<?php /** * EditableTextField * This control represents a user-defined field in a user defined form * @package forms * @subpackage fieldeditor */ class EditableTextField extends EditableFormField { static $db = array( "Size" => "Int", "MinLength" => "Int", "MaxLength" => "Int", "Rows" => "Int" ); static $singular_name = 'Text field'; static $plural_name = 'Text fields'; function __construct( $record = null, $isSingleton = false ) { $this->Size = 32; $this->MinLength = 1; $this->MaxLength = 32; $this->Rows = 1; parent::__construct( $record, $isSingleton ); } function ExtraOptions() { // eventually replace hard-coded "Fields"? $baseName = "Fields[$this->ID]"; $extraFields = new FieldSet( new TextField($baseName . "[Size]", _t('EditableTextField.TEXTBOXLENGTH', 'Length of text box'), (string)$this->Size), new FieldGroup(_t('EditableTextField.TEXTLENGTH', 'Text length'), new TextField($baseName . "[MinLength]", "", (string)$this->MinLength), new TextField($baseName . "[MaxLength]", " - ", (string)$this->MaxLength) ), new TextField($baseName . "[Rows]", _t('EditableTextField.NUMBERROWS', 'Number of rows'), (string)$this->Rows) ); foreach( parent::ExtraOptions() as $extraField ) $extraFields->push( $extraField ); if( $this->readonly ) $extraFields = $extraFields->makeReadonly(); return $extraFields; } function populateFromPostData( $data ) { $this->Size = !empty( $data['Size'] ) ? $data['Size'] : 32; $this->MinLength = !empty( $data['MinLength'] ) ? $data['MinLength'] : 1; $this->MaxLength = !empty( $data['MaxLength'] ) ? $data['MaxLength'] : 32; $this->Rows = !empty( $data['Rows'] ) ? $data['Rows'] : 1; parent::populateFromPostData( $data ); } function getFormField() { return $this->createField(); } function getFilterField() { return $this->createField( true ); } function createField( $asFilter = false ) { if( $this->Rows == 1 ) return new TextField( $this->Name, $this->Title, ( $asFilter ) ? "" : $this->getField('Default'), ( $this->Size && $this->Size > 0 ) ? $this->Size : null ); else return new TextareaField( $this->Name, $this->Title, $this->Rows, $this->Size, ( $asFilter ) ? "" : $this->getField('Default') ); } /** * Populates the default fields. */ function DefaultField() { $disabled = ''; if( $this->readonly ){ $disabled = " disabled=\"disabled\""; } else { $disabled = ''; } if( $this->Rows == 1 ){ return '<div class="field text"><label class="left">'._t('EditableTextField.DEFAULTTEXT', 'Default Text').' </label> <input class="defaultText" name="Fields['.Convert::raw2att( $this->ID ).'][Default]" type="text" value="'.Convert::raw2att( $this->getField('Default') ).'"'.$disabled.' /></div>'; }else{ return '<div class="field text"><label class="left">'._t('EditableTextField.DEFAULTTEXT', 'Default Text').' </label> <textarea class="defaultText" name="Fields['.Convert::raw2att( $this->ID ).'][Default]"'.$disabled.'>'.Convert::raw2att( $this->getField('Default') ).'</textarea></div>'; } } } ?>