2015-07-24 14:37:48 +12:00
* Service to support upgrade of userforms module
class UserFormsUpgradeService {
* @var bool
protected $quiet;
public function run() {
$this->log("Upgrading formfield rules and custom settings");
// List of rules that have been created in all stages
$fields = Versioned::get_including_deleted('EditableFormField');
foreach($fields as $field) {
* Migrate a versioned field in all stages
* @param EditableFormField $field
protected function upgradeField(EditableFormField $field) {
$this->log("Upgrading formfield ID = ".$field->ID);
// Check versions this field exists on
$filter = sprintf('"EditableFormField"."ID" = \'%d\' AND "Migrated" = 0', $field->ID);
$stageField = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('EditableFormField', 'Stage', $filter);
$liveField = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('EditableFormField', 'Live', $filter);
if($stageField) {
$this->upgradeFieldInStage($stageField, 'Stage');
if($liveField) {
$this->upgradeFieldInStage($liveField, 'Live');
* Migrate a versioned field in a single stage
* @param EditableFormField $field
* @param stage $stage
protected function upgradeFieldInStage(EditableFormField $field, $stage) {
// Migrate field rules
$this->migrateRules($field, $stage);
// Migrate custom settings
$this->migrateCustomSettings($field, $stage);
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// Flag as migrated
$field->Migrated = true;
* Migrate custom rules for the given field
* @param EditableFormField $field
* @param string $stage
protected function migrateRules(EditableFormField $field, $stage) {
$rulesData = $field->CustomRules
? unserialize($field->CustomRules)
: array();
// Skip blank rules or fields with custom rules already
if(empty($rulesData) || $field->DisplayRules()->count()) {
// Check value of this condition
foreach($rulesData as $ruleDataItem) {
if(empty($ruleDataItem['ConditionOption']) || empty($ruleDataItem['Display'])) {
// Get data for this rule
$conditionOption = $ruleDataItem['ConditionOption'];
$display = $ruleDataItem['Display'];
$conditionFieldName = empty($ruleDataItem['ConditionField']) ? null : $ruleDataItem['ConditionField'];
$value = isset($ruleDataItem['Value'])
? $ruleDataItem['Value']
: null;
// Create rule
$rule = $this->findOrCreateRule($field, $stage, $conditionOption, $display, $conditionFieldName, $value);
$this->log("Upgrading rule ID = " . $rule->ID);
* Migrate custom settings for the given field
* @param EditableFormField $field
* @param string $stage
protected function migrateCustomSettings(EditableFormField $field, $stage) {
// Custom settings include:
// - ExtraClass
// - RightTitle
// - ShowOnLoad (show or '' are treated as true)
// - CheckedDefault (new field on EditableCheckbox - should be read from old "default" value)
// - Default (EditableCheckbox)
// - DefaultToToday (EditableDateField)
// - Folder (EditableFileField)
// - Level (EditableFormHeading)
// - HideFromReports (EditableFormHeading / EditableLiteralField)
// - Content (EditableLiteralField)
// - GroupID (EditableMemberListField)
// - MinValue (EditableNumericField)
// - MaxValue (EditableNumericField)
// - MinLength (EditableTextField)
// - MaxLength (EditableTextField)
// - Rows (EditableTextField)
$customSettings = $field->CustomSettings
? unserialize($field->CustomSettings)
: array();
// Skip blank rules or fields with custom rules already
if(empty($customSettings)) {
* Create or find an existing field with the matched specification
* @param EditableFormField $field
* @param string $stage
* @param string $conditionOption
* @param string $display
* @param string $conditionFieldName
* @param string $value
* @return EditableCustomRule
protected function findOrCreateRule(EditableFormField $field, $stage, $conditionOption, $display, $conditionFieldName, $value) {
// Get id of field
$conditionField = $conditionFieldName
? EditableFormField::get()->filter('Name', $conditionFieldName)->first()
: null;
// If live, search stage record for matching one
if($stage === 'Live') {
$list = Versioned::get_by_stage('EditableCustomRule', 'Stage')
'ParentID' => $field->ID,
'ConditionFieldID' => $conditionField ? $conditionField->ID : 0,
'Display' => $display,
'ConditionOption' => $conditionOption
if($value) {
$list = $list->filter('FieldValue', $value);
} else {
$list = $list->where('"FieldValue" IS NULL OR "FieldValue" = \'\'');
$rule = $list->first();
if($rule) {
$rule->publish("Stage", "Live");
return $rule;
// If none found, or in stage, create new record
$rule = new EditableCustomRule();
$rule->ParentID = $field->ID;
$rule->ConditionFieldID = $conditionField ? $conditionField->ID : 0;
$rule->Display = $display;
$rule->ConditionOption = $conditionOption;
$rule->FieldValue = $value;
return $rule;
protected function log($message) {
if($this->getQuiet()) {
if(Director::is_cli()) {
echo "{$message}\n";
} else {
echo "{$message}<br />";
* Set if this service should be quiet
* @param bool $quiet
* @return $ths
public function setQuiet($quiet) {
$this->quiet = $quiet;
return $this;
public function getQuiet() {
return $this->quiet;
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