mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:55 +00:00
This fixes the bug where creating the top level pages is broken whenever subsites module is installed. This is because the SubsiteID is explicitly specified on AddForm POST submission, which incorrectly triggers a redirect from LeftAndMainSubsites::init and the form action never has a chance to execute. Also do not look at POST when checking for the current subsite ID.
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686 lines
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* A dynamically created subsite. SiteTree objects can now belong to a subsite.
* You can simulate subsite access without setting up virtual hosts by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @package subsites
class Subsite extends DataObject implements PermissionProvider {
* @var boolean $disable_subsite_filter If enabled, bypasses the query decoration
* to limit DataObject::get*() calls to a specific subsite. Useful for debugging.
static $disable_subsite_filter = false;
* Allows you to force a specific subsite ID, or comma separated list of IDs.
* Only works for reading. An object cannot be written to more than 1 subsite.
static $force_subsite = null;
static $write_hostmap = true;
static $default_sort = "\"Title\" ASC";
static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar(255)',
'RedirectURL' => 'Varchar(255)',
'DefaultSite' => 'Boolean',
'Theme' => 'Varchar',
'Language' => 'Varchar(6)',
// Used to hide unfinished/private subsites from public view.
// If unset, will default to true
'IsPublic' => 'Boolean',
// Comma-separated list of disallowed page types
'PageTypeBlacklist' => 'Text',
static $has_one = array(
static $has_many = array(
'Domains' => 'SubsiteDomain',
static $belongs_many_many = array(
"Groups" => "Group",
static $defaults = array(
'IsPublic' => 1
static $searchable_fields = array(
'Title' => array(
'title' => 'Subsite Name'
'Domains.Domain' => array(
'title' => 'Domain name'
'IsPublic' => array(
'title' => 'Active subsite',
static $summary_fields = array(
'Title' => 'Subsite Name',
'PrimaryDomain' => 'Primary Domain',
'IsPublic' => 'Active subsite',
* Memory cache of accessible sites
private static $_cache_accessible_sites = array();
* @var array $allowed_themes Numeric array of all themes which are allowed to be selected for all subsites.
* Corresponds to subfolder names within the /themes folder. By default, all themes contained in this folder
* are listed.
protected static $allowed_themes = array();
* @var Boolean If set to TRUE, don't assume 'www.example.com' and 'example.com' are the same.
* Doesn't affect wildcard matching, so '*.example.com' will match 'www.example.com' (but not 'example.com')
* in both TRUE or FALSE setting.
static $strict_subdomain_matching = false;
static function set_allowed_domains($domain){
user_error('Subsite::set_allowed_domains() is deprecated; it is no longer necessary '
. 'because users can now enter any domain name', E_USER_NOTICE);
static function set_allowed_themes($themes) {
self::$allowed_themes = $themes;
* Return the themes that can be used with this subsite, as an array of themecode => description
function allowedThemes() {
if($themes = $this->stat('allowed_themes')) {
return ArrayLib::valuekey($themes);
} else {
$themes = array();
if(is_dir('../themes/')) {
foreach(scandir('../themes/') as $theme) {
if($theme[0] == '.') continue;
$theme = strtok($theme,'_');
$themes[$theme] = $theme;
return $themes;
public function getLanguage() {
if($this->getField('Language')) {
return $this->getField('Language');
} else {
return i18n::get_locale();
* Whenever a Subsite is written, rewrite the hostmap
* @return void
public function onAfterWrite() {
* Return the primary domain of this site. Tries to "normalize" the domain name,
* by replacing potential wildcards.
* @return string The full domain name of this subsite (without protocol prefix)
function domain() {
if($this->ID) {
$domains = DataObject::get("SubsiteDomain", "\"SubsiteID\" = $this->ID", "\"IsPrimary\" DESC","", 1);
if($domains && $domains->Count()>0) {
$domain = $domains->First()->Domain;
// If there are wildcards in the primary domain (not recommended), make some
// educated guesses about what to replace them with:
$domain = preg_replace('/\.\*$/',".$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]", $domain);
// Default to "subsite." prefix for first wildcard
// TODO Whats the significance of "subsite" in this context?!
$domain = preg_replace('/^\*\./',"subsite.", $domain);
// *Only* removes "intermediate" subdomains, so 'subdomain.www.domain.com' becomes 'subdomain.domain.com'
$domain = str_replace('.www.','.', $domain);
return $domain;
// SubsiteID = 0 is often used to refer to the main site, just return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
} else {
return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
function getPrimaryDomain() {
return $this->domain();
function absoluteBaseURL() {
return "http://" . $this->domain() . Director::baseURL();
* Show the configuration fields for each subsite
function getCMSFields() {
if($this->ID!=0) {
$domainTable = new GridField("Domains", "Domains", $this->Domains(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create(10));
}else {
$domainTable = new LiteralField('Domains', '<p>'._t('Subsite.DOMAINSAVEFIRST', '_You can only add domains after saving for the first time').'</p>');
$languageSelector = new DropdownField('Language', 'Language', i18n::get_common_locales());
$pageTypeMap = array();
$pageTypes = SiteTree::page_type_classes();
foreach($pageTypes as $pageType) {
$pageTypeMap[$pageType] = singleton($pageType)->i18n_singular_name();
$fields = new FieldList(
new TabSet('Root',
new Tab('Configuration',
new HeaderField($this->getClassName() . ' configuration', 2),
new TextField('Title', 'Name of subsite:', $this->Title),
new HeaderField("Domains for this subsite"),
// new TextField('RedirectURL', 'Redirect to URL', $this->RedirectURL),
new CheckboxField('DefaultSite', 'Default site', $this->DefaultSite),
new CheckboxField('IsPublic', 'Enable public access', $this->IsPublic),
new DropdownField('Theme','Theme', $this->allowedThemes(), $this->Theme),
new LiteralField(
'<div class="field"><a href="#" id="PageTypeBlacklistToggle">%s</a></div>',
_t('Subsite.PageTypeBlacklistField', 'Disallow page types?')
new CheckboxSetField(
new HiddenField('ID', '', $this->ID),
new HiddenField('IsSubsite', '', 1)
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* @todo getClassName is redundant, already stored as a database field?
function getClassName() {
return $this->class;
function getCMSActions() {
return new FieldList(
new FormAction('callPageMethod', "Create copy", null, 'adminDuplicate')
function adminDuplicate() {
$newItem = $this->duplicate();
$JS_title = Convert::raw2js($this->Title);
return <<<JS
statusMessage('Created a copy of $JS_title', 'good');
* Gets the subsite currently set in the session.
* @uses ControllerSubsites->controllerAugmentInit()
* @return Subsite
static function currentSubsite() {
// get_by_id handles caching so we don't have to
return DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', self::currentSubsiteID());
* This function gets the current subsite ID from the session. It used in the backend so Ajax requests
* use the correct subsite. The frontend handles subsites differently. It calls getSubsiteIDForDomain
* directly from ModelAsController::getNestedController. Only gets Subsite instances which have their
* {@link IsPublic} flag set to TRUE.
* You can simulate subsite access without creating virtual hosts by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @todo Pass $request object from controller so we don't have to rely on $_GET
* @param boolean $cache
* @return int ID of the current subsite instance
static function currentSubsiteID() {
if(isset($_GET['SubsiteID'])) $id = (int)$_GET['SubsiteID'];
else $id = Session::get('SubsiteID');
if($id === NULL) {
$id = self::getSubsiteIDForDomain();
Session::set('SubsiteID', $id);
return (int)$id;
* Switch to another subsite.
* @param int|Subsite $subsite Either the ID of the subsite, or the subsite object itself
static function changeSubsite($subsite) {
if(is_object($subsite)) $subsiteID = $subsite->ID;
else $subsiteID = $subsite;
Session::set('SubsiteID', (int)$subsiteID);
// Set locale
if (is_object($subsite) && $subsite->Language != '') {
if (isset(i18n::$likely_subtags[$subsite->Language])) {
* Make this subsite the current one
public function activate() {
* @todo Possible security issue, don't grant edit permissions to everybody.
function canEdit($member = false) {
return true;
* Get a matching subsite for the given host, or for the current HTTP_HOST.
* Supports "fuzzy" matching of domains by placing an asterisk at the start of end of the string,
* for example matching all subdomains on *.example.com with one subsite,
* and all subdomains on *.example.org on another.
* @param $host The host to find the subsite for. If not specified, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is used.
* @return int Subsite ID
static function getSubsiteIDForDomain($host = null, $returnMainIfNotFound = true) {
if($host == null) $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if(!Subsite::$strict_subdomain_matching) $host = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $host);
$SQL_host = Convert::raw2sql($host);
$matchingDomains = DataObject::get("SubsiteDomain", "'$SQL_host' LIKE replace(\"SubsiteDomain\".\"Domain\",'*','%')",
"\"IsPrimary\" DESC")->innerJoin('Subsite', "\"Subsite\".\"ID\" = \"SubsiteDomain\".\"SubsiteID\" AND
if($matchingDomains && $matchingDomains->Count()>0) {
$subsiteIDs = array_unique($matchingDomains->map('SubsiteID')->keys());
$subsiteDomains = array_unique($matchingDomains->map('Domain')->keys());
if(sizeof($subsiteIDs) > 1) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf(
"Multiple subsites match on '%s': %s",
implode(',', $subsiteDomains)
return $subsiteIDs[0];
// Check for a 'default' subsite
if ($default = DataObject::get_one('Subsite', "\"DefaultSite\" = 1")) {
return $default->ID;
// Default subsite id = 0, the main site
return 0;
function getMembersByPermission($permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')){
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::getMembersByPermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
$SQL_permissionCodes = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_permissionCodes = join("','", $SQL_permissionCodes);
return DataObject::get(
"\"Group\".\"SubsiteID\" = $this->ID AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_permissionCodes')",
"LEFT JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Member\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Permission\" ON \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\""
* Checks if a member can be granted certain permissions, regardless of the subsite context.
* Similar logic to {@link Permission::checkMember()}, but only returns TRUE
* if the member is part of a group with the "AccessAllSubsites" flag set.
* If more than one permission is passed to the method, at least one of them must
* be granted for if to return TRUE.
* @todo Allow permission inheritance through group hierarchy.
* @param Member Member to check against. Defaults to currently logged in member
* @param Array Permission code strings. Defaults to "ADMIN".
* @return boolean
static function hasMainSitePermission($member = null, $permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')) {
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::hasMainSitePermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
if(!$member) return false;
if(!in_array("ADMIN", $permissionCodes)) $permissionCodes[] = "ADMIN";
$SQLa_perm = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_perms = join("','", $SQLa_perm);
$memberID = (int)$member->ID;
// Count this user's groups which can access the main site
$groupCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(\"Permission\".\"ID\")
FROM \"Permission\"
INNER JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" AND \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1
INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\"
WHERE \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_perms')
AND \"MemberID\" = {$memberID}
// Count this user's groups which have a role that can access the main site
$roleCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"ID\")
FROM \"Group\"
INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"Group_Roles\" ON \"Group_Roles\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"PermissionRole\" ON \"Group_Roles\".\"PermissionRoleID\"=\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"
INNER JOIN \"PermissionRoleCode\" ON \"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"=\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"RoleID\"
WHERE \"PermissionRoleCode\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_perms')
AND \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1
AND \"MemberID\" = {$memberID}
// There has to be at least one that allows access.
return ($groupCount + $roleCount > 0);
* Duplicate this subsite
function duplicate($doWrite = true) {
$newTemplate = parent::duplicate($doWrite);
$oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
* Copy data from this template to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search.
* This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny
* issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree
* when a page, etc, is duplicated
$stack = array(array(0,0));
while(count($stack) > 0) {
list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack);
$children = Versioned::get_by_stage('Page', 'Live', "\"ParentID\" = $sourceParentID", '');
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
$childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($newTemplate, false);
$childClone->ParentID = $destParentID;
$childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live');
array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID));
return $newTemplate;
* Return the subsites that the current user can access.
* Look for one of the given permission codes on the site.
* Sites and Templates will only be included if they have a Title
* @param $permCode array|string Either a single permission code or an array of permission codes.
* @param $includeMainSite If true, the main site will be included if appropriate.
* @param $mainSiteTitle The label to give to the main site
* @param $member
* @return DataList of {@link Subsite} instances
public static function accessible_sites($permCode, $includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site", $member = null) {
// Rationalise member arguments
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
if(!$member) return new ArrayList();
if(!is_object($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member);
// Rationalise permCode argument
if(is_array($permCode)) $SQL_codes = "'" . implode("', '", Convert::raw2sql($permCode)) . "'";
else $SQL_codes = "'" . Convert::raw2sql($permCode) . "'";
// Cache handling
$cacheKey = $SQL_codes . '-' . $member->ID . '-' . $includeMainSite . '-' . $mainSiteTitle;
if(isset(self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey])) {
return self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey];
$templateClassList = "'" . implode("', '", ClassInfo::subclassesFor("Subsite_Template")) . "'";
$subsites = DataList::create('Subsite')
->where("\"Subsite\".\"Title\" != ''")
->leftJoin('Group_Subsites', "\"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" = \"Subsite\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('Group', "\"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Subsites\".\"GroupID\" OR \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1")
->innerJoin('Group_Members', "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\" AND \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = $member->ID")
->innerJoin('Permission', "\"Group\".\"ID\"=\"Permission\".\"GroupID\" AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')");
if(!$subsites) $subsites = new ArrayList();
$rolesSubsites = DataList::create('Subsite')
->where("\"Subsite\".\"Title\" != ''")
->leftJoin('Group_Subsites', "\"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" = \"Subsite\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('Group', "\"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Subsites\".\"GroupID\" OR \"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1")
->innerJoin('Group_Members', "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\" AND \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = $member->ID")
->innerJoin('Group_Roles', "\"Group_Roles\".\"GroupID\"=\"Group\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('PermissionRole', "\"Group_Roles\".\"PermissionRoleID\"=\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"")
->innerJoin('PermissionRoleCode', "\"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"=\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"RoleID\" AND \"PermissionRoleCode\".\"Code\" IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')");
if(!$subsites && $rolesSubsites) return $rolesSubsites;
$subsites = new ArrayList($subsites->toArray());
if($rolesSubsites) foreach($rolesSubsites as $subsite) {
if(!$subsites->find('ID', $subsite->ID)) {
if($includeMainSite) {
if(!is_array($permCode)) $permCode = array($permCode);
if(self::hasMainSitePermission($member, $permCode)) {
$mainSite = new Subsite();
$mainSite->Title = $mainSiteTitle;
array_unshift($subsites, $mainSite);
self::$_cache_accessible_sites[$cacheKey] = $subsites;
return $subsites;
* Write a host->domain map to subsites/host-map.php
* This is used primarily when using subsites in conjunction with StaticPublisher
* @return void
static function writeHostMap($file = null) {
if (!self::$write_hostmap) return;
if (!$file) $file = Director::baseFolder().'/subsites/host-map.php';
$hostmap = array();
$subsites = DataObject::get('Subsite');
if ($subsites) foreach($subsites as $subsite) {
$domains = $subsite->Domains();
if ($domains) foreach($domains as $domain) {
$domainStr = $domain->Domain;
if(!Subsite::$strict_subdomain_matching) $domainStr = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $domainStr);
$hostmap[$domainStr] = $subsite->domain();
if ($subsite->DefaultSite) $hostmap['default'] = $subsite->domain();
$data = "<?php \n";
$data .= "// Generated by Subsite::writeHostMap() on " . date('d/M/y') . "\n";
$data .= '$subsiteHostmap = ' . var_export($hostmap, true) . ';';
if (is_writable(dirname($file)) || is_writable($file)) {
file_put_contents($file, $data);
function providePermissions() {
return array(
'name' => _t('Subsite.MANAGE_ASSETS', 'Manage assets for subsites'),
'category' => _t('Permissions.PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY', 'Roles and access permissions'),
'help' => _t('Subsite.MANAGE_ASSETS_HELP', 'Ability to select the subsite to which an asset folder belongs. Requires "Access to Files & Images."'),
'sort' => 300
static function get_from_all_subsites($className, $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "", $limit = "") {
$oldState = self::$disable_subsite_filter;
self::$disable_subsite_filter = true;
$result = DataObject::get($className, $filter, $sort, $join, $limit);
self::$disable_subsite_filter = $oldState;
return $result;
* Disable the sub-site filtering; queries will select from all subsites
static function disable_subsite_filter($disabled = true) {
self::$disable_subsite_filter = $disabled;
* Flush caches on database reset
static function on_db_reset() {
self::$_cache_accessible_sites = array();
* An instance of subsite that can be duplicated to provide a quick way to create new subsites.
* @package subsites
class Subsite_Template extends Subsite {
* Create an instance of this template, with the given title & domain
function createInstance($title, $domain = null) {
$intranet = Object::create('Subsite');
$intranet->Title = $title;
$intranet->TemplateID = $this->ID;
if($domain) {
$intranetDomain = Object::create('SubsiteDomain');
$intranetDomain->SubsiteID = $intranet->ID;
$intranetDomain->Domain = $domain;
$oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
* Copy site content from this template to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search.
* This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny
* issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree
* when a page, etc, is duplicated
$stack = array(array(0,0));
while(count($stack) > 0) {
list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack);
$children = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ParentID\" = $sourceParentID", '');
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
//Change to destination subsite
$childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($intranet);
$childClone->ParentID = $destParentID;
$childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live');
//Change Back to this subsite
array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID));
return $intranet;