Sean Harvey 35078375f7 BUGFIX Fixed SQL queries that don't work when ANSI SQL is enabled
BUGFIX Fixed MySQL specific query in SubsiteAdmin and replaced with ORM operations instead to work independent of the database used
2009-07-14 01:41:51 +00:00

616 lines
19 KiB

* A dynamically created subdomain. SiteTree objects can now belong to a subdomain.
* You can simulate subsite access without creating subdomains by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @package subsites
class Subsite extends DataObject implements PermissionProvider {
* @var boolean $disable_subsite_filter If enabled, bypasses the query decoration
* to limit DataObject::get*() calls to a specific subsite. Useful for debugging.
static $disable_subsite_filter = false;
static $default_sort = 'Title';
* @var boolean $use_domain Checks for valid domain in addition to subdomain
* when searching for a matching page with {@link getSubsiteIDForDomain()}.
* By default, only the subdomain has to match.
static $use_domain = false;
static $db = array(
'Subdomain' => 'Varchar',
'Title' => 'Varchar(255)',
'RedirectURL' => 'Varchar(255)',
'DefaultSite' => 'Boolean',
'Theme' => 'Varchar',
'Domain' => 'Varchar',
// Used to hide unfinished/private subsites from public view.
// If unset, will default to
'IsPublic' => 'Boolean'
static $has_one = array(
static $indexes = array(
'Subdomain' => true,
'Domain' => true
static $defaults = array(
'IsPublic' => 1,
* @var string $base_domain If {@link Domain} is not set for this subsite instance,
* default to this domain (without subdomain or protocol prefix).
static $base_domain;
* @var string $default_subdomain If {@link Subdomain} is not set for this subsite instance,
* default to this domain (without domain or protocol prefix).
static $default_subdomain;
* @var Subsite $cached_subsite Internal cache used by {@link currentSubsite()}.
protected static $cached_subsite = null;
* @var array $allowed_domains Numeric array of all domains which are selectable for (without their subdomain-parts or http:// prefix)
public static $allowed_domains = array();
* @var array $allowed_themes Numeric array of all themes which are allowed to be selected for all subsites.
* Corresponds to subfolder names within the /themes folder. By default, all themes contained in this folder
* are listed.
protected static $allowed_themes = array();
static function set_allowed_domains($domain){
foreach($domain as $do){
self::$allowed_domains[] = $domain;
* Returns all domains (without their subdomain parts)
* which are allowed to be combined to the full URL
* (subdomain.domain). If no custom domains are set through
* {@link set_allowed_domains()}, will fall back to the {@link base_domain()}.
* @return array
static function allowed_domains() {
if(self::$allowed_domains && count(self::$allowed_domains)) {
return self::$allowed_domains;
} else {
return array(self::base_domain());
static function set_allowed_themes($themes) {
self::$allowed_themes = $themes;
* Return the themes that can be used with this subsite, as an array of themecode => description
function allowedThemes() {
if($themes = $this->stat('allowed_themes')) {
return ArrayLib::valuekey($themes);
} else {
$themes = array();
if(is_dir('../themes/')) {
foreach(scandir('../themes/') as $theme) {
if($theme[0] == '.') continue;
$theme = strtok($theme,'_');
$themes[$theme] = $theme;
return $themes;
* Return the base domain for this set of subsites.
* You can set this by setting Subsite::$base_domain, otherwise it defaults to HTTP_HOST
* @return string Domain name (without protocol prefix).
static function base_domain() {
if(self::$base_domain) return self::$base_domain;
else return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
* Return the default domain of this set of subsites. Generally this will be the base domain,
* but you can also set Subsite::$default_subdomain to add a default prefix to this.
* @return string Domain name (without protocol prefix).
static function default_domain() {
if(self::$default_subdomain) return self::$default_subdomain . '.' . self::base_domain();
else return self::base_domain();
* Return the domain of this site
* @return string Domain name including subdomain (without protocol prefix)
function domain() {
$base = $this->Domain ? $this->Domain : self::base_domain();
$sub = $this->Subdomain ? $this->Subdomain : self::$default_subdomain;
if($sub) return "$sub.$base";
else return $base;
function absoluteBaseURL() {
return "http://" . $this->domain() . Director::baseURL();
* Show the configuration fields for each subsite
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TabSet('Root',
new Tab('Configuration',
new HeaderField($this->getClassName() . ' configuration', 2),
new TextField('Title', 'Name of subsite:', $this->Title),
new FieldGroup('URL',
new TextField('Subdomain',"Subdomain <small>(without domain or protocol)</small>", $this->Subdomain),
new DropdownField('Domain','.', ArrayLib::valuekey(self::allowed_domains()), $this->Domain)
// new TextField('RedirectURL', 'Redirect to URL', $this->RedirectURL),
new CheckboxField('DefaultSite', 'Default site', $this->DefaultSite),
new CheckboxField('IsPublic', 'Enable public access', $this->IsPublic),
new DropdownField('Theme','Theme', $this->allowedThemes(), $this->Theme)
new HiddenField('ID', '', $this->ID),
new HiddenField('IsSubsite', '', 1)
// This code needs to be updated to reference the new SS 2.0.3 theme system
/* if($themes = SSViewer::getThemes(false))
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Configuration', new DropdownField('Theme', 'Theme:', $themes, $this->Theme));
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* @todo getClassName is redundant, already stored as a database field?
function getClassName() {
return $this->class;
function getCMSActions() {
return new FieldSet(
new FormAction('callPageMethod', "Create copy", null, 'adminDuplicate')
function adminDuplicate() {
$newItem = $this->duplicate();
$JS_title = Convert::raw2js($this->Title);
return <<<JS
statusMessage('Created a copy of $JS_title', 'good');
* Gets the subsite currently set in the session.
* @uses ControllerSubsites->controllerAugmentInit()
* @param boolean $cache
* @return Subsite
static function currentSubsite($cache = true) {
if(!self::$cached_subsite || !$cache) self::$cached_subsite = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', self::currentSubsiteID());
return self::$cached_subsite;
* This function gets the current subsite ID from the session. It used in the backend so Ajax requests
* use the correct subsite. The frontend handles subsites differently. It calls getSubsiteIDForDomain
* directly from ModelAsController::getNestedController. Only gets Subsite instances which have their
* {@link IsPublic} flag set to TRUE.
* You can simulate subsite access without creating subdomains by appending ?SubsiteID=<ID> to the request.
* @todo Pass $request object from controller so we don't have to rely on $_REQUEST
* @param boolean $cache
* @return int ID of the current subsite instance
static function currentSubsiteID($cache = true) {
if(isset($_REQUEST['SubsiteID'])) {
$id = (int)$_REQUEST['SubsiteID'];
} else if(Session::get('SubsiteID')) {
$id = Session::get('SubsiteID');
if(!isset($id) || $id === NULL) {
$id = self::getSubsiteIDForDomain($cache);
Session::set('SubsiteID', $id);
return (int)$id;
* @todo Object::create() shoudln't be overloaded with different parameters.
static function create($name) {
$newSubsite = Object::create('Subsite');
$newSubsite->Title = $name;
$newSubsite->Subdomain = str_replace(' ', '-', preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z\s]/', '', strtolower(trim($name))));
return $newSubsite;
* Switch to another subsite.
* @param int|Subsite $subsite Either the ID of the subsite, or the subsite object itself
static function changeSubsite($subsite) {
if(is_object($subsite)) $subsiteID = $subsite->ID;
else $subsiteID = $subsite;
Session::set('SubsiteID', $subsiteID);
// And clear caches
self::$cached_subsite = NULL ;
Permission::flush_permission_cache() ;
* Make this subsite the current one
public function activate() {
* @todo Possible security issue, don't grant edit permissions to everybody.
function canEdit() {
return true;
* Get a matching subsite for the domain defined in HTTP_HOST.
* @return int Subsite ID
static function getSubsiteIDForDomain() {
$domainNameParts = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if($domainNameParts[0] == 'www') array_shift($domainNameParts);
$SQL_subdomain = Convert::raw2sql(array_shift($domainNameParts));
$SQL_domain = join('.', Convert::raw2sql($domainNameParts));
$subsite = null;
if(self::$use_domain) {
$subsite = DataObject::get_one('Subsite', "Subdomain = '$SQL_subdomain' AND Domain = '$SQL_domain' AND IsPublic = 1");
if(!$subsite) {
$subsite = DataObject::get_one('Subsite', "Subdomain = '$SQL_subdomain' AND IsPublic = 1");
if(!$subsite) {
$subsite = DataObject::get_one('Subsite', "DefaultSite = 1 AND IsPublic = 1");
if($subsite) {
// This will need to be updated to use the current theme system
// SSViewer::setCurrentTheme($subsite->Theme);
return $subsite->ID;
function getMembersByPermission($permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')){
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::getMembersByPermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
$SQL_permissionCodes = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_permissionCodes = join("','", $SQL_permissionCodes);
if(defined('Database::USE_ANSI_SQL')) {
return DataObject::get(
"\"Group\".\"SubsiteID\" = $this->ID AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_permissionCodes')",
"LEFT JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Member\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Permission\" ON \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\""
return DataObject::get(
"`Group`.`SubsiteID` = $this->ID AND `Permission`.`Code` IN ('$SQL_permissionCodes')",
"LEFT JOIN `Group_Members` ON `Member`.`ID` = `Group_Members`.`MemberID`
LEFT JOIN `Group` ON `Group`.`ID` = `Group_Members`.`GroupID`
LEFT JOIN `Permission` ON `Permission`.`GroupID` = `Group`.`ID`"
* Get all subsites.
* @return DataObjectSet Subsite instances
static function getSubsitesForMember($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentMember();
if(!$member) return false;
if(self::hasMainSitePermission($member)) {
return DataObject::get('Subsite');
if(defined('Database::USE_ANSI_SQL')) {
return DataObject::get(
"\"MemberID\" = {$member->ID}",
"LEFT JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Subsite\".\"ID\" = \"SubsiteID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\""
return DataObject::get(
"MemberID = {$member->ID}",
"LEFT JOIN `Group` ON `Subsite`.`ID` = `SubsiteID`
LEFT JOIN `Group_Members` ON `Group`.`ID` = `Group_Members`.`GroupID`"
static function hasMainSitePermission($member = null, $permissionCodes = array('ADMIN')) {
user_error('Permissions must be passed to Subsite::hasMainSitePermission as an array', E_USER_ERROR);
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentMember();
if(!$member) return false;
if(Permission::checkMember($member->ID, "ADMIN")) return true;
if(Permission::checkMember($member, "SUBSITE_ACCESS_ALL")) return true;
$SQLa_perm = Convert::raw2sql($permissionCodes);
$SQL_perms = join("','", $SQLa_perm);
$memberID = (int)$member->ID;
if(defined('Database::USE_ANSI_SQL')) {
$groupCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(\"Permission\".\"ID\")
FROM \"Permission\"
INNER JOIN \"Group\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\" AND \"Group\".\"SubsiteID\" = 0
INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" USING(\"GroupID\")
WHERE \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ('$SQL_perms') AND \"MemberID\" = {$memberID}
} else {
$groupCount = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(`Permission`.`ID`)
FROM `Permission`
INNER JOIN `Group` ON `Group`.`ID` = `Permission`.`GroupID` AND `Group`.`SubsiteID` = 0
INNER JOIN `Group_Members` USING(`GroupID`)
`Permission`.`Code` IN ('$SQL_perms')
AND `MemberID` = {$memberID}
return ($groupCount > 0);
function createInitialRecords() {
* Duplicate this subsite
function duplicate() {
$newTemplate = parent::duplicate();
$oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
* Copy data from this template to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search.
* This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny
* issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree
* when a page, etc, is duplicated
$stack = array(array(0,0));
while(count($stack) > 0) {
list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack);
$children = Versioned::get_by_stage('Page', 'Live', "ParentID = $sourceParentID", '');
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
$childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($newTemplate, false);
$childClone->ParentID = $destParentID;
$childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live');
array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID));
return $newTemplate;
* Return the subsites that the current user can access.
* Look for one of the given permission codes on the site.
* Sites will only be included if they have a Title and a Subdomain.
* Templates will only be included if they have a Title.
* @param $permCode array|string Either a single permission code or an array of permission codes.
function accessible_sites($permCode) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(is_array($permCode)) $SQL_codes = "'" . implode("', '", Convert::raw2sql($permCode)) . "'";
else $SQL_codes = "'" . Convert::raw2sql($permCode) . "'";
if(!$member) return new DataObjectSet();
$templateClassList = "'" . implode("', '", ClassInfo::subclassesFor("Subsite_Template")) . "'";
if(defined('Database::USE_ANSI_SQL')) {
return DataObject::get(
"\"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = $member->ID
AND \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')
AND (\"Subdomain\" IS NOT NULL OR \"Subsite\".\"ClassName\" IN ($templateClassList)) AND \"Subsite\".\"Title\" != ''",
"LEFT JOIN \"Group\" ON (\"SubsiteID\" = \"Subsite\".\"ID\" OR \"SubsiteID\" = 0)
LEFT JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"
LEFT JOIN \"Permission\" ON \"Group\".\"ID\" = \"Permission\".\"GroupID\""
return DataObject::get(
"`Group_Members`.`MemberID` = $member->ID
AND `Permission`.`Code` IN ($SQL_codes, 'ADMIN')
AND (Subdomain IS NOT NULL OR `Subsite`.ClassName IN ($templateClassList)) AND `Subsite`.Title != ''",
"LEFT JOIN `Group` ON (`SubsiteID`=`Subsite`.`ID` OR `SubsiteID` = 0)
LEFT JOIN `Group_Members` ON `Group_Members`.`GroupID`=`Group`.`ID`
LEFT JOIN `Permission` ON `Group`.`ID`=`Permission`.`GroupID`"
* Return the FieldSet that will build the search form in the CMS
function adminSearchFields() {
return new FieldSet(
new TextField('Name', 'Sub-site name')
function providePermissions() {
return array(
'SUBSITE_EDIT' => 'Edit Sub-site Details',
'SUBSITE_ACCESS_ALL' => 'Access all subsites',
'SUBSITE_ASSETS_EDIT' => 'Edit Sub-site Assets Admin'
static function get_from_all_subsites($className, $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "", $limit = "") {
self::$disable_subsite_filter = true;
$result = DataObject::get($className, $filter, $sort, $join, $limit);
self::$disable_subsite_filter = false;
return $result;
* Disable the sub-site filtering; queries will select from all subsites
static function disable_subsite_filter($disabled = true) {
self::$disable_subsite_filter = $disabled;
* An instance of subsite that can be duplicated to provide a quick way to create new subsites.
* @package subsites
class Subsite_Template extends Subsite {
* Create an instance of this template, with the given title & subdomain
function createInstance($title, $subdomain) {
$intranet = Object::create('Subsite');
$intranet->Title = $title;
$intranet->Domain = $this->Domain;
$intranet->Subdomain = $subdomain;
$intranet->TemplateID = $this->ID;
$oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
* Copy site content from this template to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search.
* This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny
* issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree
* when a page, etc, is duplicated
$stack = array(array(0,0));
while(count($stack) > 0) {
list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack);
$children = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "ParentID = $sourceParentID", '');
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
$childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($intranet);
$childClone->ParentID = $destParentID;
$childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live');
array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID));
* Copy groups from the template to the given subsites. Each of the groups will be created and left
* empty.
$groups = DataObject::get("Group", "SubsiteID = '$this->ID'");
if($groups) foreach($groups as $group) {
return $intranet;