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2015-08-06 01:01:21 +02:00
* @file Manages the multi-step navigation.
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import i18n from 'i18n';
jQuery(document).ready(($) => {
// Settings that come from the CMS.
const CONSTANTS = {};
// Common functions that extend multiple classes.
const commonMixin = {
* @func show
* @desc Show the form step. Looks after aria attributes too.
show() {
this.$el.attr('aria-hidden', false).show();
* @func hide
* @desc Hide the form step. Looks after aria attributes too.
hide() {
this.$el.attr('aria-hidden', true).hide();
* @func ErrorContainer
* @constructor
* @param {object} element - The error container element.
* @return {object} - The ErrorContainer instance.
* @desc Creates an error container. Used to display step error messages at the top.
function ErrorContainer(element) {
this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element);
// Set the error container's heading.
'Please correct the following errors and try again:'));
return this;
* @func hasErrors
* @return boolean
* @desc Checks if the error container has any error messages.
ErrorContainer.prototype.hasErrors = function hasErrors() {
return this.$el.find('.error-list').children().length > 0;
* @func removeErrorMessage
* @desc Removes an error message from the error container.
ErrorContainer.prototype.removeErrorMessage = function removeErrorMessage(fieldId) {
// If there are no more error then hide the container.
if (!this.hasErrors()) {
* @func addStepLink
* @param {object} step - FormStep instance.
* @desc Adds a link to a form step as an error message.
ErrorContainer.prototype.addStepLink = function addStepLink(step) {
const userform = this.$el.closest('.userform').data('inst');
const itemID = `${step.$el.attr('id')}-error-link`;
let $itemElement = this.$el.find(`#${itemID}`);
const stepID = step.$el.attr('id');
const stepTitle = step.$'title');
// If the item already exists we don't need to do anything.
if ($itemElement.length) {
$itemElement = $(`<li id="${itemID}"><a href="#${stepID}">${stepTitle}</a></li>`);
$itemElement.on('click', (e) => {
* @func removeStepLink
* @param {object} step - FormStep instance.
* @desc Removes a step link from the error container.
ErrorContainer.prototype.removeStepLink = function removeStepLink(fieldId) {
const stepID = $(`#${fieldId}`).closest('.form-step').attr('id');
// Hide the error container if we've just removed the last error.
if (this.$el.find('.error-list').is(':empty')) {
* @func ErrorContainer.updateErrorMessage
* @param {object} $input - The jQuery input object which contains the field to validate.
* @param {object} message - The error message to display (html escaped).
* @desc Update an error message (displayed at the top of the form).
ErrorContainer.prototype.updateErrorMessage = function updateErrorMessage($input, message) {
const inputID = $input.attr('id');
let anchor = `#${inputID}`;
const elementID = `${inputID}-top-error`;
let messageElement = $(`#${elementID}`);
let describedBy = $input.attr('aria-describedby');
// The 'message' param will be an empty string if the field is valid.
if (!message) {
// Style issues as fixed if they already exist
if (messageElement.length === 1) {
// Update the existing error message.'a').html(message);
} else {
// Generate better link to field
$input.closest('.field[id]').each(() => {
anchor = `#${$(this).attr('id')}`;
// Add a new error message
messageElement = $('<li><a></a></li>');
.attr('id', elementID)
.attr('href', location.pathname + + anchor)
// Link back to original input via aria
// Respect existing non-error aria-describedby
if (!describedBy) {
describedBy = elementID;
} else if (!describedBy.match(new RegExp(`\\b${elementID}\\b`))) {
// Add to end of list if not already present
describedBy += ` ${elementID}`;
$input.attr('aria-describedby', describedBy);
* @func FormStep
* @constructor
* @param {object} element
* @return {object} - The FormStep instance.
* @desc Creates a form step.
function FormStep(element) {
const self = this;
this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element);
const userform = this.$el.closest('.userform').data('inst');
// Find button for this step
this.$elButton = $(`.step-button-wrapper[data-for='${this.$el.prop('id')}']`);
// Has the step been viewed by the user?
this.viewed = false;
// Is the form step valid?
// This value is used on form submission, which fails, if any of the steps are invalid.
this.valid = false;
// The internal id of the step. Used for getting the step from the UserForm.steps array. = null;
this.errorContainer = new ErrorContainer(this.$el.find('.error-container'));
// Listen for errors on the UserForm.
userform.$el.on('userform.form.error', (e, validator) => {
// The step only cares about errors if it's currently visible.
if (!self.$':visible')) {
// Add or update each error in the list.
$.each(validator.errorList, (i, error) => {
self.errorContainer.updateErrorMessage($(error.element), error.message);
// Listen for fields becoming valid
userform.$el.on('userform.form.valid', (e, fieldId) => {
// Ensure that page visibilty updates the step navigation
.on('userform.field.hide', () => {
return this;
* Determine if this step is conditionally disabled
* @returns {Boolean}
// Because the element itself could be visible but 0 height, so check visibility of button
FormStep.prototype.conditionallyHidden = function conditionallyHidden() {
return !this.$elButton.find('button').is(':visible');
* @func ProgressBar
* @constructor
* @param {object} element
* @return {object} - The Progress bar instance.
* @desc Creates a progress bar.
function ProgressBar(element) {
const self = this;
this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element);
this.$buttons = this.$el.find('.step-button-jump');
this.$jsAlign = this.$el.find('.js-align');
const userform = this.$el.closest('.userform').data('inst');
// Update the progress bar when 'step' buttons are clicked.
this.$buttons.each((i, stepButton) => {
$(stepButton).on('click', (e) => {
const stepNumber = parseInt($('step'), 10);
self.$el.trigger('userform.progress.changestep', stepNumber);
// Update the progress bar when 'prev' and 'next' buttons are clicked.
userform.$el.on('userform.form.changestep', (e, stepID) => {
// Listen for steps being conditionally shown / hidden by display rules.
// We need to update step related UI like the number of step buttons
// and any text that shows the total number of steps.
userform.$el.on('userform.form.conditionalstep', () => {
// Update the step numbers on the buttons.
const $visibleButtons = self.$buttons.filter(':visible');
$visibleButtons.each((i, button) => {
$(button).text(i + 1);
// Update the actual progress bar.
self.$el.find('.progress-bar').attr('aria-valuemax', $visibleButtons.length);
// Update any text that uses the total number of steps.
// Spaces out the steps below progress bar evenly
this.$jsAlign.each((index, button) => {
const $button = $(button);
const leftPercent = 100 / (self.$jsAlign.length - 1) * index;
const leftPercentCssValue = `${leftPercent}%`;
const buttonOffset = -1 * ($button.innerWidth() / 2);
left: leftPercentCssValue,
marginLeft: buttonOffset,
// First and last buttons are kept within userform-progress container
if (index === self.$jsAlign.length - 1) {
$button.css({ marginLeft: buttonOffset * 2 });
} else if (index === 0) {
$button.css({ marginLeft: 0 });
return this;
* @func ProgressBar.update
* @param {number} stepID - Zero based index of the new step.
* @desc Update the progress element to show a new step.
ProgressBar.prototype.update = function update(stepID) {
const $newStepElement = $(this.$el.parent('.userform').find('.form-step')[stepID]);
let stepNumber = 0;
let barWidth = stepID / (this.$buttons.length - 1) * 100;
// Set the current step number.
this.$buttons.each((i, button) => {
if (i > stepID) {
// Break the loop
return false;
if ($(button).is(':visible')) {
stepNumber += 1;
return true;
// Update elements that contain the current step number.
this.$el.find('.current-step-number').each((i, element) => {
// Update aria attributes.
this.$el.find('[aria-valuenow]').each((i, element) => {
$(element).attr('aria-valuenow', stepNumber);
// Update the CSS classes on step buttons.
this.$buttons.each((i, element) => {
const $element = $(element);
const $item = $element.parent();
if (parseInt($'step'), 10) === stepNumber && $':visible')) {
$item.addClass('current viewed');
// Update the progress bar's title with the new step's title.
// Update the width of the progress bar.
barWidth = barWidth ? `${barWidth}%` : '';
* @func FormActions
* @constructor
* @param {object} element
* @desc Creates the navigation and actions (Prev, Next, Submit buttons).
function FormActions(element) {
const self = this;
this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element);
this.userformInstance = this.$el.closest('.userform').data('inst');
this.$prevButton = this.$el.find('.step-button-prev');
this.$nextButton = this.$el.find('.step-button-next');
// Show the buttons.
this.$prevButton.parent().attr('aria-hidden', false).show();
this.$nextButton.parent().attr('aria-hidden', false).show();
// Bind the step navigation event listeners.
this.$prevButton.on('click', (e) => {
this.$nextButton.on('click', (e) => {
// Listen for changes to the current form step, or conditional pages,
// so we can show hide buttons appropriately.
this.userformInstance.$el.on('userform.form.changestep userform.form.conditionalstep', () => {
return this;
* @func FormActions.update
* @param {number} stepID - Zero based ID of the current step.
* @desc Updates the form actions element to reflect the current state of the page.
FormActions.prototype.update = function update() {
const numberOfSteps = this.userformInstance.steps.length;
const stepID = this.userformInstance.currentStep ? : 0;
let i = null;
let lastStep = null;
// Update the "Prev" button.
this.$el.find('.step-button-prev')[stepID === 0 ? 'hide' : 'show']();
// Find last step, skipping hidden ones
for (i = numberOfSteps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
lastStep = this.userformInstance.steps[i];
// Skip if step is hidden
if (lastStep.conditionallyHidden()) {
// Update the "Next" button.
this.$el.find('.step-button-next')[stepID >= i ? 'hide' : 'show']();
// Update the "Actions".
this.$el.find('.btn-toolbar')[stepID >= i ? 'show' : 'hide']();
// Stop processing last step
* @func UserForm
* @constructor
* @param {object} element
* @return {object} - The UserForm instance.
* @desc The form
function UserForm(element) {
const self = this;
this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element);
this.steps = [];
// Add an error container which displays a list of invalid steps on form submission.
this.errorContainer = new ErrorContainer(this.$el.children('.error-container'));
// Listen for events triggered by form steps.
this.$el.on('userform.action.prev', () => {
this.$el.on('', () => {
// Listen for events triggered by the progress bar.
this.$el.find('.userform-progress').on('userform.progress.changestep', (e, stepNumber) => {
self.jumpToStep(stepNumber - 1);
// When a field becomes valid, remove errors from the error container.
this.$el.on('userform.form.valid', (e, fieldId) => {
// Ensure checkbox groups are validated correctly
this.$el.find('.optionset.requiredField input').each((a, field) => {
$(field).rules('add', {
required: true,
return this;
* Default options for step validation. These get extended in main().
UserForm.prototype.validationOptions = {
ignore: ':hidden,ul',
errorClass: 'error',
errorElement: 'span',
errorPlacement: (error, element) => {
if (':radio') || element.parents('.checkboxset').length > 0) {
2017-10-05 23:36:10 +02:00
} else if (element.parents('.checkbox').length > 0) {
2017-10-05 23:36:10 +02:00
} else {
invalidHandler: (event, validator) => {
// setTimeout 0 so it runs after errorPlacement
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
// Callback for handling the actual submit when the form is valid.
// Submission in the jQuery.validate sence is handled at step level.
// So when the final step is submitted we have to also check all previous steps are valid.
submitHandler: (form) => {
let isValid = true;
const userform = $(form).closest('.userform').data('inst');
// Validate the current step
if (userform.currentStep) {
userform.currentStep.valid = $(form).valid();
// Check for invalid previous steps.
$.each(userform.steps, (i, step) => {
if (!step.valid && !step.conditionallyHidden()) {
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
// When using the "are you sure?" plugin, ensure the form immediately submits.
2019-06-12 22:59:13 +02:00
} else {;
// When a field becomes valid.
success: (error) => {
const userform = $(error).closest('.userform').data('inst');
const errorId = $(error).attr('id');
const fieldId = errorId.substr(0, errorId.indexOf('-error')).replace(/[\\[\\]]/, '');
// Remove square brackets since jQuery.validate.js uses idOrName,
// which breaks further on when using a selector that end with
// square brackets.
// Pass the field's ID with the event
userform.$el.trigger('userform.form.valid', [fieldId]);
* @func UserForm.addStep
* @param {object} step - An instance of FormStep.
* @desc Adds a step to the UserForm.
UserForm.prototype.addStep = function addStep(step) {
// Make sure we're dealing with a form step.
if (!(step instanceof FormStep)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign = this.steps.length;
* @func UserForm.setCurrentStep
* @param {object} step - An instance of FormStep.
* @desc Sets the step the user is currently on.
UserForm.prototype.setCurrentStep = function setCurrentStep(step) {
// Make sure we're dealing with a form step.
if (!(step instanceof FormStep)) {
this.currentStep = step;;
// Record the user has viewed the step.
this.currentStep.viewed = true;
* @func UserForm.jumpToStep
* @param {number} stepNumber
* @param {boolean} [direction] - Defaults to forward (true).
* @desc Jumps to a specific form step.
UserForm.prototype.jumpToStep = function jumpToStep(stepNumber, direction) {
const targetStep = this.steps[stepNumber];
let isValid = false;
const forward = direction === void 0 ? true : direction;
// Make sure the target step exists.
if (targetStep === void 0) {
// Make sure the step we're trying to set as current is not
// hidden by custom display rules. If it is then jump to the next step.
if (targetStep.conditionallyHidden()) {
if (forward) {
this.jumpToStep(stepNumber + 1);
} else {
this.jumpToStep(stepNumber - 1);
// Validate the form.
// This well effectivly validate the current step and not the entire form.
// This is because hidden fields are excluded from validation, and all fields
// on all other steps, are currently hidden.
isValid = this.$el.valid();
// Set the 'valid' property on the current step.
this.currentStep.valid = isValid;
// Users can navigate to step's they've already viewed even if the current step is invalid.
if (isValid === false && targetStep.viewed === false) {
this.$el.trigger('userform.form.changestep', []);
* @func UserForm.nextStep
* @desc Advances the form to the next step.
UserForm.prototype.nextStep = function nextStep() {
this.jumpToStep(this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep) + 1, true);
* @func UserForm.prevStep
* @desc Goes back one step (not bound to browser history).
UserForm.prototype.prevStep = function prevStep() {
this.jumpToStep(this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep) - 1, false);
* @func main
* @desc Bootstraps the front-end.
function main(index, userformElement) {
const $userform = $(userformElement);
// If there's no userform, do nothing.
if ($userform.length === 0) {
CONSTANTS.ENABLE_LIVE_VALIDATION = $'livevalidation') !== void 0;
// Extend the default validation options with conditional options
// that are set by the user in the CMS.
$.extend(UserForm.prototype.validationOptions, {
onfocusout: false,
$.extend(UserForm.prototype.validationOptions, {
// Callback for custom code when an invalid form / step is submitted.
invalidHandler: (event, validator) => {
$userform.trigger('userform.form.error', [validator]);
onfocusout: false,
// Display all the things that are hidden when JavaScript is disabled.
$userform.find('.userform-progress, .step-navigation').attr('aria-hidden', false).show();
// Extend classes with common functionality.
$.extend(FormStep.prototype, commonMixin);
$.extend(ErrorContainer.prototype, commonMixin);
const userform = new UserForm($userform);
$'inst', userform);
// Conditionally hide field labels and use HTML5 placeholder instead.
$userform.find('label.left').each(() => {
const $label = $(this);
$(`[name="${$label.attr('for')}"]`).attr('placeholder', $label.text());
// Initialise the form steps.
userform.$el.find('.form-step').each((i, element) => {
const step = new FormStep(element);
// Initialise actions and progressbar
const $progressEl = $userform.find('.userform-progress');
if ($progressEl.length) {
const progressBar = new ProgressBar($progressEl);
const $formActionsEl = $userform.find('.step-navigation');
if ($formActionsEl.length) {
const formActions = new FormActions($formActionsEl);
// Enable jQuery UI datepickers
$(document).on('click', 'input.text[data-showcalendar]', () => {
const $element = $(this);
if ($'datepicker')) {
// Make sure the form doesn't expire on the user. Pings every 3 mins.
setInterval(() => {
$.ajax({ url: 'UserDefinedFormController/ping' });
}, 180 * 1000);
// Bind a confirmation message when navigating away from a partially completed form.
if (typeof $userform.areYouSure !== 'undefined') {
message: i18n._t('UserForms.LEAVE_CONFIRMATION', 'You have unsaved changes!'),