2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
< ? php
namespace SilverStripe\UserForms ;
use Colymba\BulkManager\BulkManager ;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CompositeField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldAddNewButton ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldButtonRow ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldConfig ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDataColumns ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDeleteAction ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDetailForm ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldEditButton ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldExportButton ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldPageCount ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldPaginator ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldPrintButton ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldSortableHeader ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldToolbarHeader ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor\HTMLEditorField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LabelField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LiteralField ;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField ;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList ;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormFieldEditorExtension ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormValidator ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Form\UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\EmailRecipient ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\UserFormRecipientItemRequest ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedForm ;
use SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField ;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements ;
2017-10-22 07:47:17 +13:00
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Configurable ;
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
2017-10-16 14:24:51 +13:00
* Defines the user defined functionality to be applied to any { @ link DataObject }
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2020-06-11 15:17:13 +12:00
* @ mixin UserFormFieldEditorExtension
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
2017-10-16 14:24:51 +13:00
trait UserForm
2017-10-22 07:47:17 +13:00
use Configurable ;
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
2017-10-16 14:24:51 +13:00
* Built in extensions required by this page .
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
* @ config
* @ var array
private static $extensions = [
UserFormFieldEditorExtension :: class
* @ var string Required Identifier
private static $required_identifier = null ;
* @ var string
2017-10-22 07:47:17 +13:00
private static $email_template_directory = 'silverstripe/userforms:templates/email/' ;
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
* Should this module automatically upgrade on dev / build ?
* @ config
* @ var bool
private static $upgrade_on_build = true ;
* Set this to true to disable automatic inclusion of CSS files
* @ config
* @ var bool
private static $block_default_userforms_css = false ;
* Set this to true to disable automatic inclusion of JavaScript files
* @ config
* @ var bool
private static $block_default_userforms_js = false ;
* @ var array Fields on the user defined form page .
private static $db = [
'SubmitButtonText' => 'Varchar' ,
'ClearButtonText' => 'Varchar' ,
'OnCompleteMessage' => 'HTMLText' ,
'ShowClearButton' => 'Boolean' ,
'DisableSaveSubmissions' => 'Boolean' ,
'EnableLiveValidation' => 'Boolean' ,
'DisplayErrorMessagesAtTop' => 'Boolean' ,
'DisableAuthenicatedFinishAction' => 'Boolean' ,
'DisableCsrfSecurityToken' => 'Boolean'
* @ var array Default values of variables when this page is created
private static $defaults = [
'Content' => '$UserDefinedForm' ,
'DisableSaveSubmissions' => 0 ,
* @ var array
private static $has_many = [
'Submissions' => SubmittedForm :: class ,
'EmailRecipients' => EmailRecipient :: class
private static $cascade_deletes = [
'EmailRecipients' ,
2018-03-05 14:31:33 +13:00
private static $cascade_duplicates = false ;
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
* @ var array
* @ config
private static $casting = [
'ErrorContainerID' => 'Text'
* Error container selector which matches the element for grouped messages
* @ var string
* @ config
private static $error_container_id = 'error-container' ;
* The configuration used to determine whether a confirmation message is to
* appear when navigating away from a partially completed form .
* @ var boolean
* @ config
private static $enable_are_you_sure = true ;
* @ var bool
* @ config
private static $recipients_warning_enabled = false ;
private static $non_live_permissions = [ 'SITETREE_VIEW_ALL' ];
* Temporary storage of field ids when the form is duplicated .
* Example layout : array ( 'EditableCheckbox3' => 'EditableCheckbox14' )
* @ var array
protected $fieldsFromTo = [];
2021-09-02 16:12:25 +02:00
* @ var array
public function populateDefaults ()
parent :: populateDefaults ();
$this -> OnCompleteMessage = '<p>' . _t ( 'SilverStripe\\UserForms\\Model\\UserDefinedForm.ONCOMPLETEMESSAGE' , 'Thanks, we\'ve received your submission.' ) . '</p>' ;
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
* @ return FieldList
public function getCMSFields ()
2017-10-18 22:02:49 +13:00
Requirements :: css ( 'silverstripe/userforms:client/dist/styles/userforms-cms.css' );
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
$this -> beforeUpdateCMSFields ( function ( $fields ) {
// remove
$fields -> removeByName ( 'OnCompleteMessageLabel' );
$fields -> removeByName ( 'OnCompleteMessage' );
$fields -> removeByName ( 'Fields' );
$fields -> removeByName ( 'EmailRecipients' );
// define tabs
$fields -> findOrMakeTab ( 'Root.FormOptions' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.CONFIGURATION' , 'Configuration' ));
$fields -> findOrMakeTab ( 'Root.Recipients' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.RECIPIENTS' , 'Recipients' ));
$fields -> findOrMakeTab ( 'Root.Submissions' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.SUBMISSIONS' , 'Submissions' ));
// text to show on complete
$onCompleteFieldSet = CompositeField :: create (
$label = LabelField :: create (
'OnCompleteMessageLabel' ,
_t ( __CLASS__ . '.ONCOMPLETELABEL' , 'Show on completion' )
$editor = HTMLEditorField :: create (
'OnCompleteMessage' ,
'' ,
2018-05-09 14:01:17 +01:00
$this -> OnCompleteMessage
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
$onCompleteFieldSet -> addExtraClass ( 'field' );
$editor -> setRows ( 3 );
$label -> addExtraClass ( 'left' );
// Define config for email recipients
$emailRecipientsConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor :: create ( 10 );
$emailRecipientsConfig -> getComponentByType ( GridFieldAddNewButton :: class )
-> setButtonName (
_t ( __CLASS__ . '.ADDEMAILRECIPIENT' , 'Add Email Recipient' )
// who do we email on submission
$emailRecipients = GridField :: create (
'EmailRecipients' ,
'' ,
$this -> EmailRecipients (),
-> getConfig ()
-> getComponentByType ( GridFieldDetailForm :: class )
-> setItemRequestClass ( UserFormRecipientItemRequest :: class );
$fields -> addFieldsToTab ( 'Root.FormOptions' , $onCompleteFieldSet );
$fields -> addFieldToTab ( 'Root.Recipients' , $emailRecipients );
$fields -> addFieldsToTab ( 'Root.FormOptions' , $this -> getFormOptions ());
// view the submissions
// make sure a numeric not a empty string is checked against this int column for SQL server
$parentID = ( ! empty ( $this -> ID )) ? ( int ) $this -> ID : 0 ;
// get a list of all field names and values used for print and export CSV views of the GridField below.
$columnSQL = <<< SQL
SELECT " SubmittedFormField " . " Name " as " Name " , COALESCE ( " EditableFormField " . " Title " , " SubmittedFormField " . " Title " ) as " Title " , COALESCE ( " EditableFormField " . " Sort " , 999 ) AS " Sort "
FROM " SubmittedFormField "
LEFT JOIN " SubmittedForm " ON " SubmittedForm " . " ID " = " SubmittedFormField " . " ParentID "
LEFT JOIN " EditableFormField " ON " EditableFormField " . " Name " = " SubmittedFormField " . " Name " AND " EditableFormField " . " ParentID " = '$parentID'
WHERE " SubmittedForm " . " ParentID " = '$parentID'
ORDER BY " Sort " , " Title "
// Sanitise periods in title
$columns = array ();
foreach ( DB :: query ( $columnSQL ) -> map () as $name => $title ) {
$columns [ $name ] = trim ( strtr ( $title , '.' , ' ' ));
$config = GridFieldConfig :: create ();
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldToolbarHeader ());
$config -> addComponent ( $sort = new GridFieldSortableHeader ());
$config -> addComponent ( $filter = new UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader ());
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldDataColumns ());
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldEditButton ());
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldDeleteAction ());
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldPageCount ( 'toolbar-header-right' ));
$config -> addComponent ( $pagination = new GridFieldPaginator ( 25 ));
2019-07-08 14:49:00 +02:00
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldDetailForm ( null , true , false ));
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
$config -> addComponent ( new GridFieldButtonRow ( 'after' ));
$config -> addComponent ( $export = new GridFieldExportButton ( 'buttons-after-left' ));
$config -> addComponent ( $print = new GridFieldPrintButton ( 'buttons-after-left' ));
// show user form items in the summary tab
$summaryarray = array (
'ID' => 'ID' ,
'Created' => 'Created' ,
'LastEdited' => 'Last Edited'
foreach ( EditableFormField :: get () -> filter ( array ( 'ParentID' => $parentID )) as $eff ) {
if ( $eff -> ShowInSummary ) {
$summaryarray [ $eff -> Name ] = $eff -> Title ? : $eff -> Name ;
$config -> getComponentByType ( GridFieldDataColumns :: class ) -> setDisplayFields ( $summaryarray );
* Support for { @ link https :// github . com / colymba / GridFieldBulkEditingTools }
if ( class_exists ( BulkManager :: class )) {
$config -> addComponent ( new BulkManager );
$sort -> setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType ( false );
$filter -> setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType ( false );
$pagination -> setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType ( false );
// attach every column to the print view form
$columns [ 'Created' ] = 'Created' ;
$columns [ 'SubmittedBy.Email' ] = 'Submitter' ;
$filter -> setColumns ( $columns );
// print configuration
$print -> setPrintHasHeader ( true );
$print -> setPrintColumns ( $columns );
// export configuration
$export -> setCsvHasHeader ( true );
$export -> setExportColumns ( $columns );
$submissions = GridField :: create (
'Submissions' ,
'' ,
$this -> Submissions () -> sort ( 'Created' , 'DESC' ),
$fields -> addFieldToTab ( 'Root.Submissions' , $submissions );
$fields -> addFieldToTab (
'Root.FormOptions' ,
CheckboxField :: create (
'DisableSaveSubmissions' ,
_t ( __CLASS__ . '.SAVESUBMISSIONS' , 'Disable Saving Submissions to Server' )
$fields = parent :: getCMSFields ();
if ( $this -> EmailRecipients () -> Count () == 0 && static :: config () -> recipients_warning_enabled ) {
$fields -> addFieldToTab ( 'Root.Main' , LiteralField :: create (
'EmailRecipientsWarning' ,
2020-09-16 11:38:33 +12:00
'<p class="alert alert-warning">' . _t (
2017-10-09 15:05:41 +13:00
'Warning: You have not configured any recipients. Form submissions may be missed.'
. '</p>'
), 'Title' );
return $fields ;
* Allow overriding the EmailRecipients on a { @ link DataExtension }
* so you can customise who receives an email .
* Converts the RelationList to an ArrayList so that manipulation
* of the original source data isn ' t possible .
* @ return ArrayList
public function FilteredEmailRecipients ( $data = null , $form = null )
$recipients = ArrayList :: create ( $this -> EmailRecipients () -> toArray ());
// Filter by rules
$recipients = $recipients -> filterByCallback ( function ( $recipient ) use ( $data , $form ) {
/** @var EmailRecipient $recipient */
return $recipient -> canSend ( $data , $form );
$this -> extend ( 'updateFilteredEmailRecipients' , $recipients , $data , $form );
return $recipients ;
* Custom options for the form . You can extend the built in options by
* using { @ link updateFormOptions ()}
* @ return FieldList
public function getFormOptions ()
$submit = ( $this -> SubmitButtonText ) ? $this -> SubmitButtonText : _t ( __CLASS__ . '.SUBMITBUTTON' , 'Submit' );
$clear = ( $this -> ClearButtonText ) ? $this -> ClearButtonText : _t ( __CLASS__ . '.CLEARBUTTON' , 'Clear' );
$options = FieldList :: create (
TextField :: create ( 'SubmitButtonText' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.TEXTONSUBMIT' , 'Text on submit button:' ), $submit ),
TextField :: create ( 'ClearButtonText' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.TEXTONCLEAR' , 'Text on clear button:' ), $clear ),
CheckboxField :: create ( 'ShowClearButton' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.SHOWCLEARFORM' , 'Show Clear Form Button' ), $this -> ShowClearButton ),
CheckboxField :: create ( 'EnableLiveValidation' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.ENABLELIVEVALIDATION' , 'Enable live validation' )),
CheckboxField :: create ( 'DisplayErrorMessagesAtTop' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.DISPLAYERRORMESSAGESATTOP' , 'Display error messages above the form?' )),
CheckboxField :: create ( 'DisableCsrfSecurityToken' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.DISABLECSRFSECURITYTOKEN' , 'Disable CSRF Token' )),
CheckboxField :: create ( 'DisableAuthenicatedFinishAction' , _t ( __CLASS__ . '.DISABLEAUTHENICATEDFINISHACTION' , 'Disable Authentication on finish action' ))
$this -> extend ( 'updateFormOptions' , $options );
return $options ;
* Get the HTML id of the error container displayed above the form .
* @ return string
public function getErrorContainerID ()
return $this -> config () -> get ( 'error_container_id' );
* Validate formfields
public function getCMSValidator ()
return UserFormValidator :: create ();