environment = Injector::inst()->get('TestSessionEnvironment'); } public function init() { parent::init(); $this->extend('init'); $canAccess = ( !Director::isLive() && (Director::isDev() || Director::isTest() || Director::is_cli() || Permission::check("ADMIN")) ); if(!$canAccess) return Security::permissionFailure($this); Requirements::css('//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css'); Requirements::css('//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css'); Requirements::javascript('framework/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript('//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js'); Requirements::javascript('testsession/javascript/testsession.js'); } public function Link($action = null) { return Controller::join_links(Director::baseUrl(), 'dev/testsession', $action); } public function index() { if($this->environment->isRunningTests()) { return $this->renderWith('TestSession', 'TestSession_inprogress'); } else { return $this->renderWith(array('TestSession', 'TestSession_start')); } } /** * Start a test session. If you wish to extend how the test session is started (and add additional test state), * then take a look at {@link TestSessionEnvironment::startTestSession()} and * {@link TestSessionEnvironment::applyState()} to see the extension points. */ public function start() { $params = $this->request->requestVars(); if(!empty($params['globalTestSession'])) { $id = null; } else { $generator = Injector::inst()->get('RandomGenerator'); $id = substr($generator->randomToken(), 0, 10); Session::set('TestSessionId', $id); } // Convert datetime from form object into a single string $params = $this->fixDatetimeFormField($params); // Remove unnecessary items of form-specific data from being saved in the test session $params = array_diff_key( $params, array( 'action_set' => true, 'action_start' => true, 'SecurityID' => true, 'url' => true, 'flush' => true, ) ); $this->environment->startTestSession($params, $id); // Optionally import database if(!empty($params['importDatabasePath'])) { $this->environment->importDatabase( $params['importDatabasePath'], !empty($params['requireDefaultRecords']) ? $params['requireDefaultRecords'] : false ); } else if(!empty($params['requireDefaultRecords']) && $params['requireDefaultRecords']) { $this->environment->requireDefaultRecords(); } // Fixtures $fixtureFile = (!empty($params['fixture'])) ? $params['fixture'] : null; if($fixtureFile) { $this->environment->loadFixtureIntoDb($fixtureFile); } return $this->renderWith('TestSession', 'TestSession_inprogress'); } /** * Set $_SESSION state for the current browser session. */ public function browsersessionstate($request) { if(!$this->environment->isRunningTests()) { throw new LogicException("No test session in progress."); } $newSessionStates = array_diff_key($request->getVars(), array('url' => true)); if(!$newSessionStates) { throw new LogicException('No query parameters detected'); } $sessionStates = (array)Session::get('_TestSessionController.BrowserSessionState'); foreach($newSessionStates as $k => $v) { Session::set($k, $v); } // Track which state we're setting so we can unset later in end() Session::set('_TestSessionController.BrowserSessionState', array_merge($sessionStates, $newSessionStates)); } public function StartForm() { $databaseTemplates = $this->getDatabaseTemplates(); $fields = new FieldList( new CheckboxField('createDatabase', 'Create temporary database?', 1) ); if($databaseTemplates) { $fields->push( $dropdown = new DropdownField('importDatabasePath', false) ); $dropdown->setSource($databaseTemplates) ->setEmptyString('Empty database'); } $fields->push(new CheckboxField('requireDefaultRecords', 'Create default data?')); if(Director::isDev()) { $fields->push( CheckboxField::create('globalTestSession', 'Use global test session?') ->setDescription('Caution: Will apply to all users across browsers') ); } $fields->merge($this->getBaseFields()); $form = new Form( $this, 'StartForm', $fields, new FieldList( FormAction::create('start', 'Start Session') ->addExtraClass('btn btn-primary btn-lg') ) ); $this->extend('updateStartForm', $form); return $form; } /** * Shows state which is allowed to be modified while a test session is in progress. */ public function ProgressForm() { $fields = $this->getBaseFields(); $form = new Form( $this, 'ProgressForm', $fields, new FieldList( new FormAction('set', 'Set testing state') ) ); $form->setFormAction($this->Link('set')); $this->extend('updateProgressForm', $form); return $form; } protected function getBaseFields() { $testState = $this->environment->getState(); $fields = new FieldList( $textfield = new TextField('fixture', 'Fixture YAML file path'), $datetimeField = new DatetimeField('datetime', 'Custom date'), new HiddenField('flush', null, 1) ); $textfield->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Example: framework/tests/security/MemberTest.yml'); $datetimeField->getDateField() ->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ->setConfig('showcalendar', true) ->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Date (yyyy-MM-dd)'); $datetimeField->getTimeField() ->setConfig('timeformat', 'HH:mm:ss') ->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Time (HH:mm:ss)'); $datetimeField->setValue((isset($testState->datetime) ? $testState->datetime : null)); $this->extend('updateBaseFields', $fields); return $fields; } public function DatabaseName() { $db = DB::getConn(); if(method_exists($db, 'currentDatabase')) return $db->currentDatabase(); } /** * Updates an in-progress {@link TestSessionEnvironment} object with new details. This could be loading in new * fixtures, setting the mocked date to another value etc. * * @return HTMLText Rendered Template * @throws LogicException */ public function set() { if(!$this->environment->isRunningTests()) { throw new LogicException("No test session in progress."); } $params = $this->request->requestVars(); // Convert datetime from form object into a single string $params = $this->fixDatetimeFormField($params); // Remove unnecessary items of form-specific data from being saved in the test session $params = array_diff_key( $params, array( 'action_set' => true, 'action_start' => true, 'SecurityID' => true, 'url' => true, 'flush' => true, ) ); $this->environment->updateTestSession($params); return $this->renderWith('TestSession_inprogress'); } public function clear() { if(!$this->environment->isRunningTests()) { throw new LogicException("No test session in progress."); } $this->extend('onBeforeClear'); if(SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) { SapphireTest::empty_temp_db(); } if(isset($_SESSION['_testsession_codeblocks'])) { unset($_SESSION['_testsession_codeblocks']); } $this->extend('onAfterClear'); return "Cleared database and test state"; } /** * As with {@link self::start()}, if you want to extend the functionality of this, then look at * {@link TestSessionEnvironent::endTestSession()} as the extension points have moved to there now that the logic * is there. */ public function end() { if(!$this->environment->isRunningTests()) { throw new LogicException("No test session in progress."); } $this->environment->endTestSession(); Session::clear('TestSessionId'); // Clear out all PHP session states which have been set previously if($sessionStates = Session::get('_TestSessionController.BrowserSessionState')) { foreach($sessionStates as $k => $v) { Session::clear($k); } Session::clear('_TestSessionController'); } return $this->renderWith('TestSession_end'); } /** * @return boolean */ public function isTesting() { return SapphireTest::using_temp_db(); } public function setState($data) { Deprecation::notice('3.1', 'TestSessionController::setState() is no longer used, please use ' . 'TestSessionEnvironment instead.'); } /** * @return ArrayList */ public function getState() { $stateObj = $this->environment->getState(); $state = array(); // Convert the stdObject of state into ArrayData foreach($stateObj as $k => $v) { $state[] = new ArrayData(array( 'Name' => $k, 'Value' => var_export($v, true) )); } return new ArrayList($state); } /** * Get all *.sql database files located in a specific path, * keyed by their file name. * * @param String $path Absolute folder path * @return array */ protected function getDatabaseTemplates($path = null) { $templates = array(); if(!$path) { $path = $this->config()->database_templates_path; } // TODO Remove once we can set BASE_PATH through the config layer if($path && !Director::is_absolute($path)) { $path = BASE_PATH . '/' . $path; } if($path && file_exists($path)) { $it = new FilesystemIterator($path); foreach($it as $fileinfo) { if($fileinfo->getExtension() != 'sql') continue; $templates[$fileinfo->getRealPath()] = $fileinfo->getFilename(); } } return $templates; } /** * @param $params array The form fields as passed through from ->start() or ->set() * @return array The form fields, after fixing the datetime field if necessary */ private function fixDatetimeFormField($params) { if(isset($params['datetime']) && is_array($params['datetime']) && !empty($params['datetime']['date'])) { // Convert DatetimeField format from array into string $datetime = $params['datetime']['date']; $datetime .= ' '; $datetime .= (@$params['datetime']['time']) ? $params['datetime']['time'] : '00:00:00'; $params['datetime'] = $datetime; } else if(isset($params['datetime']) && empty($params['datetime']['date'])) { unset($params['datetime']); // No datetime, so remove the param entirely } return $params; } }