Ed 2ef72b374c BUG: Modifying the module to work with SS 3.0
Replaced deprecated DataObjectDecorator with DataExtension

Fixed hard crashes in the cms

Updated to support new LeftAndMain template structure

Made the subsites model admin functional

Moved the LeftAndMain_Menu template up a directory so it overrides the core

Fixed some errors caused by changes to the framework

Re-organized the code folder

Fixed permission issue causing to default to first subsite regardless if it is the default or not

Fixed crashes on the subsite virtual page when creating/editing

Removed toDropdownMap() calls replacing with map()

Fixed the URLSegment field on subsites

Fixed error when detecting subsite for a domain

Improved styles on the subsite dropdown

Updated LeftAndMain_Subsites.js to work with jQuery entwine

Started porting the SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js to use jQuery entwine and work with the new TreeDropdownField.js

Fixed issue causing crash when viewing a page who is linked to by a subsite virtual page

Removed unused methods on SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js

Re-added classes that were moved

Fixed hard crash after saving caused by the many_many definition on SiteTreeSubsites

Replaced deprecated DataObjectSet creation with ArrayList

Compatibility fixes with SS 3.0 beta 2

Fixed crash in cms caused by no parameter being passed to the SubsiteReportWrapper constructor

Proper fix for report wrapper

Removed table list field in favor of a basic grid field

Fixed updateCMSFields() for file subsites

Migrated translations to yml

Fixed issue causing the current page to not get cleared when changing subsites in the cms

Fixed virtual page icon

Fixed language files issue
2012-07-16 11:18:38 +12:00

148 lines
5.4 KiB

class GridFieldAddFromTemplateButton implements GridField_HTMLProvider {
protected $targetFragment;
public function __construct($targetFragment = 'before') {
$this->targetFragment = $targetFragment;
public function getHTMLFragments($gridField) {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'NewFromTemplateLink' => $gridField->Link('newFromTemplate'),
return array(
$this->targetFragment => $data->renderWith('GridFieldAddFromTemplateButton'),
class GridFieldAddFromTemplate extends GridFieldDetailForm {
public function getURLHandlers($gridField) {
return array(
public function newFromTemplate($gridField, $request) {
$controller = $gridField->getForm()->Controller();
if(is_numeric($request->param('ID'))) {
$record = $gridField->getList()->byId($request->param("ID"));
} else {
$record = Object::create($gridField->getModelClass());
$handler = Object::create('GridFieldAddFromTemplate_ItemRequest', $gridField, $this, $record, $controller, $this->name);
return $handler->handleRequest($request, DataModel::inst());
class GridFieldAddFromTemplate_ItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest {
public function Link($action = null) {
return $this->gridField->Link('newFromTemplate');
function edit($request) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->NewFromTemplateForm($this->gridField, $request);
$return = $this->customise(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form,
if($controller->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
// If not requested by ajax, we need to render it within the controller context+template
return $controller->customise(array(
// TODO CMS coupling
'Content' => $return,
public function NewFromTemplateForm() {
$fields=new FieldList(
new DropdownField('TemplateID', _t('GridFieldAddFromTemplate.TEMPLATE', '_Template'), $templates->map('ID', 'Name'))
$actions=new FieldList(
FormAction::create('doCreateFromTemplate', _t('GridFieldDetailsForm.Create', 'Create'))->setUseButtonTag(true)->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add')
// Add a Cancel link which is a button-like link and link back to one level up.
$curmbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if($curmbs && $curmbs->count()>=2){
$one_level_up = $curmbs->offsetGet($curmbs->count()-2);
$text = "
<a class=\"crumb ss-ui-button ss-ui-action-destructive cms-panel-link ui-corner-all\" href=\"".$one_level_up->Link."\">
$actions->push(new LiteralField('cancelbutton', $text));
$validator=new RequiredFields('TemplateID');
$form=new Form($this, 'NewFromTemplateForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
// Always show with base template (full width, no other panels),
// regardless of overloaded CMS controller templates.
// TODO Allow customization, e.g. to display an edit form alongside a search form from the CMS controller
$form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center ss-tabset');
if($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) $form->Fields()->findOrMakeTab('Root')->setTemplate('CMSTabSet');
// TODO Link back to controller action (and edited root record) rather than index,
// which requires more URL knowledge than the current link to this field gives us.
// The current root record is held in session only,
// e.g. page/edit/show/6/ vs. page/edit/EditForm/field/MyGridField/....
$form->Backlink = $toplevelController->Link();
return $form;
public function doCreateFromTemplate($data, Form $form) {
$template=DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite_Template', intval($data['TemplateID']));
if($template) {
return $this->redirect(parent::Link());
}else {
$form->sessionMessage(_t('GridFieldAddFromTemplate.TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND', '_The selected template could not be found'), 'bad');
return $this->redirectBack();
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @param boolean $unlinked
* @return ArrayData
function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false) {
if(!$this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) return;
$items = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => sprintf(_t('GridFieldAddFromTemplate.NewFromTemplate', 'New %s from template'), $this->record->singular_name()),
'Link' => false
return $items;