UndefinedOffset ef4d539a12 BUG: Merged patch from kmayo how ever re-added some of the removed fields since they really should appear on the Main Content tab instead of the Metadata tab.
Fixed a few missed strict errors

Applied patch from kmayo to fix issues with SubsiteAdminTest.php

Fixed issue causing the url segments of subsites created from a template to add -2 to the end

Fixed undefined method TotalItems() on datalist for the SubsiteTest

Fixed failure on SubsiteTest because DataObject::get_one() now returns boolean false instead of null when no result is found

Fixed failure on SubsitesVirtualPageTest caused by Versioned::get_one_by_stage() returning null instead of false

Fixed failure caused by the contact-us page existing on subsite 2

Merged another patch from kmayo

Force main site to be on, for some reason it gets hidden in some cases i.e. refreshing the cms while editing a page
2012-07-16 11:21:54 +12:00

58 lines
1.7 KiB

class FileSubsitesTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'subsites/tests/SubsiteTest.yml';
function testTrivialFeatures() {
$file = new File();
$file->Name = 'FileTitle';
$file->Title = 'FileTitle';
$this->assertEquals(' * FileTitle', $file->alternateTreeTitle());
$file->SubsiteID = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite', 'domaintest1')->ID;
$this->assertEquals('FileTitle', $file->getTreeTitle());
$this->assertTrue(singleton('Folder')->getCMSFields() instanceof FieldList);
$this->assertEquals($file->cacheKeyComponent(), 'subsite-1');
function testWritingSubsiteID() {
$this->objFromFixture('Member', 'admin')->logIn();
$subsite = $this->objFromFixture('Subsite', 'domaintest1');
FileSubsites::$default_root_folders_global = true;
$file = new File();
$this->assertEquals((int)$file->SubsiteID, 0);
$file = new File();
$this->assertEquals((int)$file->SubsiteID, 0);
FileSubsites::$default_root_folders_global = false;
$file = new File();
$this->assertEquals($file->SubsiteID, $subsite->ID);
// Test inheriting from parent folder
$folder = new Folder();
$this->assertEquals($folder->SubsiteID, $subsite->ID);
FileSubsites::$default_root_folders_global = true;
$file = new File();
$file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
$this->assertEquals($folder->SubsiteID, $file->SubsiteID);