# Translatable module for SilverStripe CMS #

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## Introduction ##

Allows translation of DataObject and SiteTree records into multiple languages.

## Usage

[Setup and Usage Documentation](http://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-translatable/blob/master/docs/en/index.md)

## Requirements ##

 * SilverStripe Framework 3.2+ and CMS 3.2+

## Maintainers ##

 * Ingo Schommer <ingo at silverstripe dot com>

## Contributing

### Translations

Translations of the natural language strings are managed through a
third party translation interface, transifex.com.
Newly added strings will be periodically uploaded there for translation,
and any new translations will be merged back to the project source code.

Please use [https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/silverstripe-translatable/](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/silverstripe-translatable/) to contribute translations,
rather than sending pull requests with YAML files.

See the ["i18n" topic](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/trunk/topics/i18n) on doc.silverstripe.org for more details.