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BUGFIX Fixed MySQL specific query in SubsiteAdmin and replaced with ORM operations instead to work independent of the database used
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150 lines
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* Admin interface to manage and create {@link Subsite} instances.
* @package subsites
class SubsiteAdmin extends GenericDataAdmin {
static $tree_class = "Subsite";
static $subitem_class = "Subsite";
static $data_type = 'Subsite';
static $url_segment = 'subsites';
static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID/$OtherID';
static $menu_title = 'Subsites';
function performSearch() {
function getSearchFields() {
return singleton('Subsite')->adminSearchFields();
function getLink() {
return 'admin/subsites/';
function Link() {
return $this->getLink();
function Results($data = null) {
if(!$data) $data = $this->requestParams;
$where = '';
if(isset($data['Name']) && $data['Name']) {
$SQL_name = Convert::raw2sql($data['Name']);
$where = "Title LIKE '%$SQL_name%'";
} else {
$where = "Title != ''";
$intranets = null;
$intranets = DataObject::get('Subsite_Template', $where, 'Title');
$subsites = DataObject::get('Subsite', $where, 'Title');
if($intranets) {
} else {
$intranets = $subsites;
if(!$intranets) return null;
$html = "<table class=\"ResultTable\"><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Domain</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
$numIntranets = 0;
foreach($intranets as $intranet) {
$evenOdd = ($numIntranets % 2) ? 'odd':'even';
$prefix = ($intranet instanceof Subsite_Template) ? " * " : "";
$html .= "<tr class=\"$evenOdd\"><td><a class=\"show\" href=\"admin/subsites/show/{$intranet->ID}\">$prefix{$intranet->Title}</a></td><td><a class=\"show\" href=\"admin/subsites/show/{$intranet->ID}\">{$intranet->Subdomain}.{$intranet->Domain}</a></td></tr>";
$html .= "</tbody></table>";
return $html;
* Returns the form for adding subsites.
* @returns Form A nerw form object
function AddSubsiteForm() {
$templates = $this->getIntranetTemplates();
$templateArray = array('' => "(No template)");
if($templates) {
$templateArray = $templateArray + $templates->map('ID', 'Title');
return new Form($this, 'AddSubsiteForm', new FieldSet(
new TextField('Name', 'Name:'),
new TextField('Subdomain', 'Subdomain:'),
new DropdownField('Type', 'Type', array(
'subsite' => 'New site',
'template' => 'New template',
new DropdownField('TemplateID', 'Copy structure from:', $templateArray)//,
/*new TextField('AdminName', 'Admin name:'),
new EmailField('AdminEmail', 'Admin email:')*/
new FieldSet(
new FormAction('addintranet', 'Add')
public function getIntranetTemplates() {
return DataObject::get('Subsite_Template', '', 'Title');
function addintranet($data, $form) {
if($data['Name'] && ($data['Subdomain'] || $data['Type'] == 'template')) {
if(isset($data['TemplateID']) && $data['TemplateID']) {
$template = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite_Template', $data['TemplateID']);
} else {
$template = null;
// Create intranet from existing template
switch($data['Type']) {
case 'template':
if($template) $intranet = $template->duplicate();
else $intranet = new Subsite_Template();
$intranet->Title = $data['Name'];
case 'subsite':
if($template) $intranet = $template->createInstance($data['Name'], $data['Subdomain']);
else {
$intranet = new Subsite();
$intranet->Title = $data['Name'];
$intranet->Subdomain = $data['Subdomain'];
Director::redirect('admin/subsites/show/' . $intranet->ID);
} else {
if($data['Type'] == 'template') echo "You must provide a name for your new template.";
else echo "You must provide a name and subdomain for your new site.";
* Use this as an action handler for custom CMS buttons.
function callPageMethod2($data, $form) {
return $this->callPageMethod($data, $form);