Sean Harvey 35078375f7 BUGFIX Fixed SQL queries that don't work when ANSI SQL is enabled
BUGFIX Fixed MySQL specific query in SubsiteAdmin and replaced with ORM operations instead to work independent of the database used
2009-07-14 01:41:51 +00:00

150 lines
3.9 KiB

* Admin interface to manage and create {@link Subsite} instances.
* @package subsites
class SubsiteAdmin extends GenericDataAdmin {
static $tree_class = "Subsite";
static $subitem_class = "Subsite";
static $data_type = 'Subsite';
static $url_segment = 'subsites';
static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID/$OtherID';
static $menu_title = 'Subsites';
function performSearch() {
function getSearchFields() {
return singleton('Subsite')->adminSearchFields();
function getLink() {
return 'admin/subsites/';
function Link() {
return $this->getLink();
function Results($data = null) {
if(!$data) $data = $this->requestParams;
$where = '';
if(isset($data['Name']) && $data['Name']) {
$SQL_name = Convert::raw2sql($data['Name']);
$where = "Title LIKE '%$SQL_name%'";
} else {
$where = "Title != ''";
$intranets = null;
$intranets = DataObject::get('Subsite_Template', $where, 'Title');
$subsites = DataObject::get('Subsite', $where, 'Title');
if($intranets) {
} else {
$intranets = $subsites;
if(!$intranets) return null;
$html = "<table class=\"ResultTable\"><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Domain</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
$numIntranets = 0;
foreach($intranets as $intranet) {
$evenOdd = ($numIntranets % 2) ? 'odd':'even';
$prefix = ($intranet instanceof Subsite_Template) ? " * " : "";
$html .= "<tr class=\"$evenOdd\"><td><a class=\"show\" href=\"admin/subsites/show/{$intranet->ID}\">$prefix{$intranet->Title}</a></td><td><a class=\"show\" href=\"admin/subsites/show/{$intranet->ID}\">{$intranet->Subdomain}.{$intranet->Domain}</a></td></tr>";
$html .= "</tbody></table>";
return $html;
* Returns the form for adding subsites.
* @returns Form A nerw form object
function AddSubsiteForm() {
$templates = $this->getIntranetTemplates();
$templateArray = array('' => "(No template)");
if($templates) {
$templateArray = $templateArray + $templates->map('ID', 'Title');
return new Form($this, 'AddSubsiteForm', new FieldSet(
new TextField('Name', 'Name:'),
new TextField('Subdomain', 'Subdomain:'),
new DropdownField('Type', 'Type', array(
'subsite' => 'New site',
'template' => 'New template',
new DropdownField('TemplateID', 'Copy structure from:', $templateArray)//,
/*new TextField('AdminName', 'Admin name:'),
new EmailField('AdminEmail', 'Admin email:')*/
new FieldSet(
new FormAction('addintranet', 'Add')
public function getIntranetTemplates() {
return DataObject::get('Subsite_Template', '', 'Title');
function addintranet($data, $form) {
if($data['Name'] && ($data['Subdomain'] || $data['Type'] == 'template')) {
if(isset($data['TemplateID']) && $data['TemplateID']) {
$template = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite_Template', $data['TemplateID']);
} else {
$template = null;
// Create intranet from existing template
switch($data['Type']) {
case 'template':
if($template) $intranet = $template->duplicate();
else $intranet = new Subsite_Template();
$intranet->Title = $data['Name'];
case 'subsite':
if($template) $intranet = $template->createInstance($data['Name'], $data['Subdomain']);
else {
$intranet = new Subsite();
$intranet->Title = $data['Name'];
$intranet->Subdomain = $data['Subdomain'];
Director::redirect('admin/subsites/show/' . $intranet->ID);
} else {
if($data['Type'] == 'template') echo "You must provide a name for your new template.";
else echo "You must provide a name and subdomain for your new site.";
* Use this as an action handler for custom CMS buttons.
function callPageMethod2($data, $form) {
return $this->callPageMethod($data, $form);