removeByName(['MergeField', 'Default', 'Validation', 'RightTitle']); return $fields; } /** * @return FormField */ public function getFormField() { $field = UserFormsStepField::create() ->setName($this->Name) ->setTitle($this->EscapedTitle); $this->doUpdateFormField($field); return $field; } protected function updateFormField($field) { // if this field has an extra class if ($this->ExtraClass) { $field->addExtraClass($this->ExtraClass); } } /** * @return boolean */ public function showInReports() { return false; } public function getInlineClassnameField($column, $fieldClasses) { return LabelField::create($column, $this->CMSTitle); } public function getCMSTitle() { $title = $this->getFieldNumber() ?: $this->Title ?: ''; return _t( __CLASS__.'.STEP_TITLE', 'Page {page}', ['page' => $title] ); } /** * Get the JS expression for selecting the holder for this field * * @return string */ public function getSelectorHolder() { return "$(\".step-button-wrapper[data-for='{$this->Name}']\")"; } }