mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:55 +00:00
Removed documentation and code since the method has been throwing user error since 2010-03-01
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* A dynamically created subsite. SiteTree objects can now belong to a subsite.
* You can simulate subsite access without setting up virtual hosts by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @package subsites
class Subsite extends DataObject implements PermissionProvider {
* @var $use_session_subsiteid Boolean Set to TRUE when using the CMS and FALSE
* when browsing the frontend of a website.
* @todo Remove flag once the Subsite CMS works without session state,
* similarly to the Translatable module.
public static $use_session_subsiteid = false;
* @var boolean $disable_subsite_filter If enabled, bypasses the query decoration
* to limit DataObject::get*() calls to a specific subsite. Useful for debugging.
static $disable_subsite_filter = false;
* Allows you to force a specific subsite ID, or comma separated list of IDs.
* Only works for reading. An object cannot be written to more than 1 subsite.
static $force_subsite = null;
static $write_hostmap = true;
private static $default_sort = "\"Title\" ASC";
private static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar(255)',
'RedirectURL' => 'Varchar(255)',
'DefaultSite' => 'Boolean',
'Theme' => 'Varchar',
'Language' => 'Varchar(6)',
// Used to hide unfinished/private subsites from public view.
// If unset, will default to true
'IsPublic' => 'Boolean',
// Comma-separated list of disallowed page types
'PageTypeBlacklist' => 'Text',
private static $has_one = array(
private static $has_many = array(
'Domains' => 'SubsiteDomain',
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
"Groups" => "Group",
private static $defaults = array(
'IsPublic' => 1
private static $searchable_fields = array(
* Memory cache of accessible sites
private static $_cache_accessible_sites = array();
private static $_cache_subsite_for_domain = array();
* @var array $allowed_themes Numeric array of all themes which are allowed to be selected for all subsites.
* Corresponds to subfolder names within the /themes folder. By default, all themes contained in this folder
* are listed.
private static $allowed_themes = array();
* @var Boolean If set to TRUE, don't assume 'www.example.com' and 'example.com' are the same.
* Doesn't affect wildcard matching, so '*.example.com' will match 'www.example.com' (but not 'example.com')
* in both TRUE or FALSE setting.
static $strict_subdomain_matching = false;
* @var boolean Respects the IsPublic flag when retrieving subsites
static $check_is_public = true;
static function set_allowed_themes($themes) {
self::$allowed_themes = $themes;
* Return the themes that can be used with this subsite, as an array of themecode => description
function allowedThemes() {
if($themes = $this->stat('allowed_themes')) {
return ArrayLib::valuekey($themes);
} else {
$themes = array();
if(is_dir('../themes/')) {
foreach(scandir('../themes/') as $theme) {
if($theme[0] == '.') continue;
$theme = strtok($theme,'_');
$themes[$theme] = $theme;
return $themes;
public function getLanguage() {
if($this->getField('Language')) {
return $this->getField('Language');
} else {
return i18n::get_locale();
public function validate() {
$result = parent::validate();
if(!$this->Title) {
$result->error(_t('Subsite.ValidateTitle', 'Please add a "Title"'));
return $result;
* Whenever a Subsite is written, rewrite the hostmap
* @return void
public function onAfterWrite() {
* Return the primary domain of this site. Tries to "normalize" the domain name,
* by replacing potential wildcards.
* @return string The full domain name of this subsite (without protocol prefix)
function domain() {
if($this->ID) {
$domains = DataObject::get("SubsiteDomain", "\"SubsiteID\" = $this->ID", "\"IsPrimary\" DESC","", 1);
if($domains && $domains->Count()>0) {
$domain = $domains->First()->Domain;
// If there are wildcards in the primary domain (not recommended), make some
// educated guesses about what to replace them with:
$domain = preg_replace('/\.\*$/',".$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]", $domain);
// Default to "subsite." prefix for first wildcard
// TODO Whats the significance of "subsite" in this context?!
$domain = preg_replace('/^\*\./',"subsite.", $domain);
// *Only* removes "intermediate" subdomains, so 'subdomain.www.domain.com' becomes 'subdomain.domain.com'
$domain = str_replace('.www.','.', $domain);
return $domain;
// SubsiteID = 0 is often used to refer to the main site, just return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
} else {
return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
function getPrimaryDomain() {
return $this->domain();
function absoluteBaseURL() {
return "http://" . $this->domain() . Director::baseURL();
* Show the configuration fields for each subsite
function getCMSFields() {
if($this->ID!=0) {
$domainTable = new GridField(
}else {
$domainTable = new LiteralField(
'<p>'._t('Subsite.DOMAINSAVEFIRST', 'You can only add domains after saving for the first time').'</p>'
$languageSelector = new DropdownField(
$pageTypeMap = array();
$pageTypes = SiteTree::page_type_classes();
foreach($pageTypes as $pageType) {
$pageTypeMap[$pageType] = singleton($pageType)->i18n_singular_name();
$fields = new FieldList(
$subsiteTabs = new TabSet('Root',
new Tab(
_t('Subsite.TabTitleConfig', 'Configuration'),
new HeaderField($this->getClassName() . ' configuration', 2),
new TextField('Title', $this->fieldLabel('Title'), $this->Title),
new HeaderField(
_t('Subsite.DomainsHeadline',"Domains for this subsite")
// new TextField('RedirectURL', 'Redirect to URL', $this->RedirectURL),
new CheckboxField('DefaultSite', $this->fieldLabel('DefaultSite'), $this->DefaultSite),
new CheckboxField('IsPublic', $this->fieldLabel('IsPublic'), $this->IsPublic),
new DropdownField('Theme',$this->fieldLabel('Theme'), $this->allowedThemes(), $this->Theme),
new LiteralField(
'<div class="field"><a href="#" id="PageTypeBlacklistToggle">%s</a></div>',
_t('Subsite.PageTypeBlacklistField', 'Disallow page types?')
new CheckboxSetField(
new HiddenField('ID', '', $this->ID),
new HiddenField('IsSubsite', '', 1)
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) {
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['Title'] = _t('Subsites.TitleFieldLabel', 'Subsite Name');
$labels['RedirectURL'] = _t('Subsites.RedirectURLFieldLabel', 'Redirect URL');
$labels['DefaultSite'] = _t('Subsites.DefaultSiteFieldLabel', 'Default site');
$labels['Theme'] = _t('Subsites.ThemeFieldLabel', 'Theme');
$labels['Language'] = _t('Subsites.LanguageFieldLabel', 'Language');
$labels['IsPublic'] = _t('Subsites.IsPublicFieldLabel', 'Enable public access');
$labels['PageTypeBlacklist'] = _t('Subsites.PageTypeBlacklistFieldLabel', 'Page Type Blacklist');
$labels['Domains.Domain'] = _t('Subsites.DomainFieldLabel', 'Domain');
$labels['PrimaryDomain'] = _t('Subsites.PrimaryDomainFieldLabel', 'Primary Domain');
return $labels;
public function summaryFields() {
return array(
'Title' => $this->fieldLabel('Title'),
'PrimaryDomain' => $this->fieldLabel('PrimaryDomain'),
'IsPublic' => _t('Subsite.IsPublicHeaderField','Active subsite'),
* @todo getClassName is redundant, already stored as a database field?
function getClassName() {
return $this->class;
function getCMSActions() {
return new FieldList(
new FormAction(
_t('Subsite.ButtonLabelCopy',"Create copy"),
function adminDuplicate() {
$newItem = $this->duplicate();
$message = _t(
'Created a copy of {title}',
array('title' => Convert::raw2js($this->Title))
return <<<JS
statusMessage($message, 'good');
* Gets the subsite currently set in the session.
* @uses ControllerSubsites->controllerAugmentInit()
* @return Subsite
static function currentSubsite() {
// get_by_id handles caching so we don't have to
return DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', self::currentSubsiteID());
* This function gets the current subsite ID from the session. It used in the backend so Ajax requests
* use the correct subsite. The frontend handles subsites differently. It calls getSubsiteIDForDomain
* directly from ModelAsController::getNestedController. Only gets Subsite instances which have their
* {@link IsPublic} flag set to TRUE.
* You can simulate subsite access without creating virtual hosts by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @todo Pass $request object from controller so we don't have to rely on $_GET
* @param boolean $cache
* @return int ID of the current subsite instance
static function currentSubsiteID() {
$id = NULL;
if(isset($_GET['SubsiteID'])) {
$id = (int)$_GET['SubsiteID'];
} else if (Subsite::$use_session_subsiteid) {
$id = Session::get('SubsiteID');
if($id === NULL) {
$id = self::getSubsiteIDForDomain();
return (int)$id;
* Switch to another subsite through storing the subsite identifier in the current PHP session.
* Only takes effect when {@link Subsite::$use_session_subsiteid} is set to TRUE.
* @param int|Subsite $subsite Either the ID of the subsite, or the subsite object itself
static function changeSubsite($subsite) {
if(is_object($subsite)) $subsiteID = $subsite->ID;
else $subsiteID = $subsite;
Session::set('SubsiteID', (int)$subsiteID);
// Set locale
if (is_object($subsite) && $subsite->Language != '') {
$locale = i18n::get_locale_from_lang($subsite->Language);
if($locale) {
* Make this subsite the current one
public function activate() {
* @todo Possible security issue, don't grant edit permissions to everybody.
function canEdit($member = false) {
return true;
* Get a matching subsite for the given host, or for the current HTTP_HOST.
* Supports "fuzzy" matching of domains by placing an asterisk at the start of end of the string,
* for example matching all subdomains on *.example.com with one subsite,
* and all subdomains on *.example.org on another.
* @param $host The host to find the subsite for. If not specified, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is used.
* @return int Subsite ID
static function getSubsiteIDForDomain($host = null, $checkPermissions = true) {
if($host == null) $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if(!self::$strict_subdomain_matching) $host = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $host);
$cacheKey = implode('_', array($host, Member::currentUserID(), self::$check_is_public));
if(isset(self::$_cache_subsite_for_domain[$cacheKey])) return self::$_cache_subsite_for_domain[$cacheKey];
$SQL_host = Convert::raw2sql($host);
$matchingDomains = DataObject::get(
"'$SQL_host' LIKE replace(\"SubsiteDomain\".\"Domain\",'*','%')",
"\"IsPrimary\" DESC"
)->innerJoin('Subsite', "\"Subsite\".\"ID\" = \"SubsiteDomain\".\"SubsiteID\" AND \"Subsite\".\"IsPublic\"=1");
if($matchingDomains && $matchingDomains->Count()) {
$subsiteIDs = array_unique($matchingDomains->column('SubsiteID'));
$subsiteDomains = array_unique($matchingDomains->column('Domain'));
if(sizeof($subsiteIDs) > 1) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf(
"Multiple subsites match on '%s': %s",
implode(',', $subsiteDomains)
$subsiteID = $subsiteIDs[0];
} else if($default = DataObject::get_one('Subsite', "\"DefaultSite\" = 1")) {
// Check for a 'default' subsite
$subsiteID = $default->ID;
} else {
// Default subsite id = 0, the main site
$subsiteID = 0;
self::$_cache_subsite_for_domain[$cacheKey] = $subsiteID;
return $subsiteID;
function getMembersByPermission($permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')){
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::getMembersByPermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
$SQL_permissionCodes = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_permissionCodes = join("','", $SQL_permissionCodes);
return DataObject::get(
"\"Group\".\"SubsiteID\" = $this->ID AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_permissionCodes')",
"LEFT JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Member\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Permission\" ON \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\""
* Checks if a member can be granted certain permissions, regardless of the subsite context.
* Similar logic to {@link Permission::checkMember()}, but only returns TRUE
* if the member is part of a group with the "AccessAllSubsites" flag set.
* If more than one permission is passed to the method, at least one of them must
* be granted for if to return TRUE.
* @todo Allow permission inheritance through group hierarchy.
* @param Member Member to check against. Defaults to currently logged in member
* @param Array Permission code strings. Defaults to "ADMIN".
* @return boolean
static function hasMainSitePermission($member = null, $permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')) {
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::hasMainSitePermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
if(!$member) return false;
if(!in_array("ADMIN", $permissionCodes)) $permissionCodes[] = "ADMIN";
$SQLa_perm = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_perms = join("','", $SQLa_perm);
$memberID = (int)$member->ID;
// Count this user's groups which can access the main site
$groupCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(\"Permission\".\"ID\")
FROM \"Permission\"
INNER JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" AND \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1
INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\"
WHERE \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_perms')
AND \"MemberID\" = {$memberID}
// Count this user's groups which have a role that can access the main site
$roleCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"ID\")
FROM \"Group\"
INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"Group_Roles\" ON \"Group_Roles\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"PermissionRole\" ON \"Group_Roles\".\"PermissionRoleID\"=\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"PermissionRoleCode\" ON \"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"=\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"RoleID\"
WHERE \"PermissionRoleCode\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_perms')
AND \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1
AND \"MemberID\" = {$memberID}
// There has to be at least one that allows access.
return ($groupCount + $roleCount > 0);
* Duplicate this subsite
function duplicate($doWrite = true) {
$duplicate = parent::duplicate($doWrite);
$oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
* Copy data from this object to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search.
* This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny
* issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree
* when a page, etc, is duplicated
$stack = array(array(0,0));
while(count($stack) > 0) {
list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack);
$children = Versioned::get_by_stage('Page', 'Live', "\"ParentID\" = $sourceParentID", '');
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
self::changeSubsite($duplicate->ID); //Change to destination subsite
$childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($duplicate, false);
$childClone->ParentID = $destParentID;
$childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live');
self::changeSubsite($this->ID); //Change Back to this subsite
array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID));
return $duplicate;
* Return all subsites, regardless of permissions (augmented with main site).
* @return SS_List List of {@link Subsite} objects (DataList or ArrayList).
public static function all_sites($includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site") {
$subsites = Subsite::get();
if($includeMainSite) {
$subsites = $subsites->toArray();
$mainSite = new Subsite();
$mainSite->Title = $mainSiteTitle;
array_unshift($subsites, $mainSite);
$subsites = ArrayList::create($subsites);
return $subsites;
* Returns an ArrayList of the subsites accessible to the current user.
* It's enough for any section to be accessible for the site to be included.
* @return ArrayList of {@link Subsite} instances.
public static function all_accessible_sites($includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site", $member = null) {
// Rationalise member arguments
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
if(!$member) return new ArrayList();
if(!is_object($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member);
$subsites = new ArrayList();
// Collect subsites for all sections.
$menu = CMSMenu::get_viewable_menu_items();
foreach($menu as $candidate) {
if ($candidate->controller) {
$accessibleSites = singleton($candidate->controller)->sectionSites(
// Replace existing keys so no one site appears twice.
return $subsites;
* Return the subsites that the current user can access by given permission.
* Sites will only be included if they have a Title.
* @param $permCode array|string Either a single permission code or an array of permission codes.
* @param $includeMainSite If true, the main site will be included if appropriate.
* @param $mainSiteTitle The label to give to the main site
* @param $member
* @return DataList of {@link Subsite} instances
public static function accessible_sites($permCode, $includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site", $member = null) {
// Rationalise member arguments
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
if(!$member) return new ArrayList();
if(!is_object($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member);
// Rationalise permCode argument
if(is_array($permCode)) $SQL_codes = "'" . implode("', '", Convert::raw2sql($permCode)) . "'";
else $SQL_codes = "'" . Convert::raw2sql($permCode) . "'";
// Cache handling
$cacheKey = $SQL_codes . '-' . $member->ID . '-' . $includeMainSite . '-' . $mainSiteTitle;
if(isset(self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey])) {
return self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey];
$subsites = DataList::create('Subsite')
->where("\"Subsite\".\"Title\" != ''")
->leftJoin('Group_Subsites', "\"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" = \"Subsite\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('Group', "\"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Subsites\".\"GroupID\" OR \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1")
->innerJoin('Group_Members', "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\" AND \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = $member->ID")
->innerJoin('Permission', "\"Group\".\"ID\"=\"Permission\".\"GroupID\" AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')");
if(!$subsites) $subsites = new ArrayList();
$rolesSubsites = DataList::create('Subsite')
->where("\"Subsite\".\"Title\" != ''")
->leftJoin('Group_Subsites', "\"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" = \"Subsite\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('Group', "\"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Subsites\".\"GroupID\" OR \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1")
->innerJoin('Group_Members', "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\" AND \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = $member->ID")
->innerJoin('Group_Roles', "\"Group_Roles\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('PermissionRole', "\"Group_Roles\".\"PermissionRoleID\"=\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('PermissionRoleCode', "\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"=\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"RoleID\" AND \"PermissionRoleCode\".\"Code\" IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')");
if(!$subsites && $rolesSubsites) return $rolesSubsites;
$subsites = new ArrayList($subsites->toArray());
if($rolesSubsites) foreach($rolesSubsites as $subsite) {
if(!$subsites->find('ID', $subsite->ID)) {
if($includeMainSite) {
if(!is_array($permCode)) $permCode = array($permCode);
if(self::hasMainSitePermission($member, $permCode)) {
$mainSite = new Subsite();
$mainSite->Title = $mainSiteTitle;
array_unshift($subsites, $mainSite);
self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey] = $subsites;
return $subsites;
* Write a host->domain map to subsites/host-map.php
* This is used primarily when using subsites in conjunction with StaticPublisher
* @return void
static function writeHostMap($file = null) {
if (!self::$write_hostmap) return;
if (!$file) $file = Director::baseFolder().'/subsites/host-map.php';
$hostmap = array();
$subsites = DataObject::get('Subsite');
if ($subsites) foreach($subsites as $subsite) {
$domains = $subsite->Domains();
if ($domains) foreach($domains as $domain) {
$domainStr = $domain->Domain;
if(!self::$strict_subdomain_matching) $domainStr = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $domainStr);
$hostmap[$domainStr] = $subsite->domain();
if ($subsite->DefaultSite) $hostmap['default'] = $subsite->domain();
$data = "<?php \n";
$data .= "// Generated by Subsite::writeHostMap() on " . date('d/M/y') . "\n";
$data .= '$subsiteHostmap = ' . var_export($hostmap, true) . ';';
if (is_writable(dirname($file)) || is_writable($file)) {
file_put_contents($file, $data);
function providePermissions() {
return array(
'name' => _t('Subsite.MANAGE_ASSETS', 'Manage assets for subsites'),
'category' => _t('Permissions.PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY', 'Roles and access permissions'),
'help' => _t('Subsite.MANAGE_ASSETS_HELP', 'Ability to select the subsite to which an asset folder belongs. Requires "Access to Files & Images."'),
'sort' => 300
static function get_from_all_subsites($className, $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "", $limit = "") {
$result = DataObject::get($className, $filter, $sort, $join, $limit);
$result = $result->setDataQueryParam('Subsite.filter', false);
return $result;
* Disable the sub-site filtering; queries will select from all subsites
static function disable_subsite_filter($disabled = true) {
self::$disable_subsite_filter = $disabled;
* Flush caches on database reset
static function on_db_reset() {
self::$_cache_accessible_sites = array();
self::$_cache_subsite_for_domain = array();