<?php namespace SilverStripe\Subsites\Tests; use Page; use SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree; use SilverStripe\Control\Director; use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config; use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; use SilverStripe\Security\Member; use SilverStripe\Subsites\Model\Subsite; use SilverStripe\Subsites\Model\SubsiteDomain; use SilverStripe\Subsites\State\SubsiteState; use UnexpectedValueException; class SubsiteTest extends BaseSubsiteTest { protected static $fixture_file = 'SubsiteTest.yml'; protected $usesTransactions = false; /** * Original value of $_REQUEST * * @var array */ protected $origServer = []; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); Config::modify() ->set(Director::class, 'alternate_base_url', '/') ->set(Subsite::class, 'strict_subdomain_matching', false) ->set(Subsite::class, 'write_hostmap', false); $this->origServer = $_SERVER; } protected function tearDown(): void { $_SERVER = $this->origServer; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Create a new subsite from the template and verify that all the template's pages are copied */ public function testSubsiteCreation() { // Create the instance $template = $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'main'); // Test that changeSubsite is working Subsite::changeSubsite($template->ID); $this->assertEquals($template->ID, SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId()); $tmplStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff'); $tmplHome = DataObject::get_one('Page', "\"URLSegment\" = 'home'"); // Publish all the pages in the template, testing that DataObject::get only returns pages // from the chosen subsite $pages = DataObject::get(SiteTree::class); $totalPages = $pages->count(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $this->assertEquals($template->ID, $page->SubsiteID); $page->copyVersionToStage('Stage', 'Live'); } // Create a new site $subsite = $template->duplicate(); // Check title $this->assertEquals($subsite->Title, $template->Title); // Another test that changeSubsite is working $subsite->activate(); $siteHome = DataObject::get_one('Page', "\"URLSegment\" = 'home'"); $this->assertNotEquals($siteHome, false, 'Home Page for subsite not found'); $this->assertEquals( $subsite->ID, $siteHome->SubsiteID, 'createInstance() copies existing pages retaining the same URLSegment' ); Subsite::changeSubsite(0); } /** * Confirm that domain lookup is working */ public function testDomainLookup() { // Clear existing fixtures foreach (DataObject::get(Subsite::class) as $subsite) { $subsite->delete(); } foreach (DataObject::get(SubsiteDomain::class) as $domain) { $domain->delete(); } // Much more expressive than YML in this case $subsite1 = $this->createSubsiteWithDomains([ 'one.example.org' => true, 'one.*' => false, ]); $subsite2 = $this->createSubsiteWithDomains([ 'two.mysite.com' => true, '*.mysite.com' => false, 'subdomain.onmultiplesubsites.com' => false, ]); $subsite3 = $this->createSubsiteWithDomains([ 'three.*' => true, // wildcards in primary domain are not recommended 'subdomain.unique.com' => false, '*.onmultiplesubsites.com' => false, ]); $this->assertEquals( $subsite3->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('subdomain.unique.com'), 'Full unique match' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('one.example.org'), 'Full match, doesn\'t complain about multiple matches within a single subsite' ); $failed = false; try { Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('subdomain.onmultiplesubsites.com'); } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { $failed = true; } $this->assertTrue( $failed, 'Fails on multiple matches with wildcard vs. www across multiple subsites' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('one.unique.com'), 'Fuzzy match suffixed with wildcard (rule "one.*")' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite2->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('two.mysite.com'), 'Matches correct subsite for rule' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite2->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('other.mysite.com'), 'Fuzzy match prefixed with wildcard (rule "*.mysite.com")' ); $this->assertEquals( 0, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('unknown.madeup.com'), "Doesn't match unknown subsite" ); } public function testStrictSubdomainMatching() { // Clear existing fixtures foreach (DataObject::get(Subsite::class) as $subsite) { $subsite->delete(); } foreach (DataObject::get(SubsiteDomain::class) as $domain) { $domain->delete(); } // Much more expressive than YML in this case $subsite1 = $this->createSubsiteWithDomains([ 'example.org' => true, 'example.com' => false, '*.wildcard.com' => false, ]); $subsite2 = $this->createSubsiteWithDomains([ 'www.example.org' => true, 'www.wildcard.com' => false, ]); Config::modify()->set(Subsite::class, 'strict_subdomain_matching', false); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('example.org'), 'Exact matches without strict checking when not using www prefix' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('example.org:1123'), 'Exact matches without strict checking when not using www prefix and ignores port' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.example.org'), 'Matches without strict checking when using www prefix, ' .'still matching first domain regardless of www prefix (falling back to subsite primary key ordering)' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.example.org:9923'), 'Matches without strict checking when using www prefix, ' .'still matching first domain without prefix (falling back to primary key ordering and ignoring port)' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.example.com'), 'Fuzzy matches without strict checking with www prefix' ); $this->assertEquals( 0, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.wildcard.com'), 'Doesn\'t match www prefix without strict check, even if a wildcard subdomain is in place' ); Config::modify()->set(Subsite::class, 'strict_subdomain_matching', true); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('example.org'), 'Matches with strict checking when not using www prefix' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite1->ID, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('example.org:123'), 'Matches with strict checking when not using www prefix and ignores port' ); $this->assertEquals( $subsite2->ID, // not 1 Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.example.org'), 'Matches with strict checking when using www prefix' ); $this->assertEquals( 0, Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.example.com'), 'Doesn\'t fuzzy match with strict checking when using www prefix' ); $failed = false; try { Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain('www.wildcard.com'); } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { $failed = true; } $this->assertTrue( $failed, 'Fails on multiple matches with strict checking and wildcard vs. www' ); } protected function createSubsiteWithDomains($domains) { $subsite = new Subsite([ 'Title' => 'My Subsite' ]); $subsite->write(); foreach ($domains as $domainStr => $isPrimary) { $domain = new SubsiteDomain([ 'Domain' => $domainStr, 'IsPrimary' => $isPrimary, 'SubsiteID' => $subsite->ID ]); $domain->write(); } return $subsite; } /** * Test the Subsite->domain() method */ public function testDefaultDomain() { $this->assertEquals( 'one.example.org', $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'domaintest1')->domain() ); $this->assertEquals( 'two.mysite.com', $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'domaintest2')->domain() ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'www.example.org'; $this->assertEquals( 'three.example.org', $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'domaintest3')->domain() ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'mysite.example.org'; $this->assertEquals( 'three.mysite.example.org', $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'domaintest3')->domain() ); $this->assertEquals($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], singleton(Subsite::class)->PrimaryDomain); $this->assertEquals( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Director::baseURL(), singleton(Subsite::class)->absoluteBaseURL() ); } /** * Tests that Subsite and SubsiteDomain both respect http protocol correctly * * @param string $class Fixture class name * @param string $identifier Fixture identifier * @param bool $currentIsSecure Whether the current base URL should be secure * @param string $expected The expected base URL for the subsite or subsite domain * @dataProvider domainProtocolProvider */ public function testDomainProtocol($class, $identifier, $currentIsSecure, $expected) { /** @var Subsite|SubsiteDomain $model */ $model = $this->objFromFixture($class, $identifier); $protocol = $currentIsSecure ? 'https' : 'http'; Config::modify()->set(Director::class, 'alternate_base_url', $protocol . '://www.mysite.com'); $this->assertSame($expected, $model->absoluteBaseURL()); } public function domainProtocolProvider() { return [ [Subsite::class, 'domaintest2', false, 'http://two.mysite.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt2a', false, 'http://two.mysite.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt2b', false, 'http://subsite.mysite.com/'], [Subsite::class, 'domaintest4', false, 'https://www.primary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt4a', false, 'https://www.primary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt4b', false, 'http://www.secondary.com/'], [Subsite::class, 'domaintest5', false, 'http://www.tertiary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt5', false, 'http://www.tertiary.com/'], [Subsite::class, 'domaintest2', true, 'https://two.mysite.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt2a', true, 'https://two.mysite.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt2b', true, 'https://subsite.mysite.com/'], [Subsite::class, 'domaintest4', true, 'https://www.primary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt4a', true, 'https://www.primary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt4b', true, 'http://www.secondary.com/'], [Subsite::class, 'domaintest5', true, 'http://www.tertiary.com/'], [SubsiteDomain::class, 'dt5', true, 'http://www.tertiary.com/'], ]; } public function testAllSites() { $subsites = Subsite::all_sites(); $this->assertDOSEquals([ ['Title' => 'Main site'], ['Title' => 'Template'], ['Title' => 'Subsite1 Template'], ['Title' => 'Subsite2 Template'], ['Title' => 'Test 1'], ['Title' => 'Test 2'], ['Title' => 'Test 3'], ['Title' => 'Test Non-SSL'], ['Title' => 'Test SSL'], ['Title' => 'Test Vagrant VM on port 8080'], ['Title' => 'Locale subsite'], ], $subsites, 'Lists all subsites'); } public function testAllAccessibleSites() { $member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'subsite1member'); $subsites = Subsite::all_accessible_sites(true, 'Main site', $member); $this->assertDOSEquals([ ['Title' => 'Subsite1 Template'] ], $subsites, 'Lists member-accessible sites.'); } /** * Test Subsite::accessible_sites() */ public function testAccessibleSites() { $member1Sites = Subsite::accessible_sites( 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', false, null, $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'subsite1member') ); $member1SiteTitles = $member1Sites->column('Title'); sort($member1SiteTitles); $this->assertEquals('Subsite1 Template', $member1SiteTitles[0], 'Member can get to a subsite via a group'); $adminSites = Subsite::accessible_sites( 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', false, null, $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'admin') ); $adminSiteTitles = $adminSites->column('Title'); sort($adminSiteTitles); $this->assertEquals([ 'Locale subsite', 'Subsite1 Template', 'Subsite2 Template', 'Template', 'Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3', 'Test Non-SSL', 'Test SSL', 'Test Vagrant VM on port 8080' ], array_values($adminSiteTitles ?? [])); $member2Sites = Subsite::accessible_sites( 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', false, null, $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'subsite1member2') ); $member2SiteTitles = $member2Sites->column('Title'); sort($member2SiteTitles); $this->assertEquals('Subsite1 Template', $member2SiteTitles[1], 'Member can get to subsite via a group role'); } public function testhasMainSitePermission() { $admin = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'admin'); $subsite1member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'subsite1member'); $subsite1admin = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'subsite1admin'); $allsubsitesauthor = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'allsubsitesauthor'); $this->assertTrue( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($admin), 'Default permissions granted for super-admin' ); $this->assertTrue( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($admin, ['ADMIN']), 'ADMIN permissions granted for super-admin' ); $this->assertFalse( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($subsite1admin, ['ADMIN']), 'ADMIN permissions (on main site) denied for subsite1 admin' ); $this->assertFalse( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($subsite1admin, ['CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain']), 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain (on main site) denied for subsite1 admin' ); $this->assertFalse( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($allsubsitesauthor, ['ADMIN']), 'ADMIN permissions (on main site) denied for CMS author with edit rights on all subsites' ); $this->assertTrue( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($allsubsitesauthor, ['CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain']), 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain (on main site) granted for CMS author with edit rights on all subsites' ); $this->assertFalse( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($subsite1member, ['ADMIN']), 'ADMIN (on main site) denied for subsite1 subsite1 cms author' ); $this->assertFalse( Subsite::hasMainSitePermission($subsite1member, ['CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain']), 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain (on main site) denied for subsite1 cms author' ); } public function testDuplicateSubsite() { // get subsite1 & create page $subsite1 = $this->objFromFixture(Subsite::class, 'domaintest1'); $subsite1->activate(); $page1 = new Page(); $page1->Title = 'MyAwesomePage'; $page1->write(); $page1->doPublish(); $this->assertEquals($page1->SubsiteID, $subsite1->ID); // duplicate $subsite2 = $subsite1->duplicate(); $subsite2->activate(); // change content on dupe $page2 = DataObject::get_one('Page', "\"Title\" = 'MyAwesomePage'"); $page2->Title = 'MyNewAwesomePage'; $page2->write(); $page2->doPublish(); // check change & check change has not affected subiste1 $subsite1->activate(); $this->assertEquals('MyAwesomePage', DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $page1->ID)->Title); $subsite2->activate(); $this->assertEquals('MyNewAwesomePage', DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $page2->ID)->Title); } public function testDefaultPageCreatedWhenCreatingSubsite() { $subsite = new Subsite(); $subsite->Title = 'New Subsite'; $subsite->write(); $subsite->activate(); $pages = SiteTree::get(); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, $pages->count()); } }