Damian Mooyman 2977f85cb5 API Implement Tika support
API Implement support for detection via mime-type as well as file extension
API Implement FileContent property for safe usage in templates
API instead of returning the list of extensions / mime types supported, support is determined on a per-file bases
Marking dev-master as version 2.0 as this contains breaking changes
2015-02-20 15:12:20 +13:00

13 lines
393 B

class PDFTextExtractorTest extends SapphireTest {
function testExtraction() {
$extractor = new PDFTextExtractor();
if(!$extractor->isAvailable()) $this->markTestSkipped('pdftotext not available');
$content = $extractor->getContent(Director::baseFolder() . '/textextraction/tests/fixtures/test1.pdf');
$this->assertContains('This is a test file with a link', $content);