2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
en :
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
CustomRule :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
BLANK : Blank
DELETE : Delete
GREATERTHAN : 'Value Greater Than'
GREATERTHANEQUAL : 'Value Greater Than Or Equal'
HIDETHISFIELD : 'Hide This Field'
IS : Is
LESSTHAN : 'Value Less Than'
LESSTHANEQUAL : 'Value Less Than Or Equal'
NOTBLANK : 'Not Blank'
NOTVALUE : 'Not Value'
SHOWTHISFIELD : 'Show This Field'
VALUE : Value
WHEN : When
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
EditableUploadField :
SELECTUPLOADFOLDER : 'Select upload folder'
FieldEditor :
ADD : Add
SELECTAFIELD : 'Select a Field'
SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree :
SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField :
Filter : Filter
ResetFilter : Reset
SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormFieldEditorExtension :
ADD_FIELD : 'Add Field'
ADD_FIELD_GROUP : 'Add Field Group'
ADD_PAGE_BREAK : 'Add Page Break'
FORMFIELDS : 'Form Fields'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Extension\UserFormValidator :
CONDITIONAL_REQUIRED : 'Required field ' '{name}' ' cannot be placed within a conditional page'
NO_PAGE : 'Field ' '{name}' ' found before any pages'
UNEXPECTED_BREAK : 'Unexpected page break ' '{name}' ' inside nested field ' '{group}' ''
UNEXPECTED_GROUP_END : '' '{name}' ' found without a matching group'
WRONG_GROUP_END : '' '{name}' ' found closes the wrong group ' '{group}' ''
SilverStripe\UserForms\Form\UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader :
FILTERSUBMISSIONS : 'Filter Submissions..'
FROM : From
TILL : Till
WHEREVALUEIS : 'where value is..'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableCustomRule :
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Custom Rules'
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Custom Rule'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
ADD : Add
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
ADDLabel : 'Add option'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
ADDRULE : 'Add Rule'
BLANK : Blank
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
CHECKEDBYDEFAULT : 'Checked by Default?'
CUSTOMERROR : 'Custom Error Message'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
CUSTOMRULES : 'Custom Rules'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
DEFAULT : 'Default value'
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
DEFAULTTOTODAY : 'Default to Today?'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
DELETE : Delete
2017-05-12 15:06:51 +12:00
DISPLAYIF : 'Toggle visibility when'
2016-05-18 16:58:44 +12:00
DISPLAY_RULES_DISABLED : 'Display rules are not enabled for required fields. Please uncheck "Is this field Required?" under "Validation" to re-enable.'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
DRAG : 'Drag to rearrange order of fields'
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
ENTERQUESTION : 'Enter Question'
EXTRACLASSA : 'Extra Styling/Layout'
EXTRACLASSB : 'Extra css Class - separate multiples with a space'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
EXTRACLASS_MULTIPLE : 'Separate each CSS class with a single space'
EXTRACLASS_SELECT : 'Select from the list of allowed styles'
EXTRACLASS_TITLE : 'Extra Styling/Layout'
2015-11-17 16:07:38 +13:00
EXTRACLASS_Title : 'Extra CSS classes'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
FIELDCONFIGURATION : 'Field Configuration'
FIELDONDEFAULT : 'Field On Default'
GREATERTHAN : 'Value Greater Than'
GREATERTHANEQUAL : 'Value Greater Than Or Equal'
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
GROUP : Group
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
HIDE : Hide
HIDETHISFIELD : 'Hide This Field'
2017-05-12 15:06:51 +12:00
INITIALVISIBILITY : 'Initial visibility'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
IS : Is
LESSTHAN : 'Value Less Than'
LESSTHANEQUAL : 'Value Less Than Or Equal'
LOCKED : 'These fields cannot be modified'
2014-08-20 09:29:30 +12:00
MAXVALUE : 'Max Value'
2017-04-11 08:15:29 +12:00
MERGEFIELDNAME : 'Merge field'
2014-08-20 09:29:30 +12:00
MINVALUE : 'Min Value'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
NAME : Name
2015-05-26 18:20:25 +12:00
'NO' : 'No'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
NOTBLANK : 'Not Blank'
NOTVALUE : 'Not Value'
OPTIONS : Options
2017-04-28 18:01:51 +09:30
PLACEHOLDER : Placeholder
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Form Fields'
REQUIRED : 'Is this field Required?'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
REQUIRED_DESCRIPTION : 'Please note that conditional fields can' 't be required'
RIGHTTITLE : 'Right title'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
SHOW : Show
2017-05-12 15:06:51 +12:00
SHOWINSUMMARY : 'Show in summary gridfield'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
SHOWONLOAD : 'Initial visibility before processing these rules'
2017-04-11 08:15:29 +12:00
SHOWONLOAD_TITLE : 'Show on load'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
SHOWOPTIONS : 'Show Options'
SHOWTHISFIELD : 'Show This Field'
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Form Field'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
TITLE : Title
TYPE : Type
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
VALIDATION : Validation
VALUE : Value
WHEN : When
2015-05-26 18:20:25 +12:00
'YES' : 'Yes'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCheckbox :
PLURALNAME : Checkboxes
SINGULARNAME : 'Checkbox Field'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCheckboxGroupField :
PLURALNAME : 'Checkbox Groups'
SINGULARNAME : 'Checkbox Group'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableCountryDropdownField :
PLURALNAME : 'Country Dropdowns'
SINGULARNAME : 'Country Dropdown'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableDateField :
PLURALNAME : 'Date Fields'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableDropdown :
PLURALNAME : Dropdowns
SINGULARNAME : 'Dropdown Field'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableEmailField :
PLURALNAME : 'Email Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'Email Field'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFieldGroup :
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Field Groups'
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Field Group'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFieldGroupEnd :
FIELD_GROUP_END : '{group} end'
FIELD_GROUP_START : 'Group {group}'
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Field Group Ends'
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Field Group End'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFileField :
PLURALNAME : 'File Upload Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'File Upload Field'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFormHeading :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
LEVEL : 'Select Heading Level'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableFormStep :
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Page Breaks'
STEP_TITLE : 'Page {page}'
TITLE_FIRST : 'First Page'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableLiteralField :
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
HIDEFROMREPORT : 'Hide from reports?'
2015-11-17 16:07:38 +13:00
HIDELABEL : 'Hide ' 'Title' ' label on frontend?'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableMemberListField :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Member List Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'Member List Field'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableMultipleOptionField :
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
DEFAULT : 'Selected by default?'
2016-05-18 16:58:44 +12:00
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Multiple Option Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Multiple Option Field'
2016-05-18 16:58:44 +12:00
TITLE : Title
2016-08-17 11:08:01 +12:00
VALUE : Value
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableNumericField :
2014-05-20 14:36:54 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Numeric Fields'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
RANGE : 'Allowed numeric range'
2014-05-20 14:36:54 +12:00
SINGULARNAME : 'Numeric Field'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableOption :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
DELETE : 'Remove this option'
DRAG : 'Drag to rearrange order of options'
LOCKED : 'These fields cannot be modified'
2013-11-06 14:23:47 +01:00
PLURALNAME : 'Editable Options'
SINGULARNAME : 'Editable Option'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableRadioField :
2015-08-17 14:05:50 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Radio Groups'
SINGULARNAME : 'Radio Group'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\EditableTextField :
2017-05-12 15:06:51 +12:00
AUTOCOMPLETE : Autocomplete
2016-12-13 21:12:46 +00:00
AUTOCOMPLETE_DESCRIPTION : 'Supported browsers will attempt to populate this field automatically with the users information, use to set the value populated'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
NUMBERROWS : 'Number of rows'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
NUMBERROWS_DESCRIPTION : 'Fields with more than one row will be generated as a textarea'
2017-05-12 15:06:51 +12:00
PLACEHOLDER : Placeholder
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Text Fields'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
TEXTLENGTH : 'Allowed text length'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\EditableFormField\Validator :
REQUIRED_ERROR : 'Form fields cannot be required and have conditional display rules.'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\EmailRecipient :
EMAILADDRESSINVALID : '"EmailAddress" is not valid'
EMAILFROMINVALID : '"Email From" is not valid'
2018-02-13 16:24:53 +00:00
EMAILFROMREQUIRED : '"Email From" address is required'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
EMAILREPLYTOINVALID : '"Email Reply To" is not valid'
PLURALNAME : 'User Defined Form Email Recipients'
SINGULARNAME : 'User Defined Form Email Recipient'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Recipient\EmailRecipientCondition :
PLURALNAME : 'User Defined Form Email Recipient Conditions'
SINGULARNAME : 'User Defined Form Email Recipient Condition'
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFileField :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
DOWNLOADFILE : 'Download File'
PLURALNAME : 'Submitted File Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'Submitted File Field'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedForm :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Submitted Forms'
SINGULARNAME : 'Submitted Form'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\Submission\SubmittedFormField :
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Submitted Form Fields'
SINGULARNAME : 'Submitted Form Field'
2017-08-11 11:40:12 +12:00
SilverStripe\UserForms\Model\UserDefinedForm :
2013-10-30 14:21:28 +01:00
ADDEMAILRECIPIENT : 'Add Email Recipient'
2014-01-22 16:40:55 +13:00
2013-10-30 14:21:28 +01:00
CONFIGURATION : Configuration
DESCRIPTION : 'Adds a customizable form.'
2015-11-17 16:07:38 +13:00
DISABLEAUTHENICATEDFINISHACTION : 'Disable Authentication on finish action'
2014-08-20 09:29:30 +12:00
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
DISPLAYERRORMESSAGESATTOP : 'Display error messages above the form?'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
2013-10-30 14:21:28 +01:00
EMAILRECIPIENTS : 'Email Recipients'
2018-02-20 14:32:14 +00:00
EMAIL_RECIPIENT_UNSAVED_FORM : 'You will be able to select from valid form fields after saving this record.'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
EMAILSUBJECT : 'Email subject'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
EMAILTEMPLATE : 'Email template'
2013-10-30 14:21:28 +01:00
ENABLELIVEVALIDATION : 'Enable live validation'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
EmailFromContent : 'The from address allows you to set who the email comes from. On most servers this will need to be set to an email address on the same domain name as your site. For example on yoursite.com the from address may need to be something@yoursite.com. You can however, set any email address you wish as the reply to address.'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
FIELDS : Fields
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
FORM : Form
FROMADDRESS : 'Send email from'
2015-11-17 16:07:38 +13:00
FileUploadWarning : 'Files uploaded through this field could be publicly accessible if the exact URL is known'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
HIDEFORMDATA : 'Hide form data from email?'
2016-08-17 11:08:01 +12:00
NORECIPIENTS: 'Warning : You have not configured any recipients. Form submissions may be missed.'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
ONCOMPLETELABEL : 'Show on completion'
ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASFROM : '.. or select a field to use as reply to address'
ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASTO : '.. or select a field to use as the to address'
2015-05-26 18:20:25 +12:00
PLURALNAME : 'Base Pages'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
PREVIEW_EMAIL : 'Preview email'
PREVIEW_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION: 'Note : Unsaved changes will not appear in the preview.'
PREVIEW_EMAIL_UNAVAILABLE : 'You can preview this email once you have saved the Recipient.'
RECIPIENTS : Recipients
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
REPLYADDRESS : 'Email for reply to'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
REPLYADDRESS_DESCRIPTION : 'The email address which the recipient is able to ' 'reply' ' to.'
RulesDescription : 'Emails will only be sent to the recipient if the custom rules are met. If no rules are defined, this receipient will receive notifications for every submission.'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
SAVESUBMISSIONS : 'Disable Saving Submissions to Server'
2014-08-20 09:29:30 +12:00
SELECTAFIELDTOSETSUBJECT : '.. or select a field to use as the subject'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
SENDEMAILTO : 'Send email to'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
SENDEMAILTO_DESCRIPTION : 'You may enter multiple email addresses as a comma separated list.'
SENDIF : 'Send condition'
2016-05-18 16:58:44 +12:00
SENDIFAND : 'All conditions are true'
SENDIFOR : 'Any conditions are true'
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
SENDPLAIN : 'Send email as plain text? (HTML will be stripped)'
SHOWCLEARFORM : 'Show Clear Form Button'
SINGULARNAME : 'User Defined Form'
2013-10-30 14:21:28 +01:00
SUBMISSIONS : Submissions
2012-09-11 21:20:46 +12:00
2013-11-25 13:52:38 +02:00
TEXTONCLEAR : 'Text on clear button:'
2014-01-22 16:40:55 +13:00
TEXTONSUBMIT : 'Text on submit button:'
2015-08-20 12:47:37 +12:00
TYPEREPLY : 'Type reply address'
TYPESUBJECT : 'Type subject'
TYPETO : 'Type to address'