'Off', 'on' => 'On', 'name' => 'Full name', 'honorific-prefix' => 'Prefix or title', 'given-name' => 'First name', 'additional-name' => 'Additional name', 'family-name' => 'Family name', 'honorific-suffix' => 'Suffix (e.g Jr.)', 'nickname' => 'Nickname', 'email' => 'Email', 'organization-title' => 'Job title', 'organization' => 'Organization', 'street-address' => 'Street address', 'address-line1' => 'Address line 1', 'address-line2' => 'Address line 2', 'address-line3' => 'Address line 3', 'address-level1' => 'Address level 1', 'address-level2' => 'Address level 2', 'address-level3' => 'Address level 3', 'address-level4' => 'Address level 4', 'country' => 'Country', 'country-name' => 'Country name', 'postal-code' => 'Postal code', 'bday' => 'Birthday', 'sex' => 'Gender identity', 'tel' => 'Telephone number', 'url' => 'Home page' ); protected $jsEventHandler = 'keyup'; private static $db = array( 'MinLength' => 'Int', 'MaxLength' => 'Int', 'Rows' => 'Int(1)', 'Autocomplete' => 'Varchar(255)' ); private static $defaults = array( 'Rows' => 1 ); public function getCMSFields() { $this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function ($fields) { $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', NumericField::create( 'Rows', _t('EditableTextField.NUMBERROWS', 'Number of rows') )->setDescription(_t( 'EditableTextField.NUMBERROWS_DESCRIPTION', 'Fields with more than one row will be generated as a textarea' )) ); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', DropdownField::create( 'Autocomplete', _t('EditableTextField.AUTOCOMPLETE', 'Autocomplete'), $this->config()->get('autocomplete_options') )->setDescription(_t( 'EditableTextField.AUTOCOMPLETE_DESCRIPTION', 'Supported browsers will attempt to populate this field automatically with the users information, use to set the value populated' )) ); }); return parent::getCMSFields(); } /** * @return FieldList */ public function getFieldValidationOptions() { $fields = parent::getFieldValidationOptions(); $fields->merge(array( FieldGroup::create( _t('EditableTextField.TEXTLENGTH', 'Allowed text length'), array( NumericField::create('MinLength', false), LiteralField::create('RangeLength', _t("EditableTextField.RANGE_TO", "to")), NumericField::create('MaxLength', false) ) ) )); return $fields; } /** * @return TextareaField|TextField */ public function getFormField() { if ($this->Rows > 1) { $field = TextareaField::create($this->Name, $this->EscapedTitle, $this->Default) ->setFieldHolderTemplate('UserFormsField_holder') ->setTemplate('UserFormsTextareaField') ->setRows($this->Rows); } else { $field = TextField::create($this->Name, $this->EscapedTitle, $this->Default) ->setFieldHolderTemplate('UserFormsField_holder') ->setTemplate('UserFormsField'); } $this->doUpdateFormField($field); return $field; } /** * Updates a formfield with the additional metadata specified by this field * * @param FormField $field */ protected function updateFormField($field) { parent::updateFormField($field); if (is_numeric($this->MinLength) && $this->MinLength > 0) { $field->setAttribute('data-rule-minlength', intval($this->MinLength)); } if (is_numeric($this->MaxLength) && $this->MaxLength > 0) { if ($field instanceof TextField) { $field->setMaxLength(intval($this->MaxLength)); } $field->setAttribute('data-rule-maxlength', intval($this->MaxLength)); } if ($this->Autocomplete) { $field->setAttribute('autocomplete', $this->Autocomplete); } } }