renderWith('TestSession_inprogress'); // Database $dbName = $request->getVar('database'); if($dbName) { $dbExists = (bool)DB::query( sprintf("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '%s'", Convert::raw2sql($dbName)) )->value(); } else { $dbExists = false; } if(!$dbExists) { // Create a new one with a randomized name $dbName = SapphireTest::create_temp_db(); } $this->setState(array_merge($request->getVars(), array('database' => $dbName))); return $this->renderWith('TestSession_start'); } public function DatabaseName() { // Workaround for bug in Cookie::get(), fixed in 3.1-rc1 if(self::$alternative_database_name != -1) { return self::$alternative_database_name; } else if ($dbname = DB::get_alternative_database_name()) { return $dbname; } else { $db = DB::getConn(); if(method_exists($db, 'currentDatabase')) return $db->currentDatabase(); } } public function set($request) { if(!SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) { throw new LogicException( "This command can only be used with a temporary database. " . "Perhaps you should use dev/testsession/start first?" ); } $this->setState($request->getVars()); return $this->renderWith('TestSession_inprogress'); } public function clear($request) { if(!SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) { throw new LogicException( "This command can only be used with a temporary database. " . "Perhaps you should use dev/testsession/start first?" ); } SapphireTest::empty_temp_db(); return "Cleared database and test state"; } public function end() { if(!SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) { throw new LogicException( "This command can only be used with a temporary database. " . "Perhaps you should use dev/testsession/start first?" ); } SapphireTest::kill_temp_db(); DB::set_alternative_database_name(null); // Workaround for bug in Cookie::get(), fixed in 3.1-rc1 self::$alternative_database_name = null; Session::clear('testsession'); return $this->renderWith('TestSession_end'); } protected function loadFixtureIntoDb($fixtureFile) { $realFile = realpath(BASE_PATH.'/'.$fixtureFile); $baseDir = realpath(Director::baseFolder()); if(!$realFile || !file_exists($realFile)) { throw new LogicException("Fixture file doesn't exist"); } else if(substr($realFile,0,strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir) { throw new LogicException("Fixture file must be inside $baseDir"); } else if(substr($realFile,-4) != '.yml') { throw new LogicException("Fixture file must be a .yml file"); } else if(!preg_match('/^([^\/.][^\/]+)\/tests\//', $fixtureFile)) { throw new LogicException("Fixture file must be inside the tests subfolder of one of your modules."); } $factory = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureFactory'); $fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', $fixtureFile); $fixture->writeInto($factory); Session::add_to_array('testsession.fixtures', $fixtureFile); return $fixture; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isTesting() { return SapphireTest::using_temp_db(); } public function setState($data) { // Database $dbname = (isset($data['database'])) ? $data['database'] : null; if($dbname) { // Set existing one, assumes it already has been created $prefix = defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : 'ss_'; $pattern = strtolower(sprintf('#^%stmpdb\d{7}#', $prefix)); if(!preg_match($pattern, $dbname)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid database name format"); } DB::set_alternative_database_name($dbname); // Workaround for bug in Cookie::get(), fixed in 3.1-rc1 self::$alternative_database_name = $dbname; // Database name is set in cookie (next request), ensure its available on this request already global $databaseConfig; DB::connect(array_merge($databaseConfig, array('database' => $dbname))); } // Fixtures $fixtureFile = (isset($data['fixture'])) ? $data['fixture'] : null; if($fixtureFile) { $this->loadFixtureIntoDb($fixtureFile); } // Mailer $mailer = (isset($data['mailer'])) ? $data['mailer'] : null; if($mailer) { if(!class_exists($mailer) || !is_subclass_of($mailer, 'Mailer')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Class "%s" is not a valid class, or subclass of Mailer', $mailer )); } // Configured through testsession/_config.php Session::set('testsession.mailer', $mailer); } // Date $date = (isset($data['date'])) ? $data['date'] : null; if($date) { require_once 'Zend/Date.php'; if(!Zend_Date::isDate($date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Invalid date format "%s", use yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', $date )); } // Configured through testsession/_config.php Session::set('', $date); } } /** * @return ArrayList */ public function getState() { $state = array(); if($dbname = DB::get_alternative_database_name()) { $state[] = new ArrayData(array( 'Name' => 'Database', 'Value' => $dbname, )); } if($fixtures = Session::get('testsession.fixtures')) { $state[] = new ArrayData(array( 'Name' => 'Fixture', 'Value' => implode(',', array_unique($fixtures)), )); } if($mailer = Session::get('testsession.mailer')) { $state[] = new ArrayData(array( 'Name' => 'Mailer Class', 'Value' => $mailer, )); } if($date = Session::get('')) { $state[] = new ArrayData(array( 'Name' => 'Date', 'Value' => $date, )); } return new ArrayList($state); } }