); } /** * Called on before delete remove all the fields from the database */ public function delete() { foreach($this->Fields() as $field) { $field->delete(); } parent::delete(); } /** * Custom Form Actions for the form * * @param bool Is the Form readonly * @return FieldSet */ public function customFormActions($isReadonly = false) { return new FieldSet( new TextField("SubmitButtonText", _t('UserDefinedForm.TEXTONSUBMIT', 'Text on submit button:'), $this->SubmitButtonText), new CheckboxField("ShowClearButton", _t('UserDefinedForm.SHOWCLEARFORM', 'Show Clear Form Button'), $this->ShowClearButton) ); } /** * Duplicate this UserDefinedForm page, and its form fields. * Submissions, on the other hand, won't be duplicated. * * @return Page */ public function duplicate() { $page = parent::duplicate(); foreach($this->Fields() as $field) { $newField = $field->duplicate(); $newField->ParentID = $page->ID; $newField->write(); } return $page; } } /** * Controller for the {@link UserDefinedForm} page type. * * @package userform * @subpackage pagetypes */ class UserDefinedForm_Controller extends Page_Controller { function init() { Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype.js'); Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/behaviour.js'); parent::init(); } /** * Using $UserDefinedForm in the Content area of the page shows * where the form should be rendered into. If it does not exist * then default back to $Form * * @return Array */ public function index() { if($this->Content && $this->Form()) { $hasLocation = stristr($this->Content, '$UserDefinedForm'); if($hasLocation) { $content = str_ireplace('$UserDefinedForm', $this->Form()->forTemplate(), $this->Content); return array( 'Content' => $content, 'Form' => "" ); } } return array( 'Content' => $this->Content, 'Form' => $this->Form ); } /** * Export each of the form submissions for this UserDefinedForm * instance into a CSV file. * * In order to run this export function, the user must be * able to edit the page, so we check canEdit() * * @return HTTPResponse / bool */ public function export() { if(!$this->canEdit()) return false; $now = Date("Y-m-d_h.i.s"); $fileName = "export-$now.csv"; $separator = ","; // Get the UserDefinedForm to export data from the URL $SQL_ID = Convert::raw2sql(Director::urlParam('ID')); if($SQL_ID) { $udf = DataObject::get_by_id("UserDefinedForm", $SQL_ID); if($udf) { $submissions = $udf->Submissions(); if($submissions && $submissions->Count() > 0) { // Get all the submission IDs (so we know what names/titles to get - helps for sites with many UDF's) $inClause = array(); foreach($submissions as $submission) { $inClause[] = $submission->ID; } // Get the CSV header rows from the database $tmp = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT Name, Title FROM SubmittedFormField LEFT JOIN SubmittedForm ON SubmittedForm.ID = SubmittedFormField.ParentID WHERE SubmittedFormField.ParentID IN (" . implode(',', $inClause) . ")"); // Sort the Names and Titles from the database query into separate keyed arrays foreach($tmp as $array) { $csvHeaderNames[] = $array['Name']; $csvHeaderTitle[] = $array['Title']; } // For every submission... $i = 0; foreach($submissions as $submission) { // Get the rows for this submission (One row = one form field) $dataRow = $submission->FieldValues(); $rows[$i] = array(); // For every row/field, get all the columns foreach($dataRow as $column) { // If the Name of this field is in the $csvHeaderNames array, get an array of all the places it exists if($index = array_keys($csvHeaderNames, $column->Name)) { if(is_array($index)) { // Set the final output array for each index that we want to insert this value into foreach($index as $idx) { $rows[$i][$idx] = $column->Value; } } } } $i++; } // CSV header row $csvData = '"' . implode('","', $csvHeaderTitle) . '"' . "\n"; // For every row of data (one form submission = one row) foreach($rows as $row) { // Loop over all the names we can use for($i=0;$ioutput(); } else { user_error("'$SQL_ID' is a valid type, but we can't find a UserDefinedForm in the database that matches the ID.", E_USER_ERROR); } } else { user_error("'$SQL_ID' is not a valid UserDefinedForm ID.", E_USER_ERROR); } } function ReportFilterForm() { return new SubmittedFormReportField_FilterForm( $this, 'ReportFilterForm' ); } /** * User Defined Form. Feature of the user defined form is if you want the * form to appear in a custom location on the page you can use $UserDefinedForm * in the content area to describe where you want the form * * @return Form */ function Form() { // Build fields $fields = new FieldSet(); $required = array(); if(!$this->SubmitButtonText) { $this->SubmitButtonText = 'Submit'; } foreach($this->Fields() as $field) { $fields->push($field->getFormField()); if($field->Required) { $required[] = $field->Name; } } if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = ""; } $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $fields->push( new HiddenField( "Referrer", "", $referer ) ); // Build actions $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction("process", $this->SubmitButtonText) ); // Do we want to add a clear form. Should do this via js if($this->ShowClearButton) { $actions->push(new ResetFormAction("clearForm")); } $form = new Form( $this, "Form", $fields, $actions, new RequiredFields($required)); $form->loadDataFrom($this->failover); return $form; } /** * Process the form that is submitted through the site * * @param Array Data * @param Form Form * @return Redirection */ function process($data, $form) { // submitted form object $submittedForm = new SubmittedForm(); $submittedForm->SubmittedBy = Member::currentUser(); $submittedForm->ParentID = $this->ID; $submittedForm->Recipient = $this->EmailTo; $submittedForm->write(); // email values $values = array(); $recipientAddresses = array(); $sendCopy = false; $attachments = array(); $submittedFields = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($this->Fields() as $field) { $submittedField = new SubmittedFormField(); $submittedField->ParentID = $submittedForm->ID; $submittedField->Name = $field->Name; $submittedField->Title = $field->Title; if($field->hasMethod( 'getValueFromData' )) { $submittedField->Value = $field->getValueFromData( $data ); } else { if(isset($data[$field->Name])) $submittedField->Value = $data[$field->Name]; } $submittedField->write(); $submittedFields->push($submittedField); if(!empty( $data[$field->Name])){ switch($field->ClassName){ case "EditableEmailField" : if($field->SendCopy){ $recipientAddresses[] = $data[$field->Name]; $sendCopy = true; $values[$field->Title] = ''.$data[$field->Name].''; } break; case "EditableFileField" : // Returns a file type which we attach to the email. $submittedfile = $field->createSubmittedField($data[$field->Name], $submittedForm); $file = $submittedfile->UploadedFile(); $filename = $file->getFilename(); // Attach the file if its less than 1MB, provide a link if its over. if($file->getAbsoluteSize() < 1024*1024*1){ $attachments[] = $file; } // Always provide the link if present. if($file->ID) { $submittedField->Value = $values[$field->Title] = "Uploaded to: ". Director::absoluteBaseURL(). $filename . ""; } else { $submittedField->Value = $values[$field->Title] = ""; } break; } }elseif( $field->hasMethod( 'getValueFromData' ) ) { $values[$field->Title] = Convert::linkIfMatch($field->getValueFromData( $data )); } else { if(isset($data[$field->Name])) $values[$field->Title] = Convert::linkIfMatch($data[$field->Name]); } } $emailData = array( "Sender" => Member::currentUser(), "Fields" => $submittedFields, ); // email users on submit. All have their own custom options. if($this->EmailRecipients()) { $email = new UserDefinedForm_SubmittedFormEmail($submittedFields); $email->populateTemplate($emailData); if($attachments){ foreach($attachments as $file){ $email->attachFile($filename,$filename); } } foreach($this->EmailRecipients() as $recipient) { $email->populateTemplate($emailData); $email->setFrom($recipient->EmailFrom); $email->setBody($recipient->EmailBody); $email->setSubject($recipient->EmailSubject); $email->setTo($recipient->EmailAddress); // check to see if they are a dynamic recipient. eg based on a field // a user selected if($recipient->SendEmailFromFieldID) { $name = Convert::raw2sql($recipient->SendEmailFromField()->Name); $SubmittedFormField = DataObject::get_one("SubmittedFormField", "Name = '$name' AND ParentID = '$submittedForm->ID'"); if($SubmittedFormField) { $email->setTo($SubmittedFormField->Value); } } $email->send(); } } // send a copy to the author of the form if($sendCopy) { $emailToSubmiter = new UserDefinedForm_SubmittedFormEmailToSubmitter($submittedFields); $emailToSubmiter->setSubject($this->EmailOnSubmitSubject); foreach($recipientAddresses as $addr) { $emailToSubmiter->setBody($this->EmailMessageToSubmitter); $emailToSubmiter->setTo($addr); $emailToSubmiter->send(); } } // Redirect to the finished method on this controller with the referrer data Director::redirect($this->Link() . 'finished?referrer=' . urlencode($data['Referrer'])); } /** * This action handles rendering the "finished" message, * which is customisable by editing the ReceivedFormSubmission.ss * template. * * @return ViewableData */ function finished() { $referrer = isset($_GET['referrer']) ? urldecode($_GET['referrer']) : null; $templateData = $this->customise(array( 'Content' => $this->customise( array( 'Link' => $referrer ))->renderWith('ReceivedFormSubmission'), 'Form' => ' ', )); return $templateData; } function deletesubmissions() { // delete all the submissions return true; } } /** * A Form can have multiply members / emails to email the submission * to and custom subjects * * @package userforms */ class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient extends DataObject { static $db = array( 'EmailAddress' => 'Varchar(200)', 'EmailSubject' => 'Varchar(200)', 'EmailFrom' => 'Varchar(200)', 'EmailBody' => 'Text' ); static $has_one = array( 'Form' => 'UserDefinedForm', 'SendEmailFromField' => 'EditableFormField' ); /** * Return the fields to edit this email. * * @return FieldSet */ public function getCMSFields_forPopup() { $forms = DataObject::get("UserDefinedForm"); if($forms) $forms = $forms->toDropdownMap('ID', 'Title'); $fields = new FieldSet( new TextField('EmailSubject', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILSUBJECT', 'Email Subject')), new TextField('EmailFrom', _t('UserDefinedForm.FROMADDRESS','From Address')), new TextField('EmailAddress', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDEMAILTO','Send Email To')), new DropdownField('FormID', 'Form', $forms) ); if($this->Form()) { $validEmailFields = DataObject::get("EditableFormField", "ParentID = '$this->FormID'"); if($validEmailFields) { $validEmailFields = $validEmailFields->toDropdownMap('ID', 'Title'); $fields->push(new DropdownField('SendEmailFromFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDEMAILINSTEAD', 'Send Email Instead To'),$validEmailFields, '', null, 'Use Fixed Email')); } } $fields->push(new HTMLEditorField('EmailBody', 'Body')); return $fields; } } /** * Email that gets sent to the people listed in the Email Recipients * when a submission is made * * @package userforms */ class UserDefinedForm_SubmittedFormEmail extends Email { protected $ss_template = "SubmittedFormEmail"; protected $data; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } } /** * Email that gets sent to submitter when a submission is made. * * @package userforms */ class UserDefinedForm_SubmittedFormEmailToSubmitter extends Email { protected $ss_template = "SubmittedFormEmailToSubmitter"; protected $from = '$Sender.Email'; protected $to = '$Recipient.Email'; protected $subject = 'Submission of form'; protected $data; function __construct($values) { $this->subject = _t('UserDefinedForm_SubmittedFormEmail.EMAILSUBJECT', 'Submission of form'); parent::__construct(); $this->data = $values; } function Data() { return $this->data; } } ?>