Behaviour.register({ '#SubsiteActions select' : { onchange: function() { if($('Form_AddPageOptionsForm_SubsiteID')) { $('Form_AddPageOptionsForm_SubsiteID').value = this.value; } var request = new Ajax.Request(SiteTreeHandlers.controller_url + '/changesubsite?SubsiteID=' + this.value + '&ajax=1', { onSuccess: function(response) { if ($('sitetree')) { $('sitetree').innerHTML = response.responseText; SiteTree.applyTo($('sitetree')); $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(0).onselect(); } }, onFailure: function(response) { errorMessage('Could not change subsite', response); } }); } }, '#SubsiteActions a' : { onclick: function() { var subsiteName = prompt('Enter the name of the new site',''); if(subsiteName && subsiteName != '') { var request = new Ajax.Request(this.href + '?Name=' + encodeURIComponent(subsiteName) + '&ajax=1', { onSuccess: function(response) { var origSelect = $('SubsitesSelect'); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = response.responseText; var newSelect = div.firstChild; while(origSelect.length > 0) origSelect.remove(0); for(var j = 0; j < newSelect.length; j++) { var opt = newSelect.options.item(j).cloneNode(true); var newOption = document.createElement('option'); /*if(opt.text) newOption.text = opt.text;*/ if(opt.firstChild) newOption.text = opt.firstChild.nodeValue; newOption.value = opt.value; //console.log(newOption.text + ' ' + newOption.value); try { origSelect.add(newOption, null); } catch(ex) { origSelect.add(newOption); } } statusMessage('Created ' + subsiteName, 'good'); }, onFailure: function(response) { errorMessage('Could not create new subsite', response); } }); } return false; } }, // Subsite tab of Group editor '#Form_EditForm_AccessAllSubsites' : { initialize: function () { this.showHideSubsiteList(); var i=0,items=this.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(i=0;i