2013-03-28 16:02:06 +01:00

91 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
* Initialises a test project that can be built by travis.
* Travis downloads the module, but in order to run unit tests it needs
* to be part of a SilverStripe "installer" project.
* This script generates a custom composer.json with the required dependencies
* and installs it into a separate webroot. The originally downloaded module
* code is re-installed via composer.
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
$opts = getopt('', array(
if (!$opts) {
echo "Invalid arguments specified\n";
$dir = __DIR__;
$modulePath = dirname(dirname($dir));
$moduleName = basename($modulePath);
$parent = dirname($modulePath);
// Get exact version of downloaded module so we can re-download via composer
$moduleRevision = getenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT');
$moduleBranch = getenv('TRAVIS_BRANCH');
$moduleBranchComposer = (preg_match('/^\d\.\d/', $moduleBranch)) ? $moduleBranch . '.x-dev' : 'dev-' . $moduleBranch;
$coreBranch = getenv('CORE_RELEASE');
$coreBranchComposer = (preg_match('/^\d\.\d/', $coreBranch)) ? $coreBranch . '.x-dev' : 'dev-' . $moduleBranch;
// Print out some environment information.
printf(" * MySQL: %s\n", trim(`mysql --version`));
printf(" * PostgreSQL: %s\n", trim(`pg_config --version`));
printf(" * SQLite: %s\n\n", trim(`sqlite3 -version`));
// Extract the package info from the module composer file, and build a
// custom project composer file with the local package explicitly defined.
echo "Reading composer information...\n";
$package = json_decode(file_get_contents("$modulePath/composer.json"), true);
// Generate a custom composer file.
$packageNew = array(
'require' => array_merge(
isset($package['require']) ? $package['require'] : array(),
array($package['name'] => $moduleBranchComposer . '#' . $moduleRevision,)
// Always include DBs, allow module specific version dependencies though
'require-dev' => array_merge(
array('silverstripe/postgresql' => '*','silverstripe/sqlite3' => '*'),
isset($package['require-dev']) ? $package['require-dev'] : array()
'minimum-stability' => 'dev'
// Override module dependencies in order to test with specific core branch.
// This might be older than the latest permitted version based on the module definition.
// Its up to the module author to declare compatible CORE_RELEASE values in the .travis.yml.
if(isset($packageNew['require']['silverstripe/framework'])) {
$packageNew['require']['silverstripe/framework'] = $coreBranchComposer;
if(isset($packageNew['require']['silverstripe/cms'])) {
$packageNew['require']['silverstripe/cms'] = $coreBranchComposer;
$composer = json_encode($packageNew);
echo "Generated composer file:\n";
echo "$composer\n\n";
echo "Cloning installer@$coreBranch...\n";
`git clone --depth=100 --quiet -b $coreBranch git://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-installer.git $target`;
echo "Setting up project...\n";
`cp $dir/_config.php $target/mysite`;
echo "Replacing composer file...\n";
file_put_contents("$target/composer.json", $composer);
echo "Running composer...\n";
passthru("composer install --prefer-dist --dev -d $target");