getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue(['Tag3', 'Tag4']); $field->saveInto($record); $record->write(); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag3', 'Tag4'], $record ); } public function testItSavesToHasOne() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $tag = new TagFieldTestBlogTag(); $tag->Title = 'Foobar'; $tag->write(); $field = new TagField('PrimaryTagID', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setIsMultiple(false); $field->setValue('Foobar'); $field->saveInto($record); $record->write(); $this->assertEquals($tag->ID, $record->PrimaryTagID, 'The tag is saved to a has_one'); $tag = new TagFieldTestBlogTag(); $tag->Title = 'Foobarbaz'; $tag->write(); $field->setValue(['Foobarbaz']); $field->saveInto($record); $record->write(); $this->assertEquals($tag->ID, $record->PrimaryTagID, 'The tag is saved to a has_one'); } /** * @dataProvider rawValueStoreCasesProvider */ public function testItSavesToRawValue(bool $rawValueEnabled, mixed $values, mixed $expected): void { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $tag = new TagFieldTestBlogTag(); $tag->Title = 'RawValueTest'; $tag->write(); $field = new TagField('InMemoryOnlyProperty', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setAllowRawValue($rawValueEnabled); $field->setValue($values); $field->saveInto($record); $this->assertEquals($expected, $record->InMemoryOnlyProperty, 'We expect raw value to be stored'); } public function rawValueStoreCasesProvider(): array { return [ 'raw value disabled' => [ false, 'SampleValue1', null, ], 'raw value enabled (single value)' => [ true, 'SampleValue1', [ 'SampleValue1', ], ], 'raw value enabled (multiple values)' => [ true, [ 'SampleValue1', 'SampleValue2', ], [ 'SampleValue1', 'SampleValue2', ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider rawValueLoadCasesProvider */ public function testItLoadsFromRawValue(bool $rawValueEnabled, mixed $values, mixed $expected): void { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $tag = new TagFieldTestBlogTag(); $tag->Title = 'RawValueTest'; $tag->write(); $field = new TagField('InMemoryOnlyProperty', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setAllowRawValue($rawValueEnabled); $record->InMemoryOnlyProperty = $values; $field->loadFrom($record); $this->assertEquals($expected, $field->Value(), 'We expect raw value to be loaded'); } public function rawValueLoadCasesProvider(): array { return [ 'raw value disabled' => [ false, null, [], ], 'raw value enabled (single value)' => [ true, [ 'SampleValue1', ], [ 'SampleValue1', ], ], 'raw value enabled (multiple values)' => [ true, [ 'SampleValue1', 'SampleValue2', ], [ 'SampleValue1', 'SampleValue2', ], ], ]; } /** * @param string $name * * @return TagFieldTestBlogPost */ protected function getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost($name) { return $this->objFromFixture( TagFieldTestBlogPost::class, $name ); } /** * @param array $expected * @param TagFieldTestBlogPost $record */ protected function compareExpectedAndActualTags(array $expected, TagFieldTestBlogPost $record) { $this->compareTagLists($expected, $record->Tags()); } /** * Ensure a source of tags matches the given string tag names * * @param array $expected * @param DataList $actualSource */ protected function compareTagLists(array $expected, DataList $actualSource) { $actual = array_values($actualSource->map('ID', 'Title')->toArray() ?? []); sort($expected); sort($actual); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } public function testItSavesLinksToNewTagsOnExistingRecords() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $record->write(); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue(['Tag3', 'Tag4']); $field->saveInto($record); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( array('Tag3', 'Tag4'), $record ); } public function testItSavesLinksToExistingTagsOnNewRecords() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue(['Tag1', 'Tag2']); $field->saveInto($record); $record->write(); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag1', 'Tag2'], $record ); } public function testItSavesLinksToExistingTagsOnExistingRecords() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $record->write(); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue(['Tag1', 'Tag2']); $field->saveInto($record); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag1', 'Tag2'], $record ); } public function testSavesReactTags() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $record->write(); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue([ [ 'Title' => 'Tag1', 'Value' => 'Tag1', ], [ 'Title' => 'Tag2', 'Value' => 'Tag2', ], ]); $field->saveInto($record); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag1', 'Tag2'], $record ); } /** * Ensure that {@see TagField::saveInto} respects existing tags */ public function testSaveDuplicateTags() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost2'); $record->write(); $tag2ID = $this->idFromFixture(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class, 'Tag2'); // Check tags before write $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag1', '222'], $record ); $this->compareTagLists( ['Tag1', '222'], TagFieldTestBlogTag::get() ); $this->assertContains($tag2ID, TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->column('ID')); // Write new tags $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); $field->setValue(['222', 'Tag3']); $field->saveInto($record); // Check only one new tag was added $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['222', 'Tag3'], $record ); // Ensure that only one new dataobject was added and that tag2s id has not changed $this->compareTagLists( ['Tag1', '222', 'Tag3'], TagFieldTestBlogTag::get() ); $this->assertContains($tag2ID, TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->column('ID')); } public function testItSuggestsTags() { $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)); /** * Partial tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'Tag']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[{"Title":"Tag1","Value":"Tag1"}]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); /** * Exact tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => '222']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[{"Title":"222","Value":"222"}]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); /** * Case-insensitive tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'TAG1']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[{"Title":"Tag1","Value":"Tag1"}]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); /** * No tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'unknown']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); } /** * Tests that TagField supports pre-filtered data sources */ public function testRestrictedSuggestions() { $source = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->exclude('Title', 'Tag2'); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', $source); /** * Partial tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'Tag']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[{"Title":"Tag1","Value":"Tag1"}]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); /** * Exact tag title match. */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'Tag1']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[{"Title":"Tag1","Value":"Tag1"}]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); /** * Excluded item doesn't appear in matches */ $request = $this->getNewRequest(['term' => 'Tag2']); $this->assertEquals( '{"items":[]}', $field->suggest($request)->getBody() ); } /** * @param array $parameters * * @return HTTPRequest */ protected function getNewRequest(array $parameters) { return new HTTPRequest( 'get', 'TagFieldTestController/TagFieldTestForm/fields/Tags/suggest', $parameters ); } public function testItDisplaysValuesFromRelations() { $record = $this->getNewTagFieldTestBlogPost('BlogPost1'); $record->write(); $form = new Form( new TagFieldTestController(), 'Form', new FieldList( $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class)) ), new FieldList() ); $form->loadDataFrom( $this->objFromFixture(TagFieldTestBlogPost::class, 'BlogPost2') ); $ids = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->column('ID'); $this->assertEquals($field->Value(), $ids); } public function testItIgnoresNewTagsIfCannotCreate() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test has not been updated yet.' ); $record = new TagFieldTestBlogPost(); $record->write(); $tag = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->filter('Title', 'Tag1')->first(); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', new DataList(TagFieldTestBlogTag::class), [$tag->Title, 'Tag3']); $field->setCanCreate(false); $field->saveInto($record); /** * @var TagFieldTestBlogPost $record */ $record = DataObject::get_by_id(TagFieldTestBlogPost::class, $record->ID); $this->compareExpectedAndActualTags( ['Tag1'], $record ); } /** * Test you can save without a source set */ public function testSaveEmptySource() { $record = new TagFieldTestBlogPost(); $record->write(); // Clear database of tags TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->removeAll(); $field = new TagField('Tags', '', TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()); $field->setValue(['New Tag']); $field->setCanCreate(true); $field->saveInto($record); $tag = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()->first(); $this->assertNotEmpty($tag); $this->assertEquals('New Tag', $tag->Title); $record = TagFieldTestBlogPost::get()->byID($record->ID); $this->assertEquals( $tag->ID, $record->Tags()->first()->ID ); } /** * Test read only fields are returned */ public function testReadonlyTransformation() { $field = new TagField('Tags', '', TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()); $readOnlyField = $field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $this->assertInstanceOf(ReadonlyTagField::class, $readOnlyField); // Custom title field $field = new TagField('Tags', '', TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()); $field->setTitleField('Name'); $readOnlyField = $field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $this->assertEquals('Name', $readOnlyField->getTitleField()); // Also check Field options $field = new TagField('Tags', '', TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()); $field->setTitleField('Title'); $field->setValue(['Tag1']); // When not read only (and not lazy-loading) all source options are returned $htmlText = $field->Field(); $this->assertStringContainsString('Tag1', $htmlText); $this->assertStringContainsString('222', $htmlText); // When read only mode, only selected options are returned $readOnlyField = $field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $htmlText = $readOnlyField->Field(); $this->assertStringContainsString('Tag1', $htmlText); $this->assertStringNotContainsString('222', $htmlText); } public function testItDisplaysWithSelectedValuesFromDataList() { $source = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get(); $selectedTag = $source->First(); $unselectedTag = $source->Last(); $value = $source->filter('ID', $selectedTag->ID); // arbitrary subset $field = new TagField('TestField', null, $source, $value); // Not the cleanest way to assert this, but getOptions() is protected $schema = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertTrue( $this->getFromOptionsByTitle($schema['options'], $selectedTag->Title)['Selected'] ); $this->assertFalse( $this->getFromOptionsByTitle($schema['options'], $unselectedTag->Title)['Selected'] ); } /** * @dataProvider optionCasesProvider */ public function testGetOptionsWithConfigurableFields( ?string $titleField, ?string $valueField, array $expected ): void { $source = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get(); $field = new TagField('TestField', null, $source); if ($titleField) { $field->setTitleField($titleField); } if ($valueField) { $field->setValueField($valueField); } /** @see TagField::getOptions() */ $getOptionsMethod = new ReflectionMethod($field, 'getOptions'); /** @var ArrayList $result */ $result = $getOptionsMethod->invoke($field); $data = $result ->map('Title', 'Value') ->toArray(); $this->assertSame($expected, $data, 'We expect specific fields to be present'); } public function optionCasesProvider(): array { return [ 'default fields' => [ null, null, [ 'Tag1' => 'Tag1', '222' => '222' ], ], 'Label > Sort' => [ 'Label', 'Sort', [ 'Label: Tag1' => 2, 'Label: 222' => 1 ], ], 'Sort > Title' => [ 'Sort', 'Title', [ 2 => 'Tag1', 1 => '222' ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getTagsCasesProvider */ public function testGetTagsWithConfigurableFields( ?string $titleField, ?string $valueField, ?string $searchField, ?string $sortField, string $searchSubject, array $expected ): void { $tag3 = TagFieldTestBlogTag::create(); $tag3->Title = 'Tag3'; $tag3->Sort = 3; $tag3->write(); $source = TagFieldTestBlogTag::get(); $field = new TagField('TestField', null, $source); if ($titleField) { $field->setTitleField($titleField); } if ($valueField) { $field->setValueField($valueField); } if ($searchField) { $field->setSearchField($searchField); } if ($sortField) { $field->setSortField($sortField); } /** @see TagField::getTags() */ $getTagsMethod = new ReflectionMethod($field, 'getTags'); /** @var ArrayList $result */ $result = $getTagsMethod->invoke($field, $searchSubject); $data = []; foreach ($result as $item) { $title = $item['Title']; $value = $item['Value']; $data[$title] = $value; } $this->assertSame($expected, $data, 'We expect specific fields to be present'); } public function getTagsCasesProvider(): array { return [ 'default fields' => [ null, null, null, null, 'Tag', [ 'Tag1' => 'Tag1', 'Tag3' => 'Tag3', ], ], 'custom fields' => [ 'Label', 'Sort', 'Title', 'Sort', 'Tag', [ 'Label: Tag1' => 2, 'Label: Tag3' => 3, ], ], ]; } public function testGetSchemaDataDefaults() { $form = new Form(null, 'Form', new FieldList(), new FieldList()); $field = new TagField('TestField', 'Test Field', TagFieldTestBlogTag::get()); $field->setForm($form); $field ->setShouldLazyLoad(false) ->setCanCreate(false); $schema = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertSame('TestField[]', $schema['name']); $this->assertFalse($schema['lazyLoad']); $this->assertFalse($schema['creatable']); $this->assertEquals([ ['Title' => 'Tag1', 'Value' => 'Tag1', 'Selected' => false], ['Title' => '222', 'Value' => '222', 'Selected' => false], ], $schema['options']); $field->setValue(['222']); $schema = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertEquals([ ['Title' => 'Tag1', 'Value' => 'Tag1', 'Selected' => false], ['Title' => '222', 'Value' => '222', 'Selected' => true], ], $schema['options']); $field ->setShouldLazyLoad(true) ->setCanCreate(true); $schema = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertTrue($schema['lazyLoad']); $this->assertTrue($schema['creatable']); $this->assertStringContainsString('suggest', $schema['optionUrl']); } public function testSchemaIsAddedToAttributes() { $field = new TagField('TestField'); $attributes = $field->getAttributes(); $this->assertNotEmpty($attributes['data-schema']); } /** * @param array $options * @param string $title * @return array|null */ protected function getFromOptionsByTitle(array $options, $title) { foreach ($options as $option) { if ($option['Title'] == $title) { return $option; } } return null; } }