Mateusz Uzdowski 5b00ba352f API Refactor to always redirect to accessible Admin location.
Tries to find an accessible section in the current site, falls back to
searching across all sites and all sections.

Also adds more powerful and generic functionss:
Subsites::all_sites - get the full list
Subsites::all_accessible_sites - get Member accessible list
LeftAndMainExtension::sectionSites - get section-specific list
2013-10-16 16:40:20 +13:00

44 lines
1.7 KiB

<div class="cms-menu cms-panel cms-panel-layout west" id="cms-menu" data-layout-type="border">
<div class="cms-logo-header north">
<div class="cms-logo">
<a href="$ApplicationLink" target="_blank" title="$ApplicationName (Version - $CMSVersion)">
$ApplicationName <% if $CMSVersion %><abbr class="version">$CMSVersion</abbr><% end_if %>
<span><% if $SiteConfig %>$SiteConfig.Title<% else %>$ApplicationName<% end_if %></span>
<div class="cms-login-status">
<a href="Security/logout" class="logout-link" title="<% _t('','Log out') %>"><% _t('','Log out') %></a>
<% with $CurrentMember %>
<% _t('','Hi') %>
<a href="{$AbsoluteBaseURL}admin/myprofile" class="profile-link">
<% if $FirstName && $Surname %>$FirstName $Surname<% else_if $FirstName %>$FirstName<% else %>$Email<% end_if %>
<% end_with %>
<% if $ListSubsites %>
<% include SubsiteList %>
<% end_if %>
<div class="cms-panel-content center">
<ul class="cms-menu-list">
<% loop $MainMenu %>
<li class="$LinkingMode $FirstLast <% if $LinkingMode == 'link' %><% else %>opened<% end_if %>" id="Menu-$Code" title="$Title.ATT">
<a href="$Link" <% if $Code == 'Help' %>target="_blank"<% end_if %>>
<span class="icon icon-16 icon-{$Code.LowerCase}">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="text">$Title</span>
<% end_loop %>
<div class="cms-panel-toggle south">
<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>&raquo;</span></a>
<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>&laquo;</span></a>