/** * Email recipient behaviour. */ (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { var recipient = { // Some fields are only visible when HTML email are being sent. updateFormatSpecificFields: function () { var sendPlainChecked = $('#SendPlain').find('input[type="checkbox"]').is(':checked'); // Hide the preview link when 'SendPlain' is selected. $('#EmailPreview')[sendPlainChecked ? 'hide' : 'show'](); // Hide the template selector when 'SendPlain' is selected. $('#EmailTemplate')[sendPlainChecked ? 'hide' : 'show'](); // Hide the HTML editor when 'SendPlain' is selected. $('#EmailBodyHtml')[sendPlainChecked ? 'hide' : 'show'](); // Show the body teaxtarea when 'SendPlain' is selected. $('#EmailBody')[sendPlainChecked ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } }; $.entwine('udf.recipient', function ($) { $('#Form_ItemEditForm').entwine({ onmatch: function () { recipient.updateFormatSpecificFields(); }, onunmatch: function () { this._super(); } }); $('#SendPlain').entwine({ onchange: function () { recipient.updateFormatSpecificFields(); } }); }); }); }(jQuery));