Ed 2ef72b374c BUG: Modifying the module to work with SS 3.0
Replaced deprecated DataObjectDecorator with DataExtension

Fixed hard crashes in the cms

Updated to support new LeftAndMain template structure

Made the subsites model admin functional

Moved the LeftAndMain_Menu template up a directory so it overrides the core

Fixed some errors caused by changes to the framework

Re-organized the code folder

Fixed permission issue causing to default to first subsite regardless if it is the default or not

Fixed crashes on the subsite virtual page when creating/editing

Removed toDropdownMap() calls replacing with map()

Fixed the URLSegment field on subsites

Fixed error when detecting subsite for a domain

Improved styles on the subsite dropdown

Updated LeftAndMain_Subsites.js to work with jQuery entwine

Started porting the SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js to use jQuery entwine and work with the new TreeDropdownField.js

Fixed issue causing crash when viewing a page who is linked to by a subsite virtual page

Removed unused methods on SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js

Re-added classes that were moved

Fixed hard crash after saving caused by the many_many definition on SiteTreeSubsites

Replaced deprecated DataObjectSet creation with ArrayList

Compatibility fixes with SS 3.0 beta 2

Fixed crash in cms caused by no parameter being passed to the SubsiteReportWrapper constructor

Proper fix for report wrapper

Removed table list field in favor of a basic grid field

Fixed updateCMSFields() for file subsites

Migrated translations to yml

Fixed issue causing the current page to not get cleared when changing subsites in the cms

Fixed virtual page icon

Fixed language files issue
2012-07-16 11:18:38 +12:00

217 lines
7.7 KiB

class SiteTreeSubsitesTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'subsites/tests/SubsiteTest.yml';
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
function testPagesInDifferentSubsitesCanShareURLSegment() {
$subsiteMain = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite_Template', 'main');
$subsite1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite_Template', 'subsite1');
$pageMain = new SiteTree();
$pageMain->URLSegment = 'testpage';
$pageMain->publish('Stage', 'Live');
$pageMainOther = new SiteTree();
$pageMainOther->URLSegment = 'testpage';
$pageMainOther->publish('Stage', 'Live');
$this->assertNotEquals($pageMain->URLSegment, $pageMainOther->URLSegment,
'Pages in same subsite cant share the same URL'
$pageSubsite1 = new SiteTree();
$pageSubsite1->URLSegment = 'testpage';
$pageSubsite1->publish('Stage', 'Live');
$this->assertEquals($pageMain->URLSegment, $pageSubsite1->URLSegment,
'Pages in different subsites can share the same URL'
function testBasicSanity() {
$this->assertTrue(singleton('SiteTree')->getSiteConfig() instanceof SiteConfig);
$this->assertTrue(singleton('SiteTree')->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$this->assertTrue(singleton('SubsitesVirtualPage')->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
function testErrorPageLocations() {
$subsite1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite', 'domaintest1');
$path = ErrorPage::get_filepath_for_errorcode(500);
$static_path = Object::get_static('ErrorPage', 'static_filepath');
$expected_path = $static_path . '/error-500-'.$subsite1->domain().'.html';
$this->assertEquals($expected_path, $path);
function testRelatedPages() {
$this->assertTrue(singleton('RelatedPageLink')->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$importantpage = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'importantpage');
$contact = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'contact');
$link = new RelatedPageLink();
$link->MasterPageID = $importantpage->ID;
$link->RelatedPageID = $contact->ID;
$this->assertTrue(singleton('SiteTree')->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$this->assertEquals($importantpage->NormalRelated()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($contact->ReverseRelated()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertTrue($importantpage->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$this->assertTrue($contact->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$this->assertEquals($importantpage->canView(), $link->canView());
$this->assertEquals($importantpage->canEdit(), $link->canEdit());
$this->assertEquals($importantpage->canDelete(), $link->canDelete());
$this->assertEquals($link->RelatedPageAdminLink(), '<a href="admin/show/' . $contact->ID . '" class="cmsEditlink">Contact Us</a>');
function testCanEditSiteTree() {
$admin = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'admin');
$subsite1member = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subsite1member');
$subsite2member = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subsite2member');
$mainpage = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'home');
$subsite1page = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'subsite1_home');
$subsite2page = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'subsite2_home');
$subsite1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite_Template', 'subsite1');
$subsite2 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite_Template', 'subsite2');
// Cant pass member as arguments to canEdit() because of GroupSubsites
Session::set("loggedInAs", $admin->ID);
'Administrators can edit all subsites'
// @todo: Workaround because GroupSubsites->augmentSQL() is relying on session state
Session::set("loggedInAs", $subsite1member->ID);
'Members can edit pages on a subsite if they are in a group belonging to this subsite'
Session::set("loggedInAs", $subsite2member->ID);
'Members cant edit pages on a subsite if they are not in a group belonging to this subsite'
// @todo: Workaround because GroupSubsites->augmentSQL() is relying on session state
'Members cant edit pages on the main site if they are not in a group allowing this'
* Similar to {@link SubsitesVirtualPageTest->testSubsiteVirtualPageCanHaveSameUrlsegmentAsOtherSubsite()}.
function testTwoPagesWithSameURLOnDifferentSubsites() {
// Set up a couple of pages with the same URL on different subsites
$s1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest1');
$s2 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest2');
$p1 = new SiteTree();
$p1->Title = $p1->URLSegment = "test-page";
$p1->SubsiteID = $s1->ID;
$p2 = new SiteTree();
$p2->Title = $p1->URLSegment = "test-page";
$p2->SubsiteID = $s2->ID;
// Check that the URLs weren't modified in our set-up
$this->assertEquals($p1->URLSegment, 'test-page');
$this->assertEquals($p2->URLSegment, 'test-page');
// Check that if we switch between the different subsites, we receive the correct pages
$this->assertEquals($p1->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('test-page')->ID);
$this->assertEquals($p2->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('test-page')->ID);
function testPageTypesBlacklistInClassDropdown() {
Session::set("loggedInAs", null);
$s1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest1');
$s2 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest2');
$page = singleton('SiteTree');
$s1->PageTypeBlacklist = 'SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassA,ErrorPage';
function testPageTypesBlacklistInCMSMain() {
Session::set("loggedInAs", null);
$cmsmain = new CMSMain();
$s1 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest1');
$s2 = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite','domaintest2');
$s1->PageTypeBlacklist = 'SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassA,ErrorPage';
$classes = $cmsmain->PageTypes()->column('ClassName');
$this->assertNotContains('ErrorPage', $classes);
$this->assertNotContains('SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassA', $classes);
$this->assertContains('SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassB', $classes);
$classes = $cmsmain->PageTypes()->column("ClassName");
$this->assertContains('ErrorPage', $classes);
$this->assertContains('SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassA', $classes);
$this->assertContains('SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassB', $classes);
class SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassA extends SiteTree implements TestOnly {}
class SiteTreeSubsitesTest_ClassB extends SiteTree implements TestOnly {}